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When we get back he walks me to my dorm. "Thanks for the jacket." I say as I hand him back his jacket. "Yeah, no problem." he says. "I hope we can do this again." he says. "Yeah, that would be nice." I say as I smile at him. We just stand there a bit awkward, looking at the ground. "Well, I am going to go now." I say. "Uhh, yeah of course. I've also got some business I need to take care of." he says. "Bye." I say as I put my hand on the door handle. "See you tomorrow." he says as he starts to walk away. I open the door and I haven't even got the time to close it because I am bombarded with questions. "How was it?"
"What did you guys do?"
"Did you kiss?" Mal and Evie ask. "Guys, guys." I stop them. "At least give me some time to sit down." I say. They both roll their eyes and I walk towards my bed. I sit on my bead and lean against my head bord. Evie and Mal immediately sit down next to me. "So what did you do?" Evie asks. "He took me on a picknick." I say. "Wait, why is your hair so wet?" Mal asks. "Well, the picknick was next to a lake and Ben jumped in and then I couldn't find him anymore so I went in to search for him." I say. "You jumped in even tho you can't swim?" Mal asks. "That's so romantic." Evie says. "I am sorry for ruining the dress." I say. "O, don't worry about that, I will just wash it and it will all be okay." Evie says. "What did you talk about?" Evie asks. "Well, we mostly talked about him and his family and his royal responsibilities and what he likes and stuff." I say. "That's nice." Evie says. "Did you have fun?" Mal asks. "Yeah, I think I did." I say. "You think?" Mal asks. "Yeah, I mean I don't know. Fun used to be tormenting people on the Isle, but I don't think that's what fun is here." I say. "Besides I have never been on a date before."
"That's true." Evie says. We all let out a sigh. "It is quite nice here isn't it?" Evie asks. "Yeah, I guess so." Mal says. "What do you mean, you guess so. You are totally into Connor." I say as I look at Mal. She starts to blush. "I-I do not." she stammers. Evie and I laugh. "It's okay Mal." Evie says. And then we start to talk about boys. It's the first girly moment we've had with the three of us. Mal usually isn't really big on the boys or the rest of those girly things, but it seems like Auradon and especially Connor has changed her. We laugh and then someone opens the door and enters our dorm. It are the boys. "Hello, girls." Jay says with a big smile on his face. Carlos is also wearing a big smile. Then they look at us and their smile falls. Their mouths slowly drop. At first, I am confused, but then I remember my hair isn't covered and that this is the first time that they see it. "Yeah, that's how we reacted too." Mal says as she stands up and walks towards her own bed. "You should feel it." Evie says as she walks towards the table. The boys walk towards my bed and sit down on either side of me. They just look at me. "Just touch it alright." I say and they touch it. "Wow, it's so soft." Carlos says. "Why did you let it out." Jay asks. "They convinced me." I say as I nod at Evie and Mal. "It looks good." Jay says. "Wait until you see it in the sun." Evie says. "What do you mean?" Carlos asks. I stand up and step into the sunlight. My hair starts to shine. "That's so cool!" Carlos exclaims as he looks at me with wide eyes. I sit back down on my bed. "I like it." Jay says as he looks at me. "Same." Carlos says. "Thanks guys." I say. The rest of the afternoon we just spent talking and laughing. Then we decide to go to sleep and the boys leave our dorm. We get ready for bed and go to sleep.

The next day we get up and we get ready. When we finish, there's a knock on our door and I open the door. Jay and Carlos stand there. "You ready for breakfast?" Jay asks. I look back in our dorm. "We are ready." I say and I walk out of the dorm. I walk beside Jay and Carlos, Evie and Mal follow behind us. Without even noticing it I start fidgeting with my hands. "Are you nervous?" Jay asks. "No, why should I be?" I ask. "Well, everyone will probably be in the cafeteria and nobody has seen your hair before." he says. "Right." I say. I already got used to having my hair out, in the few hours I actually have, that I completely forgot about that. "You forgot about it, didn't you?" Jay asks. "Yeah, I did." I say. He laughs. "But what does it matter what they think right?" I say. "Please, don't act like you are not shitting your pants, because you totally are." he says. "I am not." I say. "Ow yes you are." he argues. "Why should I care what those spoiled brats think about me?" I ask. "That's true." Jay says. "I mean, I don't need them to like me. I don't want them to drooling over me because I can make their hair look pretty." I say with a smile. "Ha, did you see those girls yesterday?" Jay asks. "Hey Mal!" I imitate those girls. "Oh, Mal you are amazing!" he imitates as he pretends to faint. We laugh and we walk into the cafeteria. Everyone falls silent and we stop laughing. Everyone is looking at us or rather looking at me and my shining hair. They start whispering amongst each other and I see Audrey. She has her arms crossed and is looking mad. I smile and we grab a tray. We grab some food and walk towards an empty table. I ignore all the stares I get. When we sit down we just start eating and people continue with their own business.
After breakfast, we have remedial goodness 101 so we grab our bags and walk towards the classroom. Mal and Evie are sitting next to each other and I am sitting at a table with Carlos and Jay. I am sitting at the aisle, beside me sits Jay, and next to him sits Carlos. We just get some more simple questions and then Fairy Godmother hands us some papers and wants us to answer those questions on our own. So we are just working and fooling around and she walks towards us. She puts her hands up. "Children, excuse me. Um... As you know, this Sunday is Family Day here at Auradon Prep. And because your parents can't be here due to distance, we've arranged for a special treat." she says, and then she walks back towards this tv that is standing in front of the chalkboard. Jay and I look at each other and I raise my eyebrows. She presses on a key and the tv jumps on. Maleficent's face is all big on the screen and she is staring into the camera. "I don't see anything, nor do I hear." she says as she backs up. Now we can also see Cruella, Jafar, and the Evil Queen. The Fairy Godmother turns back towards us and signs for us that we need to come closer. "Kids." she says. Jay stands up beside me and he ushes me to stand up too. Mal, Evie, and Carlos are also standing up. Then I just stand beside the table and Mal and Jay push me forward. "Is it... Is it... Is." Maleficent says as she shakes the computer. "Can I please see a remote?" she yells and the Evil Queen gives her the remote. "Is this thing on?" she asks as she pushes buttons on the remote. "It's broken." she says and Cruella lets out a frustrated grunt. "I hate electronic..." Maleficent start and then they all gasp. "Evie, it's Mommy." the Evil Queen says and she waves. Evie waves back. "Look how beautiful. You know what they say, the poison apple doesn't fall far from the tree." the Evil Queen continues. Cruella and the Evil Queen chuckle. "Don't you mean the weeds?" Maleficent asks as she slaps the Evil Queens hands from her horns. I look at my friends. They are a bit happy to see their parents, and I am happy for them. "Who's the old bat?" Cruella asks. "This is Fairy Godmother." Mal says. "Still doing tricks with eggplants?" Maleficent asks and all of the villains chuckled. "I turned a pumpkin into a beautiful carriage!" Fairy Godmother says upset. "You really couldn't give Cinderella till one am?" Maleficent asks with a big smile on her lips. "I mean really. What the hamsters had to back on their little wheels?" she continues and they all laugh. "There were mice!" Fairy Godmother says. "They were not.... They were mice." she says as she turns around to assure us that it were mice. "They were not..." she says. "Thank you so much. Thank you." I say and Fairy Godmother turns back around as she starts to walk to stand beside the tv. "They were mice." she says quickly before she stands beside the tv. "Hi mom." Mal says as they all take a step forward, which makes me take a step forward to since they are pushing me. I don't want to, but I can't get away because I am in the middle of them. Maleficent gasps. "Mal!" she yells and we are all taken a little back by that. "I m-miss you." Maleficent stammers. "You children are never far from our thoughts." Jafar says. Really? Why am I here? My father isn't there anymore, so why am I standing in between my friends? I just want to get away. "I got it." Maleficent says. "How long must Mommy wait to see you?" Maleficent asks. "There's a big coronation coming up. I think probably sometime after that." Mal says. "When?" Maleficent asks. Mal looks at me. "Friday, ten a.m." I say. "You sure I can't see you before that? I don't know what I'll do if I don't get my hands on that magic-" Maleficent starts, but the Evil Queen cuts her off by knocking on her head. "You, you little nugget that I love so much." Maleficent recovers herself. All the parents are making loving sounds. "Yes, I completely understand, Mother." Mal says. "Carlos, is that a dog?" Cruella asks as she takes up the whole screen. Dude whimpers. "Yes, yes, baby, I do understand." Cruella says as she squeaks the puppy toy she has on her shoulder. "It would make the perfect size for earmuffs." she continues and she laughs evilly. Carlos takes a step forward. "He's the perfect size for a pet." he says. Cruella barks. "This dog loves e and I love him!" Carlos says firmly. "And FYI, your dog is stuffed!" he yells. I smile, this is the first time Carlos actually stood up to Cruella. "Oh!" Cruella says as she sits back down in her chair. "So give it a rest!" he yells. Jafar laughs. "Burn!" he says. "Why don't you go sell a toaster, you two-bit salesman!" Cruella says angrily. "People who talk to stuffed animals shouldn't throw stones!" Jafer says back. And they start to argue. We all look at each other with sad looks on our faces. I feel sorry for them because their parents are this way. But at least they still have parents, my father isn't even here anymore. Jay touches a key and the screen goes black. They all let out a sigh. I can't stop thinking about my father. Memories that I have suppressed for a long time start to flood. "I'm so sorry." Fairy Godmother says. "Thanks for the special treat." Jay says and I give a fake smile. "Of course." she says. I turn around and worm between Mal and Carlos and walk towards the desk. I hear the rest of them follow me. I grab my bag from the ground and walk towards the exit. "M. What do you think our parents are gonna do to us if we don't pull this off?" I hear Evie ask and I stop and turn around to look at them. "I think they will be quietly disappointed in us, but ultimately proud of us for doing our best." Mal says optimistically with a smile. "Really?" Carlos asks. "No, I think we are definitely goners." Mal says. I can't hold it anymore and I turn around and run away. "Kara!" I hear them yell but I don't stop. I run into the main entrance and out of the double doors onto the grounds. I just run and run and I don't know where I am going. Everything just kinda blurs together. When I just can't run anymore and want to stop I fall down on the ground. I just lie there breathing really fast. When my breath has stabilized I push myself to my knees. I am in a forest. I stand up and turn around. There's the sea. And in the distance, I can see the Isle and the dark clouds above it. Then out of nowhere I just start to sing...

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2300 words

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