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I always seemed to find myself in the same routine

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I always seemed to find myself in the same routine. Wake up, go to the diner, talk to customers, go home and sleep. All on repeat, My life changed when I met Spencer, my life seem to have more spunk, and I learned a lot more from him. Now I don't know who's reading this and I don't know who you are but this is the last time I'll be writing in this journal. So I thought I'd tell you a final couple things; Now you may think this is random or unnecessary but I'm old now so teenage me is going to have to put this book to aside and finish this diary.

And at that little crush on Spencer I've been talking about I confessed to him yesterday and everything is going smoothly right now hopefully it stays that way. Hopefully I found the purpose in my life. Now onto the silly girl stuff, No I know if you're reading this you're probably my kid or someone who knew me but you don't know everything but if you're my kid your probably already know this. I want my kids to have matching names when they group up, mostly for my mom with having us all have matching middle names.

The diner shall continue so don't worry about it we'll continue with our food. I wonder who will want the diner eventually but that's beside the point I just really hope everything goes well with spencer but god only knows how that will work out..

My final goodbye,
Amanda :)

(260 words)

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