the trial

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Minnie's timer was running out, faster than she could imagine.

"Time really is important, huh?" She thought, scoffing at all of Heaven's stupid rules.

She was sitting in the lobby of the infamous trial building, this was made for fallen angels. It was rare enough for an angel to fall, that they felt the need to name a whole building after it all.

Yuqi was sitting on her right, and Minnie could see just how nervous the other girl was. She was fidgeting with her fingers, and her legs were bouncing up and down like jelly. (up on the jelly!)

Minnie knew that there was a heavy chance that this would be her death sentence, but for some reason she felt alright with that.

Truthfully, Minnie never really liked Heaven anyways, now that she really thought about it. Everyone was too pure, and wouldn't let loose and have some fun.

Hell seemed like a blast to be honest, with everyone partying and having fun, at least that's what Minnie thought, minus all of the tormenting of souls and stuff.

It could be the bracelet that has infected her, enabling her to think all of these things, but Minnie subconsciously believes that she has a bigger purpose in this universe than just becoming an archangel.

Shuhua, who sat to her left, was super intrigued. This was her first time being inside the building of fallen angels, and this trial would play a huge part in her research.

Of course, she was upset about Minnie's situation, but she's always had an inkling that her unnie was bound for something different and more interesting than Heaven.

As Minnie sat there, she could feel something weird that was pulling her towards a marble hallway, just in the distance. It seemed closed off, but Minnie somehow felt like it meant something. She shook her thoughts away, when the guards came over to retrieve her.

The trial has now begun.

The judge stood in the middle of the room, sitting at his heightening platform. There was a jury, but no lawyer for Minnie.

Minnie had about 4 hours left, the clock was ticking and ticking, and ticking.

The archangels sat on a heightened platform as well, directly below the judge. Reporters, journalists, and other people without a rank sat down on the floor normally, where Minnie sat on a chair, in the middle of the room, for everyone to see.

She wasn't sure whether her position was supposed to degrade her, rather it made her laugh. "What is the point of this?" Minnie thought, looking up at Miyeon, who sat right in the middle of the archangels, as the highest rank.

Miyeon's eyes never left Minnie for one split second; she tried her hardest not to blink, not wanting to miss any of the time she had with the other (fallen) angel.

Miyeon was highly against sinning, but she wasn't stupid either. She was aware that her heart beats fast because of the Thai girl, but she was willing to control her feelings to keep both of them out of trouble. Maybe in another universe, they could be together without failure.

"Hello everyone, and welcome to this year's fallen trial. Everyone is aware that these only happen once a year, so we offer double the time to the sinner, who will be asked to explain exactly what happened, and we will formulate our system on whether the sin should be enough to remove her rank or not.

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