will you be mine?

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Murkus sat at his office doing paperwork as usual. He turned to look at the sleeping people in his office. Tyron and Sandra were cuddled up at the three seat sofa. Victor was at the floor with Calvin and Tryzah curled up on the single sofa. He smiled to himself. This is what he wanted. A family full of love and happiness but he was worried. He was worried about his ex wife and his family. He knew they aren't just silent for nothing.

"Hey. What are you thinking about." Markus shook his head and turned to his love.

"I love you." He whispered. Tyron looked around then his eyes turned to Markus sporting a shy smile. He was greatful he was black cause he would have been red.

"I.. um.. I love you too." He whispered. Markus looked into his eyes before smirking. He loved it when he would see such a reaction from Tyron since it was really rare.

"I'm almost done then we could all go get ice cream." He said turning to the papers in front of him.

"Ice cream!!" Two year old Sandie screamed.

"Did someone say ice cream? I'm in." Calvin said.

"Me too." Victor and Tryzah said.

"Well, let's go then." Markus said arranging the papers neatly. He wouldn't have finished them then. They all went to the park and sat down each with their own. Markus had his hand around Tyron while the rest ran around enjoying themselves.

"Dad?" Everyone turned to Calvin then to the called person. "Father?" His father turned to look at him then everyone surrounding him then left without a word. Everyone grouped Calvin and gave him a tight hug. Little did they know Calvin's father had turned back and watched them.

"It's for your best son. I love you." He smiled to himself sadly. "Good bye." He took deep breaths controlling his breathing before walking away. Tyron lifted his head and nodded at him before leaning into Markus.

"Sir, there's a lady here waiting for you." His secretary said through the phone. "She says she's your childhood friend. Martha."

"Let her in." He waited till she was seated then he lifted his head. "Martha, how have you been?"

"I've been great Markus. How are you?" She said sitting comfortably.

"I've been doing great actually." He said smiling. "How's your mother? It's been long since I saw her."

"My parents are doing good.i heard you have kids?" She said playing with her chain.

"Yeah, they are awesome." He said not knowing what to add. This meeting was just awkward.

"So um... your parents sent me." Markus shook his head. This didn't surprise him. "Your father owes my father some money and apparently they agreed on my marriage to you since you are still single."

"Sorry. I'm taken." He said crossing his arms. "My heart is already claimed."

"Yeah, he told me about the black guy deceiving you." She said and Markus was getting angry. "He said that the guy is playing you into getting your fortune. He also has a kid. Did you know?" His phone rang.

"Hey love." Markus said not caring if he was hurting the feelings of the woman in front of him.

"Markus, are you... are you free?" Tyron was nervous. He just received a call from his mother and he didn't know how to react to it. He needed Markus but he was worried he was busy and he's been lately piling his problems onto him. "Can we talk?"

"Yes. Where are you?" Markus was worried with the tone he used. Something was bothering him.

"I'm at the kitchen with the kids from school."

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