detective work

538 29 15

Irene and Seulgi's subunit song was such a bop, but the workers of SM are mad idiots for delaying the music video. I was up when it was "supposed" to drop, and I kept laughing at the twitter comments; people were so mad, and I don't blame them. Red Velvet deserves better management period

"I look ridiculous." Miyeon complained, as Jennie finished fixing her tie.

"You look like a detective, my archangel. This is what Rosie and Jisoo wear every day." Jennie responded to her, making Miyeon huff as she stood still and let Jennie perfect her outfit.

The detectives had specific uniforms, much like the archangels did when they were on trial.

Miyeon had to wear a dark matte black suit, with a black tie, and matching black heels. She preferred her assortment of white blouses over whatever this was.

"I feel horrible for them, wow." Miyeon grimaced, as Jennie laughed, smiling contently when she finished fixing Miyeon's outfit.

"You're all set for today. Let me know what happens, alright?" Jennie told her, as she shut the television off, making Miyeon yell out, as she shut the door behind her.

"This better be worth it." Miyeon thought, as she followed Jennie outside, walking down the pathway and into Jisoo's car.

"You actually showed up!" Lisa mocked, as Miyeon rolled her eyes.

"Just drive, will you?"

"Wait, this place is actually cool." Miyeon breathed out, analyzing the police building, as Lisa and Jisoo smirked----they knew she would crack one way or another.

"It is, huh?" Lisa kept her smirk, as Miyeon rolled her eyes, following the two girls into the building.

Miyeon looked around, as they walked past the prison cells.

These prison cells were made for the people who oppose the angelic government, or people who tried to challenge the rules, as free expression technically doesn't count as a sin; the government took that into their own hands instead.

"Hey, Kim. Another case today?" A bear looking lady walked over to Jisoo, giving her a fist bump.

"Hey Seul. Yeah, we're packed today. I even had to bring a friend." Jisoo joked, as Seulgi looked at Miyeon, immediately recognizing who she was.

"You're the archangel, right? The high ranking one?" Seulgi asked, as Miyeon nodded.

"Must respect, nice to meet you. Irene needs a favor from me, so I better bow out now." Seulgi laughed, as she shook Miyeon's hand briefly, leaving to do whatever that "favor" was.

"We're going to the office, come on." Lisa grabbed Miyeon's wrist lightly, pulling her through the cells where the criminals stared at her with deceit and greed.

"Welcome to my humble aboad." Lisa put her hands up, allowing Miyeon to walk into the office herself.

"What are we even looking for?" She asked.

"Not what, rather who." Jisoo corrected her, as Roseanne nodded, a sly smile on her features.

"You don't think we're gonna find this out right away, do you? It's never that easy." Rosie added, as Miyeon sighed, her head now in her hands.

"I'm an idiot, aren't I?" Miyeon asked, as Jisoo and Roseanne laughed up a storm.

"Biggest idiot ever. Come on, let's ask around." Jisoo lent Miyeon her hand, as the latter took it, standing up and following them out of the office.

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