Chapter 21

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-Michael's P.O.V-

I wake up and can feel Calum laying on my chest. It makes me feel all warm and bubbly on the inside as I look down at his peaceful sleeping face buried in my chest.

My eyes scan over the room and I see Ash asleep with Luke laying his head on his chest, both of them cuddling. Those two need to get together because they're so adorable.

I see it's already 9 and decide to wake Calum up.

"Cal, wakey wakey." I whisper, running my hand through his hair.

He groans and buries his head more into my chest.

I shake him again and whisper, "Come on Cal, Ash and Lukey are cuddling and they look adorable and we need photos."

He cracks his eyes open and looks at me with a tired smile.

"Morning sleepy." I say, a smile on my face.

"Morning Mikey." He whispers, his morning voice heavy and making my heart speed up slightly.

He yawns and stretches before starting to move so he is laying right beside me. He looks over to Ash and Luke and a huge smile settles on his face.

"They're so adorable." Cal whispers.

I nod and say, "They are really adorable, they would be perfect together."

"I agree with you, and Lukey needs someone to make him happy. It's the least he deserves." Cal says, his voice turning sombre at the end.

It makes me frown deeply; I've noticed Cal seems to care a lot for Luke. I know he doesn't like him like that, but the way Luke can sometimes be makes me think something happened. It's not that it bothers me when Luke get's upset or something, it just worries me.

"Calum, is Lukey okay?" I question concerned.

He looks at me, and I can tell in his eyes something happened and made him sad.

"I'm sorry Mikey, but it's not my place to say. I really wish I could tell you, so then you could help as well, but I don't have the right to tell you. I'm sure in time he will tell you." Cal explains, a little upset.

I nod, knowing it was a long shot.

I pull him into a tight hug seeing he seems a little sad now and whisper, "It's okay, Lukey will be okay."

Instead of helping him, Cal seems to cry even more while shaking his head. He mumbles, "No, you can't say that Mikey. Even I don't know if he will. I'm so scared for him Mikey, I don't want to lose him, he's my best friend and I love him with all my heart. I can't lose him."

Worry floods through me at that, and now I really want to know what's wrong, but I don't ask, knowing Luke should be the one who says it.

"You won't lose him okay; I don't know what's happened. But I know we will all be here for him, and look at how much Ash loves Luke, he would never let anything happen to him." I reassure, not only him, but also me. As I now fear for my new best friend.

Calum pulls away slightly with a small smile on his face as he looks to me then the two sleeping in the other bed.

He falls back into my chest and whispers, "I think you're right. I think Ash might save Lukey."

I smile and hold him close, hoping we are right, and Ash will help Luke through what he's going through. I've only just started to be friends with Cal and Luke, but I already care so much about them, and I never want to lose them.

I crawl out of bed and grab his hand in mine, which makes us both blush, but neither pull away.

My stomach feels warm and I feel so happy having Calum beside me, he just makes me feel so, ugh I don't even know. But it's good.

"We can take a picture of them another time, lets go make food." I suggest, now feeling a little bad if I took a photo of them.

Calum nods in agreement, our hands still intertwined as we make our way into the kitchen.

-Luke's P.O.V-

I wake up feeling warm and safe. I steady heartbeat lets me know I'm laying on a chest and I know it's Ashtons.

Last night when Ash came and found me and said what he did. It just made me feel better, I still had my thoughts, but they were drowning from me being near and with Ash. It's like Ash is able to push away all the bad I've ever felt and replace it with pure happiness.

I feel a light hand running through my hair and I smile.

"You awake Lukey?" Ash mumbles, his voice still heavy with sleep.

I move my head slightly so I can look at him and say, "Good morning Ash."

He smiles brightly, his dimples prominent.

"Morning Lukey." He says, his smile still wide.

Not thinking much, I lift my arm and poke his dimples, making me smile brightly.

Ashton makes a weird face, but then he laughs. "Why you do that?" He whines.

I lay my head back on his chest and whisper, "They're cute."

He blushes then bops my nose and mumbles, "And you're cute."

I blush and bury my head in his chest, but it makes me smile so much and feel so happy. "You're cute too." I whisper, it being a bit muffled from my head being buried in his chest, but I know he understood.

He wraps his arms around me, in a type of hug and we stay like that for a while, content with each other's company and the world around us.

After a while Ash says, "Should we go get food. I can smell Mikey's famous pancakes."

I nod and climb- rather reluctantly- off his chest. We both walk down to the kitchen, keeping close in proximity.

When we enter, I see Cal and Mikey messing about while cooking, I smile brightly looking at the two of them, seeing how happy they both make each other.

"Ash. Luke." Michael says, snapping Calum from what he was doing.

Calum smiles brightly when he sees me and pulls me into an unexpected hug. I hug back obviously and whisper so only he can hear, "Are you okay Cal Pal?"

"Yeah Lukey, I'm okay." He whispers, tightening his grip slightly.

I know he is lying, but I don't push him to tell me. I look up and see Mikey looking at me with worried eyes that he obviously tried to mask. What happened, I wonder to myself.

We pull away and sit down at the table, me beside Cal- as he doesn't seem to want to leave my side- and Mikey and Ash opposite us.

"Mmmmm, these pancakes are so good." I murmur, honestly in pure heaven.

Mikey grins and says, "Thanks Lukey, glad you like them."

"Heyyy, I made them too." Cal pouts from beside me.

I give him a funny look and he smiles at me brightly.

"So, I've been thinking. And today we can make our YouTube channel, and as long as everyone is okay with it we can record a song." Michael says looking at us all.

I look at Ash and he gives me a reassuring smile, just like Cal.

"I'm okay with that." I say, knowing it's a big step, but I want to do it, even if everyone hates me.

Everyone agrees and then Mikey speaks again, "And, you guys can say no of course. But I wanted to know if you wanted to do this every weekend, my parents actually suggested it, and I love having you guys here. And I thought maybe on Saturday we can practice and play about, then Sunday we can record."

I smile at the suggestion and so does everyone else.

"That would be so cool." Ash says, all of us nodding.

"This will be so much fun." Cal says from beside me. And for the first time in a long time, I finally feel at home, with a real family. 

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