you're enough for me | M

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Hey guys! First off, I wanted to let you all know that I published a new book, called "Motives"! My other book, "Never say never" is also ending very soon unfortunately, but I will have a sequel coming out for that too.

Also, this is a smut chapter, so if this type of stuff is uncomfortable for you, you can always skip it, as it isn't really that important to the story itself. Minnie and Miyeon will have a smut chap, but this is Soyeon and Yuqi's turn lmao. Sorry in advance for a long chap

I needed to find a way to include the whole demon thing, as demons are very sex-driven, so Soyeon here will be one hell (no pun intended) of a kinky character, kind of like Soojin, but a little worse. I wrote another smut chapter for my other book too---I need holy water yikes

"Hey, Shu. Can I talk to you about something alone?" Yuqi hesitantly weaseled her way into the living room, interrupting Soojin and Shuhua's TV show.

Shuhua looked at the other angel, who had concern and curiosity in her eyes.

"This looks important." Shuhua thought, as she looked at Soojin apologetically.

"I'll be back, babe." Shuhua smiled at her lover, as Soojin nodded, letting the two girls trail off as she paused the show, finding something else to do so that she could continue it with Shuhua when she came back.

Yuqi led Shuhua into her room, and locked the door quickly.

"Are you gonna kill me or something?" Shuhua asked, as she sat down on Yuqi's bed, patting the spot next to her for the other girl to take a seat.

"No--no--of course not." Yuqi stuttered, as Shuhua looked at her with concern.

"Hey, what's wrong? You can talk to me, you know." Shuhua grabbed her best friend's hand, squeezing it tightly.

"This is awkward, Shu." Yuqi trailed off, as she avoided contact with a worried Shuhua.

"You can tell me anything, I mean it, Qi." Shuhua reassured her, as she took a deep breath, nodding.

"I really, really, really like Soyeon." Yuqi admitted, as Shuhua's eyes lit up in happiness for her best friend.

"That's amazing!" Shuhua smiled at her friend, quickly noticing that Yuqi had more to say.

"I think I want to take things to the next level." Yuqi shyly looked away, as she let Shuhua take time to decipher what she meant by that.

"What do you mean-----oh my god!" Shuhua yelped, as Yuqi clasped her hand over her mouth, shutting her up quickly.

"Did you have to yell?!" Yuqi scolded her, as Shuhua sat there with wide eyes.

"No, I'm just really surprised. You were always purer than me." Shuhua stated, as Yuqi gulped.

"Did you and Soojin..." Yuqi trailed off, but Shuhua laughed. She knew her best friend better than she knew herself.

"Yup. Listen, if you really love her, everything will fit perfectly. It feels great, I'll tell you that." Shuhua smiled, as she patted Yuqi's back lightly, helping to calm the other girl down.

"I'm afraid that she wouldn't want that." Yuqi voiced out, her voice hollow, as Shuhua hummed, still rubbing circles on her skin.

"She really likes you, Qi. You need to believe that." Shuhua reassured her, as Yuqi kept her head down.

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