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Minnie had always been a good little angel. She followed the rules, perfectly executed all of her duties, and best of all, seemed to possess the qualities (figuratively and literally) of a perfectly pure angel.

That is, until one day, she sinned.

At the age of 18, all angels had to make a choice. A choice of what rank they desired to lead in, specifically, at what extent they were willing to measure their purity.

Minnie had already been set on pursing a high ranking career. After all, her best friend, Miyeon, had already been appointed as an archangel at the mere age of 19.

Her other friends, Shuhua and Yuqi, were a little less pure. The two seemed fascinated with the topic of Hell, and how unknown and mysterious it was. It was no surprise that the two 17 year old girls were studying in "inferno atrium", the sciences of Hell.

Minnie never had any interests in hell in the first place, that is, until the night of her 18th birthday.

She had a huge test the next day on the concept of angelic duties, and she knew that her father was specialized in the study of angelic society itself.

She walked into his run down office, sporting a wooden and dusty color. The place looked abandoned, with papers, dust, and pens everywhere. Minnie walked up the file cabinet, where in which one of two compartments were always locked.

Ignoring the locked cabinet, she pulled the other one open, wincing when the sharp metal outer edge cut into her skin, the scarlet red blood of her hand cascading off of her skin.

She balled her hand into a fist, trying to stop, or at least minimalize, the blood flow. Looking at her wound, she realized that she had cut it pretty deep.

"Ouch. Now Miyeon is gonna have to treat this." Minnie sighed, Miyeon wasn't a healer by all means, but at least she was better than Yuqi and Shuhua, who were both literally walking hazards.

Minnie ignored the cut on her hand, and kept picking through the cabinet, hoping to find a basic guide to "angel studies", when she heard a lock turn.

"Dad?" Minnie called out, rooted down in her place. She didn't move, her breathing stilled, while she waited for a response.

No answer.

Minnie could hear a faint ringing, almost like a bright synth. She slowly looked down; the lock was open.

In all of her years, she had never been able to figure out how to open the lock. Her father stressed that it was strictly confidential, and that she was never to open it.

So why now? Why was her blood the key to opening the mysterious lock, that seemed to hold such a desirable aura, as Minnie felt gravity pushing her hand involuntarily towards the cabinet; her finger grasped the metal handle tightly, wincing once again in pain as her hands coated the gray with red.

Her hands were shaking, her pulse was on fire, and she felt her whole body burning with fuel. The cabinet opened, revealing a red bracelet.

Minnie grasped the bracelet in her shaking hands, the tip of her fingers running along the shiny red bracelet, that was engraved with the following numbers, 1849.

Minnie looked at the bracelet one more time, as it pulled her in. She was enchanted by it, it was like someone was calling out to her, like someone else was there, like a memory. Minnie felt like she was supposed to know who this was, but couldn't remember for her life.

She slipped the bracelet on, and headed out of the office, straight to Miyeon, who would help patch her up.

"Happy Birthday, Min! What brings you here?" Miyeon smiled, while looking at Minnie, who blushed a slight red, similar to the color of her hand, which Miyeon just noticed.

She wasted no time in rushing over to the younger girl, with deep worry on her ethereal features.

"What happened?" Miyeon asked, rushing to patch up Minnie's hand, which was quite severe for such a cut.

"I cut myself on the cabinet, no big deal." Minnie responded, debating whether she would even consider telling Miyeon the rest.

"Well, it's a pretty deep cut, for 'no big deal', Ms. Yontararak." Miyeon sarcastically laughed, as she patched up Minnie's hand.

"Come, sit in my lap." Miyeon invited Minnie over, as a friendly gesture, but Minnie was hesitant.

She had blooming feelings for the archangel, even though she wouldn't ever admit it to anyone. The minute she did, she would be sentenced. So when Minnie sat down, and Miyeon wrapped her arms around the girl, Minnie stiffened.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Miyeon looked over at Minnie's who eyes had turned glossy. She gulped, trying to keep her shit together, but stilled when she started to hear thoughts inside her head.

"Do it! Kiss her. You know you want to, why are you avoiding it? How could a whole lifetime of denial be worth hopping around one measly sin? Do it. Do it!" The voice in her head boomed, as Minnie could no longer think. The bracelet turned a scorching red, and Minnie's eyes darkened.

"I'm sorry, unnie." Minnie whispered, before connecting their lips together.

This story is inspired and based off of the "oh my god" music video from (g)idle. I don't know much about the religious details concerning Heaven and Hell, so I apologize if some things aren't factual.

However, I've always wanted to write a story like this, and I've really fallen in love with creating stories, however bad they may be. Also, I know the prologue is kind of long, but there is a lot of backstory that supports what will happen in the first chapter.

Thank you all, for the support on my stories. It amazes me that someone would care enough to read my work, let alone enjoy it. I hope this book is enjoyable for you all, thank you again.

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