What to do when 4 am rolls around

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I woke up this morning normal to my routine when we're not on a case

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I woke up this morning normal to my routine when we're not on a case. I text Amanda right away

Diner girl (Amanda)

Do you play poker?
Read at 2:50

I feel like I should ask why but then again you're from Los Vegas soo.. yeah I do I'm not great at it

I'm gonna bring cards to the diner can we play?
Read 2:56

You bet genius! :)

I woke up took a shower packed my bag assuming I'm going to be called into work. I also grabbed a stack of cards then headed to the diner when I realized it was around 4 am.

The normal bell rung when you opened the door and I sat down in my normal spot. Amanda came over to me, put down a cup of coffee, and smiled. "Mkay Genius I'm gonna grab a stool." I nodded at her. She grabbed a stool the pulled out a bag of M&M's "it's all I've got" I laughed as I started dealing cards

"Ugh! I suck as this game!" I shook my head at her "it's just luck and math." She mocked me "ItS jUsT lUcK aNd MaTh! I'm sorry I don't have the skillset for this game" I laughed at her. "You're hilarious" she shook her head as I was putting the cards back in the box "you hungry?" I shook my head yes "a little bit" she smiled "pancakes okay?" I smiled "sounds great."

I was seemed to find myself staring at her. She was something else, she wasn't like the other girls I knew she didn't use me for my genius brain she appreciated it. She was a mystery to me she could be kind and silly I don't even know what I'm feeling. She set the plate down then sat across from me. We talked until about 6 o'clock this time I got a phone call from hotch we had a case. "I'm gonna be gone a couple of days" she smiled at me "be careful sr. Please text me" I nodded and I was off

I got to the office and hotch explained our case and we were off. On the plane ride I was on my phone texting Amanda every once in awhile. Derek, JJ and Emily were all sitting by me. "Who are you talking to Reid?" I look at JJ confused the straighten my face "oh just a friend why?" She looked unconvinced "every time your phone buzzes you instantly pick it up" I look at her confused again "isn't that what you're supposed to do?" Derek and Emily hold back a small laugh "sheesh sorry Spence" I just nodded at her and went back to reading pretending I wasn't listening to them.

"He's totally hiding something" Emily looked at JJ "I actually don't think so.. Spencer has been getting really good at responding" JJ looks confused "you're kidding." Derek looks at JJ "surprisingly no she's not. He has been getting good I think he feels bad cause he used to take a while to respond."
JJ shrugged "if that's what you guys believe"

We had just finished the case it was longer then normal. I texted Amanda the entire time for check ins, and making she was alright. she did the same to me normally telling me about how boring her day was. I get back to my apartment and text her before going to bed. This girl has really changed me, and I think that it's good.

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