naughty | M

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Hey guys, sorry for the longer waits between updates. I'm starting to get very preoccupied lately within tasks in my life, so I apologize for the slower updates. However, I've found some time, so please enjoy!

The name is inspired by the song "Naughty" by Irene and Seulgi since the song is an actual bop and the title is perfect for this chapter.

As always, this is a mature chapter, and may not be suitable for all viewers, so if this makes you uncomfortable, it's more than okay to skip this chapter.

With that being said, let's get to the chapter!

The two girls sat in silence as the car drove them towards the hotel that they would be staying at for the night. Namjoon and Jin had accompanied them with a large sum of money; they were doctors after all.

"Jin? Is everything alright?" Shuhua whispered, thanking the driver as they exited the car, with Soojin keeping her stoic and cold expression.

"Soojin, please answer me." Shuhua tried, as her girlfriend avoided her gaze, looking ahead of her as she fastened her pace towards the grand lobby.

"God damn." Shuhua muttered, running a little bit to catch up with Soojin as they gawked at the expensiveness of the lobby.

The theme was clearly gold, or Shuhua was colorblind. A bright, beautiful chandelier hung right in the center, as the two demons observed the crowd they were in; a bunch of rich looking women and men who were most definitely either CEOs or rich kids that leeched onto their parents' money.

Either way, their grandness wasn't underappreciated, as Shuhua kept a visible gaze on their fur coats and red lipstick, on the $50,000 watches that were more than her entire car payment.

"Yes, one room please. Thank you." Soojin thanked the man at the counter, as she gripped the key card tight, striding in front of Shuhua who looked at her with concern; she couldn't tell what was bothering the older girl.

"Holy fucking shit!" Shuhua wanted to scream, but held it in as she looked at the ridiculously fancy room, the sheets silk and the counter alone costs more than it should.

"This is crazy." Soojin finally muttered, as Shuhua felt happier upon hearing the girl speak.

The two girls put their stuff down, as Shuhua looked at Soojin with a look the older couldn't quite decipher, perhaps it was concern or borderline mysteriousness?

"Why aren't you talking baby?" Shuhua asked softly, as Soojin huffed, taking a deep breath.

"Why did you let her do that?" Soojin mumbled, earning a head turn from Shuhua.

"Let who do what? You're gonna have to be more specific, Jin." Shuhua chuckled, her smirk fading once Soojin glared at her with clear anger evident in her eyes.

"You let the waitress flirt with you, Shu. I think you might be forgetting some things." Soojin spat, as Shuhua flinched slightly, the cold tone wasn't one that she was used to.

"It was harmless, Soojin! It's just a joke." Shuhua tried to reassure her, as Soojin scoffed.

"It's not a joke to me, Shuhua! I love you and I don't want anyone else to get in the way of that!" Soojin strided closer towards the younger girl in a fury.

"I love you too, Jin! No one can get in the way, trust me!" Shuhua yelled back, her sentence abrupt once Soojin's lips landed on hers, kissing her harshly as she ran her hands through Shuhua's hair.

"You deserve a punishment." Soojin rasped, pushing her onto the silk roughly as she pinned Shuhua underneath her, shoving her tongue in her mouth as the younger girl moaned into her touch, loving the domination.

"Then punish me." Shuhua slyly replied, with Soojin grunting as she practically ripped her shirt off, Shuhua's with it.

"Jin..." Shuhua gasped as she felt familiar lips sucking on her neck in fervor, Soojin's cherry perfume driving the latter crazy as she held onto the hips that straddled her.

Soojin recklessly unclasped Shuhua's bra, throwing it wherever it landed, as she quickly flicked her tongue onto the sensitive skin, the younger girl whimpering as Soojin glided her tongue across her breasts, sucking and biting harshly, allowing her hands to roam down the latter's body.

"Please..." Shuhua breathed out as Soojin mercilessly marked her body, allowing for her tongue to create patterns, biting hickies in the shape of a heart on her collarbone, tracing Shuhua's pale delicate skin with her hands.

Soojin's cold hands brought on a feeling that Shuhua reveled in, as the coldness made her whimper more, the sensation driving her crazy already. Her impatience would be the death of her one day.

Laughing at Shuhua's desperation, Soojin helped her unbuckle her pants, sliding them off with her underwear as the older girl quickly undressed herself with speed, not forgetting to grab the bandana she had bought earlier.

"We can't make much noise. Plus, I would love to hear your cries under me with a muffle." Soojin smirked, as Shuhua quickly got what this was about, the feeling of sensory deprivation accumulating within her as she allowed for Soojin to tie it around her mouth, making a makeshift gag.

Shuhua clamped her pearly white teeth onto it as Soojin teased her, running a finger through her folds, making her whither underneath her as she positioned herself lower on the bed, sticking her tongue in rather adjacently as Shuhua almost screamed.

Soojin moved her tongue in patterns, the younger girl withering around as the pleasure was so much for her.

"How ironic. I haven't even gotten to the good part yet." Soojin thought, almost laughing as she stuck her two fingers into Shuhua harshly, the girl jolting back on the bed as she felt Soojin move inside her.

"Ugh!" Shuhua cried out, as Soojin felt a burning sensation upon hearing Shuhua's muffled cries, upon doing something that could possibly get them caught.

What could she say? Danger is thrilling.

"You're mine, got it?" Soojin bit sharply on Shuhua's ear, as the latter rolled her eyes back into her head as she felt Soojin pick up her pace, adding two more fingers as Shuhua's muffled groans and cried filled up the room.

"Ah!" If Soojin could listen to something all day, it would most definitely be Shuhua's angelic groans as she hit her sweet spot, thrusting deeply with fervor as the latter couldn't contain herself, biting down on the cloth like her life depended on it.

"This is what happens when you act naughty, baby. I will punish you for it." Soojin grunted, as she keep a ridiculously fast pace, Shuhua's release was nearing.

"I-unnie!" Shuhua begged, as Soojin felt Shuhua tense up, fucking her with extra power until the younger girl came onto her hand, whimpering one last time before Soojin looked at her with satisfaction, sweat on her face from the hard work.

"I might want to provoke you again." Shuhua whispered, allowing Soojin to untie the bandana as she slumped onto the silk next to her.

"I'll let you fuck me next time if you're lucky." Soojin winked, as Shuhua nodded, challenge accepted.

"Goodnight, I love you." Shuhua confessed, as Soojin smiled, pulling the latter closer under the covers as she wrapped her arm around her.

"I love you too. Sleep tight." Shuhua took Soojin's invitation, allowing for her sleepiness to overtake her as the latter stared at the ceiling.

"How do I deserve her?" Soojin thought, smiling brightly.

The two girls both fell asleep with smiles on their faces.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2020 ⏰

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