welcome to the family

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He got into one of his hotel for a meeting but didn't expect to find Tyron seated there dressed in an official black suit without the tie on and hair tied into an untidy bun talking to his secretary. His search for another bodyguard in the past two days had been fruitless. He wasn't looking for anyone as good as him anymore. He was looking for someone who was like Tyron. He was looking for another Tyron.

"Tyron?" Markus called and Tyron turned his attention to him. "What are you doing here?"

"Um, hello sir." Tyron scratched the back of his neck. "I'm here to see if there is still a vacancy in the position." He awkwardly looked around avoiding his eyes.

"Lets go talk in my office." Markus moved to his secretary. "Tell them that the meeting is cancelled today and I don't want any disturbance." As he said this with a blank face, his heart was leaping with joy. His children would be safe. They got into the office. Tyron stood at the door looking in awe at the office. He has never seen an office like this. Markus went to the crib next to his chair and picked Sandra up.

"You go to work with her?" Tyron asked looking at how the office had room for a small play area and a crib.

"Yes." Markus motioned for the seat in front of his work table. "I don't trust anyone but me with my children unless for some exemptions."

"Okay." Tyron watched as he fed the little one. "What's her name?"

"Sandra." Markus said smiling then his face turned serious. "What changed your mind?"

"I like thinking things through." Tyron shrugged as if he didn't have more reasons unsaid. "I want to help you protect your children till they are fine. I also thought of teaching them some defence moves in order to depend on themselves. It's what I do." Markus nodded smiling to himself. He needed someone like him.

"Well, I'm still searching for another bodyguard but I'm glad you agreed to it. My search is now ended." Markus said burping the kid. "All you have to do is ensuring that the kids are at school and back home. I always do that but it is tiring. Wait, you'll be bringing them back here to work so we go together and they finish their homework. That's it."

"That's it?" Tyron asked seeing it as an easy job.

"Yeah. You'll drive them to school and back. You'll live at my place and don't have to worry about the chores. I always have them worked out." Tyron nodded. "But I still need your signature here. Read through it first if you are okay with the terms and conditions." Tyron read through and was shocked.

"This amount of money for just driving?" He shook his head. "This is too much."

"It's not just driving them. Our peaceful days are few compared to the days we get in trouble." Tyron looked at him his eyes wide. "Please don't reject it. I need a person with skills as yours and it is hard finding one with such skills." Tyron smirked.

"Why thank you sir." He said and they both chuckled.

"Oh yeah, you'll be staying with us, so drop the formalities and call me by my name." Tyron nodded smiling. "Come on, we are going to get your stuff to my place then get my children."

They both packed up and went to Tyron's house. They arranged everything into his new home and off they were to school.

"Tell me about yourself." Markus said his eyes on the road.

"I'm sure you know about me now." Markus nodded.

"It was hard since you are a ghost but it's nice to hear from you. Tell me about your background, your fears, allergies and faults." Tyron was taken a back with those words. No one ever took their time to know him. This was more than work related and he was proven right with the next statement. "I know I don't have to know but we are going to live under the same roof and it's good to know each other." Tyron nodded and started.

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