Chapter 6

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-Ash's P.O.V-

I walk out of the store reluctantly, having not wanted to leave him but I know I had to.

For some reason I don't fully believe what he said about his arm, his eyes just seemed to hold so much pain that all I wanted to do was hug him forever.

I've always known I was gay, so this isn't a surprise for me. I had told Mikey and he didn't mind, and my family didn't either so that makes me even happier.

I climb back into my car and look at the music store, deciding to make myself a promise.

"I'll come back tomorrow, so I can see your smile again and your voice." I whisper, a smile making its way onto my face as I think about Luke.

How his blue eyes shine with emotion, his blonde hair looking soft and his lip ring sat in the corner of his lip.

Part of me wants to go back so I can talk to him more, but before I do my phone rings. I glance down and see it's Mikey.

"Michael, what's up?" I ask.

"Have you got the things?" He asks.

"Yeah I did."

"Okay, wanna come over for some practice?"

"Sure, I'll be over in a little, see ya."


I begin my drive to Mikey's, my mind wandering back to Luke singing and playing guitar.

Maybe he could join the 'band'.


"You look very happy, what have I missed?" Mikey asks, as I walk into his garage.

I roll my eyes saying, "I'm sorry, am I not allowed to be happy."

Mikey shakes his head in amusement saying, "Nope, now Ash, what is it?"

I laugh a little and say. "When I went to the store, I met this dude, his name's Luke, and he was playing a guitar and singing a song. And Mikey he was so good."

He gasps and replies, "Does someone have a crush?"

I blush and look down, "No."

My voice doesn't sound convincing even to my own ears, and when I look back up I see Mikey smirking at me.

"Anyway, you said he can sing and play guitar?" Mikey says looking at me.

"Yeah, and I think it was his own song, I've never heard it and it seemed like it meant a lot to him." I explain.

"That's awesome, who knows, maybe he might join the 'band'." Michael says, smiling brightly.

"Yeah, maybe." I say, more to myself as I grab the drumsticks. 

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