sweet dreams

540 37 18

Hey guys. I want to apologize for the lack of consistency. I've been overwhelming busy lately, therefore I haven't had much time to write. I wanted to make sure that I was putting out something I was proud of, and that you guys deserved, so I waited a little longer than usual.

This is basically a Shuhua story now, sorry not sorry. I can't help it, my mind just automatically wants to make Shuhua the damn main character lol

Shuhua's dream (in the chapter) will be in italics. Enjoy the chapter!

Shuhua had always found comfort in Soojin, especially when the older girl would hug her, protecting her from this dangerous, tainting world.

Now wasn't an exception, as she was tangled in the sheets, with Soojin's arms encasing her, hugging her tightly. Shuhua felt peace, she felt at home.

"Can I ask you something, Shu?" Soojin looked at her softly, capturing her innocence.

"Of course, Jin." Shuhua responded back, a small smile framing itself on her face.

"What did my mom tell you?" Soojin asked, as Shuhua felt herself lose a little bit of color on her already pale skin.

"She told me that she was happy that you ended up with me. Perhaps she's taken a liking to me?" Shuhua answered, purposefully leaving out the recognition part of it.

"I wouldn't blame her; you're so amazing. So kind, and honest. I love that you tell me how you're feeling." Soojin smiled, humming a little, as Shuhua started to feel a pang of guilt.

It hurt her, so much, to lie to the love of her life, who has been nothing but kind (and flirty) towards her. She wondered if Soojin would ever forgive her.

"Do you think we'll make it through this?" Shuhua asked, her voice monotone and sad.

It was so foreign to Soojin, who turned her head in concern, as Shuhua's tears started to drip down her face.

"Hey, baby, why are you crying? What's wrong?" Soojin asked, moving her hand to cup Shuhua's face, slowly brushing the tears off of her face.

"I'm scared, Jin. Of everything. What if we don't make it through this?" Shuhua said honestly, while Soojin formed a frown, the result of seeing Shuhua so sad.

It broke her heart.

"Aw, baby, it's ok to be afraid. Sometimes I forget that you're still my little angel, that you're innocent. We'll make it through this, you just need to trust yourself. I'll always be there to catch you, remember that." Soojin consoled her, as Shuhua hugged her tighter, afraid that she would lose her if she let go.

"I love you, Jin Jin." Shuhua whispered, looking into Soojin's caring eyes.

"I love you too, Shu. Forever and always." Soojin responded, allowing Shuhua to snuggle into her neck, as sleep overtook both of them.

"I hope you'll still love me if this doesn't end well, Jin. Will you still be there to catch me when I fall?" Shuhua choked back a sob, falling asleep to the rhythm of Soojin's heartbeat.

Shuhua felt her vision blur, as she stared at the wall, a bright red color. Clutching her head, she carefully managed to maneuver her way out of the bed, one that looked so familiar yet so indifferent.

"Mommy! Look what I made!" A tiny voice yelled, as Shuhua felt herself drawn to the voice, walking towards it.

The girl sat in the middle of a carpet, holding a picture of a traced in butterfly. Her mother walked over towards her, making Shuhua gasp.

"Mom." She breathed out, watching the lady who looked exactly like her walk over to the other girl. She then realized, "This is me, but in the past."

"Honey, we have to meet some people, do you want to come with me?' Tian, her mother, asked sweetly.

Little Shuhua jumped for joy, as her mother laughed wholeheartedly, picking her up in the air and swinging her.

"Let's go then!" Tian chirped, as little Shuhua cheered, running out of the door without her little jacket.

Shuhua followed herself to the place, one that she was extremely familiar with, as she had just gone there yesterday.

The Royal Academy.

She walked in, trailing behind her mother, and the little version of her.

"Shu, I have some stuff to do, can you go play with that little girl over there?" Tian asked, as little Shuhua nodded.

Tian scurried off, making normal Shuhua lose track of her.

"Guess I'll just watch myself, instead." Shuhua concluded, sitting down as she watched her younger self walk over to another little girl, probably around the same age.

She had striking platinum blonde hair, and a scrunched up cute face. Shuhua cooed, as she watched her little self interact with this other girl.

"My name is Shuhua. What is your name?" Little Shuhua asked cutely, as the other girl smiled shyly.

"I-I'm Soojin." Little Soojin answered, as normal Shuhua gasped.

"I knew Soojin?! Why don't I remember her?" Shuhua asked herself, angry at the results.

"Do you want to draw a butterfly with me? Tiny Shuhua asked, as tiny Soojin nodded.

Shuhua watched herself play with Soojin, in major confusion. Something was missing from her memory, and she knew it. The events simply didn't add up.

A loud beeping sound went off, as people around the building started to run out, panicking, as smoke neared every door.

Little Shuhua, confused at first, realized it was a fire, after her mother had shown her numerous videos of firefighter doggies.

Little Soojin stood still, as she was deeply afraid, her tears silently falling down her face.

"Come on, Soo! I'll be your hero!" Little Shuhua shouted, as she grabbed Soojin's hand, following the path that she had walked in the first place.

The two girls ran out of the building, hand in hand, as Soojin ran to her mother.

"Taeyeon." Shuhua realized.

"Mommy! Shuhua saved me! She's my hero!" Little Soojin jumped, as Taeyeon looked at the younger girl, extremely grateful.

"Thank you, Shuhua." Taeyeon gave the small girl a hug, as Soojin joined in.

"There you are!" Tian ran over to Shuhua, grabbing her in her arms.

Shuhua gasped for air, as she woke up, drenched in sweat, as she coughed from the smoke.

Her hand was burning, and the pain made her whimper slightly.

"My time is running out." Shuhua thought, silently letting her tears out, as the girl she saved slept soundly next to her.

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