Chapter 1

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-Luke's P.O.V-

Do you ever feel like you're drowning. And every breath you take seems to make you feel worse and worse, and your thoughts consume your every being. Taking away all happiness until you're just a shell. And yet, no matter what you do, you always fall back into the pit of depression.

My name's Luke Hemmings, I'm 17 and a nobody.

No one ever sees me, I'm more of a shadow, always there and never seen. Only a few see me but that doesn't seem to make them want to talk to me.

But that's okay because who would want to talk to me anyway.

The only person I really trust is Calum Hood, he just turned 18 while i'm 17. We've been best friends since I could remember. He knows everything about me, and sometimes I wish he didn't.

I'm happy only having Cal because it means it will be easier to leave this Hell people call life. I know I sound all dark, but my mind is so messed up. And I'm so tired. Getting out of bed is so much harder then it used to be. Going to school and with work it's all so much.

I work at a music shop, which isn't too bad because I love music. It can just be so tiring you know.

I don't see my mum or dad much- not that they even like me- because they are always working, and my brothers all moved out. But it's okay, I don't want to cause any trouble for them.

They only time I feel at peace is when I'm playing my guitar and singing or writing music. Other than that, I find everything else mentally tiering.

I know soon I won't have the strength to carry on, but I've accepted that.


"Luke, did you hear me?" Cal asks from beside me.

I frown, as I sit in the passenger seat of his car while Calum drives.

"No, sorry Cal." I say with a sigh turning my attention to him.

I watch as he shakes his head a little and says, "I said, how have you been recently."

Oh no. Cal knows that I'm not very happy and he knows about all the cuts, but he thinks I've stopped. I saw how broken it made him and I never wanted to see him like that again. So, I lied and said I was stopping. Thankfully, he didn't ask to see my arms otherwise he would've seen the real truth.

"I'm fine thanks." I say, not meeting his eyes.

I hear a light sigh and watch as Calum glances in my direction a little wearily.

"Really, promise me you are." He says, his voice serious.

I swallow down my guilt and make sure to cross my fingers where he can't see and give him a fake smile. "I promise."

I watch as he relaxes more and nods, seemingly happy with the answer I provided.

I put the radio on as the car is encased in silence and begin singing along, soon Cal joins. Both of us can sing quite well, and by the end of the car ride I have a small real smile on my lips. As hard and how shit life is, Cal always lights it up which I will always be grateful for.

"Bye Cal Pal, thanks for the ride." I say, as I climb out his car when he stops in front of the music shop.

Calum laughs replying, "Bye Lukey, I'll pick you up for school tomorrow."

I wave goodbye and walk into the shop. I smile politely when I see my boss Joey at the desk.

"Good afternoon Luke, how are you?" Joey asks, looking at me with a bright smile.

I smile at him and say, "I'm okay thanks, what about you?"

"I'm very good thank you Luke. Oh, after you get ready, I need to talk to you." Joey explains as I head to the back to get ready for my shift.

I nod before scurrying off to get changed into my uniform.


Once changed I walk back to the front of the store and back to Joey. I patiently wait as he helps a customer.

Once the customer has gone, he turns and looks at me with a smile.

"So, as you know you're working tomorrow. But sadly, you will have to be on your own as Sacha called in sick and she can't come in. So, will you be okay to man the shop on your own, I trust you Luke. But if you don't feel comfortable enough, I can always call Josh in to help." Joey explains to me.

I nod in understanding saying, "It's okay. I'll be fine on my own for a day." Like I'm always alone.

"Great. Thanks Luke." Joey says, obviously happy with what I said.

I smile back and then start work. 

Save me- LashtonTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang