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"Auradon Prep, originally built over 300 years ago and converted into a high school by my father when he became king." Ben starts the tour. He and Audrey walk arm in arm towards a statue. We follow him. Mal in front, then Evie and then Jay, me, and Carlos. I think the statue is gold, but it's not a shiny gold, more like a rusty gold. It's a man wearing a crown. It's probably the king, Ben's father. Ben stops to the right of the statue and claps his hands twice. The statue morphs form a man into a beast. To my left, Carlos screams and he jumps into my arms. The action takes me by surprise and let's face it I am not that strong so I fall onto the ground with Carlos on top of me. I groan. I hear someone laugh really hard and I try to look past Carlos to whoever is laughing. The person that is laughing is Jay, of course. I roll my eyes. Mal and Evie look at us with big smiles on their faces. Audrey has one eyebrow raised and Ben has a worried look on his face. "I am sorry." Carlos says. "It's okay, but could you get off of me now?" I say. "Yeah, sure." he says and he gets off me. I lie there on my back looking at the sky. I take a deep breath but I don't stand up. "Are you going to get up and walk by yourself or should I carry you?" Jay asks as he stands above me and pops his head into my line of view. "Ugh, you ruined the view." I say as a smile forms on my face. "You sure of that? Because you are looking at the most beautiful face this world has ever known." he says with a cocky smile. "Hmm, and here I thought the prettiest face the world has ever known was mine." I say. He shakes his head and lets out a laugh. He puts out his hand. I take it and he helps me up. I dust some of the gravel off my clothes and look at Ben. "Are you okay?" he asks. "I am fine." I say. "Okay. Let's get on then." he says as he looks towards the statue. "My father wanted his statue to morph from beast to man to remind us that anything is possible." he says. I look at the statue and place my hands on my hips. "Does he shed much?" I ask and I turn my head towards Ben. "Yeah, Mom won't let him on the couch." he says with a straight face. I am a bit taken back by this because I don't know if he is getting on with the joke or that he's serious. I frown and search his face for any sign at all. Then he gives me a big smile and turns around to walk towards the school. Mal turns her head towards me with big eyes and I shrug. We walk after Ben. I hear someone clap twice behind me and I turn around to see Carlos still standing in front of the statue trying to make it morph back into a man, but nothing happens. "Come on Carlos." I say and he runs towards us.
I walk into the school next to Mal. Wow, there's a lot of...wood? I don't really know what to say about this. I don't think I like it. There is too much wood. But then again the wood is kind of appealing. "So, you guys have a lot of magic here at Auradon? Like wands and things like that?" Mal asks. We stop in front of this big fireplace because who doesn't need a big fireplace in the entrance hall of a school. "Yeah, it exists of course, but it's pretty much retired. Most of us here are just ordinary mortals." Ben says. "Who happened to be kings and queens." I say. Audrey and Ben both look at me with a smile on their faces. "That's true. Our royal blood goes back hundreds of years." Audrey says as she grabs Ben's arm and places it over her shoulders. She laughs and Ben lets out a small laugh. I roll my eyes. Ben looks at me and then he spots someone. "Doug." he says as he removes his arm from Audrey's shoulder. "Doug, come down." he says and he walks towards Doug. Audrey looks at me and gives me a fake smile and I give her one back. "This is Doug. He's going to help you with your class schedules and show you the rest of the dorms." Ben says, he has his arms around the shoulder of Doug. Doug is just a little bit shorter than Ben is. He has dirty blond hair, grayish-blue eyes, and a pair of glasses. He wears the same uniform the band that played when we arrived wears, which means that he plays in the band. He also has a clipboard in his hands. Ben let's go of Doug and steps towards us. He looks at me. "I'll see you later, okay?" he says, not taking his eyes off me. I give a small nod. "And if there is anything you need, feel free to..."
"Ask Doug." Audry interrupts him. Ben turns his head towards Audrey and I look at her as well. We both force some laughter and then we both sigh. Ben chuckles nervously. Audrey rolls her eyes, she grabs Ben's hand and drags him away. I turn my head towards my friends. "She is so annoying." I whisper and Jay let's out a small laugh.
"Hi, guys. I'm Dopey's son." he says a bit nervously which makes it sounds like he just asked a question. "As in Dopey, Doc, Bashful, Happy, Grumpy, Sleepy and..." he starts as he counts on his fingers. His eyes land on Evie and he stops talking. He takes in a deep breath. "Heigh-Ho." he says. Evie walks towards him. "Evie. Evil Queen's daughter." Evie says. There is a hint of deduction in her voice. I smile. "Okay. So about your classes. I put in the requirements already," Doug says even more nervous now. Evie twists some hair around her finger. At the word classes, Mal walks towards the two and stands beside Doug so she can read the clipboard. "History of woodsmen and pirates, safety rules for the Internet, and, uh," he continues. "Remedial goodness 101" his voice heightens a few tones because he sees Mal standing really close to him. "Let me guess. New class?" I say as I walk towards the three of them, stopping next to Evie. "Come on, guys, let's go find our dorms." Mal says and she walks towards the stairs to my left. We all walk after her. "Oh. Uh, yeah, your dorms are that way guys." Doug says when we are halfway up the stairs. We stop climbing and look at him. He points towards the hallway opposite from the stairs. We walk down the stairs towards the hallway. "Dopey, Doc, Bashful, Happy, Grumpy, Sleepy and..." Doug says as he starts to count on his fingers again. Carlos and I stop at each side of him. "Sneezy." we say at the same time. "Oh." Doug says and we walk into the hallway.
Mal, Evie and I are standing in front of our dorm room. "How bad could it be?" I ask and Mal opens the door. We walk inside. There are three four-poster beds, all of them have pink bedding. The curtains are pink with a flower print on them. It's all so girly. It's awful. "Wow!" Evie says. "This place is so amaz..."
"Gross." Mal and I say at the same time. "I know, right? Amazingly gross." Evie says quickly. I look at her. It's obvious that she loves the room like probably every princess would. And she is a princess, so I don't blame her. "Ew. Ugh! I'm going to need some serious sunscreen." Mal says. "Yeah." I say. "E." Mal says and she points at the window at the right of Evie. She walks towards the window and Mal walks towards the window in front of us. They close the curtains. "Phew. That is much better." Mal says. "Yeah if you like the view of those curtains." I say. "Ugh." I say as a shiver runs down my spine. A little while later our stuff arrives and we start to unpack it.
When it's dark outside we go to the boys' dorm. Mal opens the door and we walk inside. The boys' dorm is much cooler than ours. Their room is blue, instead of pink, who wouldn't want that?! Carlos is playing this fighting video game and it looks so cool. I didn't see a tv in our dorm. Mal and I walk towards Jay. "Jay, what are you doing?" Mal asks him as she stands next to him on the left side of the bed. I stand on the other side of the bed. "It's called stealing." he says as he empties his pockets. I look at the stuff that he stole. There are a few purses, two mirrors, a watch, four bracelets, and a piece of pizza with a few bites out of it. I let out a laugh. "Ha! Do you call this stealing?" I ask. "Show me what you got." he says as he raises one eyebrow at me, challenging me. I start to empty my own pockets. I got three watches, five bracelets, one pair of earrings, and two phones. "Hah, is that all you got?" he asks me. "Uh, uh, I wasn't done yet." I say as I point my finger at him. "Now for the big final." I say and I get out the laptop I stole. Jay's eyes widen a bit. "That's what I thought." I say and I open the laptop. "Okay, what's the point?" Mal asks. "Well, Mal. It's like buying whatever you want, except it's free." I say. "Okay. So you could do that," she says as she picks up one of the phone's I stole. She looks at it. "Ore you could leave all of this here and pick it up when we take over the world." she says and she tosses the phone back onto the bed. Jay and I look at each other and he rolls his eyes. "You sound just like your mom." Evie says. Mal crosses her hand over her heart. "Thank you!" Mal says. "You do it your way and I'll do it mine." Jay says and he walks away. "Die, suckers!" Carlos yells. "Jay, come check this thing out. Man, it's awesome!" Carlos says and he hands Jay the sticks. Jay starts playing the game and Evie and I walk towards the tv to watch. "Guys! Do I have to remind you what we're all here for?" Mal asks a bit irritated. "Fairy Godmother, blah, blah, blah. Magic wand, blah, blah, blah." Jay says as he continues to play the game. Evie and Carlos laugh. "This is our one chance to prove ourselves to our parents." Mal says angrily. Jay stops playing the game and we turn towards Mal. "To prove that we are evil and vicious and ruthless and cruel. Yeah?" she says. "Yeah." we all say. "Evie, mirror me." she says and they sit down in one of the chairs at the table. Carlos, Jay, and I stand behind them. "Mirror, mirror on the... in my hand. Where is fairy godmother's wand...stand?" she asks the mirror. The mirror shows the wand. "There it is!" Mal says. "Zoom out." Carlos says. "Magic mirror, not so close." Evie says and the mirror shows the earth.
"Closer." It zooms in on the earth.
"Closer." It zooms in on the continent.
"Closer." the mirror slowly zooms in.
"Can I go back to my game? I'm on level three." Carlos says as he tries to walk away. "Stop!" I say looking at the mirror. I grab Carlos's wrist and pull him towards us. "It's in a museum?" I say reading in the mirror. It says the museum of cultural history. "Do we know where that is?" Mal asks. Carlos types the name of the museum in the computer. "2.3 miles from here." he says as he turns the computer around so we can see the route. Mal let's out a little laugh and a big smile plants itself on my face. We are going to pull this off! We are going to get the wand and then we will free the Isle and we haven't even been here one full day. Mal walks towards the door and steps outside. She looks into the hallway, checking if somebody is there. "Come on." she says and we run out of the dorm into the hallway. "Carlos." I whisper yell. "Coming!" he whisper yells back and he comes running after us.
After a short run, we arrive at the museum. "Check your mirror." Mal says to Evie as we walk down the stairs. "Is my mascara smudged?" Evie asks. "Yeah. And, hey, while you're at it, why don't you see if you can find us the wand?" Mal asks, a hint of sarcasm in her voice. "Sure." Evie says as she grabs her mirror. "This way." she says as she starts running and we run after her. We run towards a staircase. At the top of that staircase, there are two doors, undoubtingly leading into the museum. We look through the glass in the doors. In the middle of the entrance is a pedestal with Maleficent's spinning wheel on it. There are also a few tv screens with a guard that looks at them. The guard makes a spin on his chair and we duck away from the glass, so he can't see us. We wait a few seconds and then we walk towards the glass again. I am standing between Jay and Carlos. "That's your mother's spinning wheel?" Jay says, unimpressed and he starts to laugh. "Yeah, it's kind of dorky." Carlos agrees. I head slap them both. "It's magic. It doesn't have to look scary." I say. Mal opens her mother's spellbook and starts to look for a spell. "Magic spindle, do not linger. Make my victim prick a finger." she chants. The guard leans back in his chair, but nothing else happens. "Impressive." Jay says. "I got chills." Carlos says. "Do I need to head slap you again?" I ask. "No, no, no, no." they say. "Then shut up." I say. Mal searches for another spell. "Prick the finger, prick it deep. Send my enemy off to sleep." she chants. The guard stands up and he slowly walks towards the spinning wheel. He moves his finger towards the spinning wheel and pricks his finger. He starts yawning and he lies down on the pedestal. "Not so dorky now, huh?" Mal says. She tries to open the door, but the door is locked. She pulls at the door a few times, but it won't open. "Stand back." Jay says. He takes a few steps back but Mal is already searching for another spell. "Make it easy, make it quick, open up without a kick." she chants. The doors open and at the same moment, Jay starts running. He tries to do this ninja kick, but since the doors where already open, he falls on the ground. He groans. We laugh. I walk towards him and give him a little kick in the side. "Coming?" I ask and I walk around the spinning wheel towards the stairs. We run through the halls. "Upstairs." Evie says with the mirror in her hand. We follow her upstairs. "Come on. Go, go, go, go. Up, up, up, up, up." Mal says. "Come on, guys. Almost there." Evie says as we reach the top of the stairs. When we are at the top of the stairs we start running again but Evie suddenly stops. I bump into her and quickly regain my balance to prevent me from falling over. I look inside the room Evie stopped at. There are four statues in the room. One of Maleficent, Evil Queen, Jafar, and Cruella de Vil. My four friends walk into the room. "Uh guys?" I say but they ignore me. It's like they're in some kind of trance. "Mommy?" Evie says. "Killer." Jay says. "I'll never forget Mother's Day again." Carlos says. "Well, the wand's not here. Let's go." I say. Jay snaps out of his trance and takes a few steps backward. "Let's bounce." he says when he sees that the rest isn't following him. Evie and Carlos snap out of their trance too and we start running again. We run into a room and there is some kind of blue light shining down in a hole in the middle of the room. We look down into the hole and there is the magic wand, it's floating in the blue light. Jay cheers and we run down another set of stairs. We run into the room and the wand is floating right in front of our faces. Jay wants to spring over the little fence. "Jay, don't." Mal says. He smirks and goes under the fence. "Wait, no! No! Don't!" Mal says as he reaches out his hand to grab the wand. His hand hits a force field and he tumbles back over the fence. An alarm starts to wail and we cover our ears. "A force field and a siren?" Carlos yells. "That's just a little excessive." Jay yells. "Let's go." I say and we run out of the room. We run through the halls and down the stairs back to the entrance and out the door. "Way to go, Jay. Now we have to go to school tomorrow." Mal says as we run back towards the school.

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