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It's already been a month and Tyron still couldnt find his fiancee. He has been working hard to keep the restaurants standing despite the efforts being thrown against him by the Rivers. He was once arrested but Markus people got him out, they hired a fake health inspector and published it, that took a major drop for the restaurants but a legit one cleared up the mess, they attempted to kill him, they even burnt down the house he lived in almost killing little Sandra and Hector. There were more but he is trying to cope with them though he is sure he is almost at a breaking point.

"Tyron, I have good news and bad news." Cyrus said entering the office.

"I could use some good news right now. I am exhausted." Tyron sighed signing some papers. "I haven't slept in two weeks. Those people are making it hard for me. How are the kids? Hope they aren't disturbing you."

"They are fine. So the good news then?" Tyron nodded. "I found Markus." Tyron dropped his pen and turned to Cyrus.

"Don't pull my leg." He said seriously.

"I did, at the public library. We crossed paths." Cyrus said smiling.

"How was he, what did he say?" Tyron asked worried.

"That is where my bad news comes in. He didn't recognize me. He just smiled at me and went." Cyrus said. He had hoped that the news would bring a smile to his friend but he seemed to be more distressed.

"How did he look like." Tyron asked seating down.

"Healthy, fine. He looked okay. No visible injuries so maybe, probably the accident was staged?" Tyron nodded. "Oh yeah, he still has the ring with him."

"I need to go see him." Tyron took another paper reading through. "We go tommorow, hopefully he'll be there."

"Yeah, okay." Cyrus said. "Go sleep at the coach and let me do those. You need rest." He took the papers from Tyron and pulled him to the coach. Don't worry, I won't let anyone in."

"Thanks Cyrus." He said yawning and he slept.

"Do you think he'll know me?" Tyron asked as they walked around the block. He was excited yet scared.

"I hope so, but if he doesn't, it's best you don't force him into remembering. People with emnisia might go into brain shock if being forced into memories. That's why they do it slowly."

"Oh. Sorry." As if on reflex, he caught the guy's colar with one hand and another on the waist. Tyron held his breath getting to look into the blue eyes he knew and had memorized. They stayed in the same position each enjoying the closeness of each other, the warmth they provided, the face they want painted in their minds. Markus moved back quickly.

"I'm sorry." He said moving back. "What is wrong with me?" He asked himself feeling his heart that had accelerated. "I'm sorry." He repeated.

"Sir." A voice called and Cyrus pulled Tyron away into hiding leaving Markus who had his hand on his chest. "Sir, are you okay?" Markus nodded and they left.

"He, I. He he." Tyron tried to put his words right.

"Come on, let's go home." Cyrus pulled him to their car and drove them home. "He's fine. You saw him. He is okay, go on. Get some rest."

Tyron couldn't sleep. Markus kept invading his mind. Everything since the day they met kept on replaying in his head. He wanted Markus back. He needed him. His clothes no longer smelt of him but he would always change and sleep in them. The sheets no longer have his scent but he kept them, he didn't care that they were dirty. He still hugged his pillow but that wasn't enough. He needed to feel Markus hands around him. He needed his warmth, he needed his touch, he needed his voice, he needed his caresses, he needed his cooking, he needed his safety, he needed his kisses he needed him. He stood and went to his office. He worked all night and morning waiting for Cyrus. They needed to go back to the library.

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