Chapter 20

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Everyone who I've ever cared about surround me. Evil smirks lingering on their faces.

My arms throb and when I look down, I am met with my hoodie drenched in blood, I grimace and pull it back, revealing deep cuts in my wrist.

"That's the least you deserve Luke. You know we don't actually care about you." Calum taunts, walking towards me with Ashton and Michael.

My parents and brothers are now there as well, making tears fall down my face at what Calum said and the evil looks on everyone's faces.

"We've never liked you Luke, and when your brothers left, we finally realised it. We wish you were the one to leave." My mother says, sneering at me.

I begin to back away as blood drips down my arms, but my back collides with a solid wall, while everyone else begins to move closer and closer to me.

"All you ever do is cry and panic about everything. Why can't you be normal." Michael says, looking at me in disgust.

Tears fall down my face as I shut my eyes tightly, "I'm sorry. I'm sorry." I mumble, over and over again in fear.

"You were the worst mistake ever made." My dad's voice echoes in my head.

I place my hands over my ears, but a tight, painful grip is on my wrists. I open my eyes and am met with those hazel eyes that normally make me light up. But this time, they aren't full of joy and happiness like I'm used to. This time they're full of hatred and disgust. And it's all pointed directly at me.

"Ashy." I whimper, hoping maybe he could save me.

He glares dangerously and his grip tightens painfully on my wrists.

"Don't you dare call me that. I hate you so much, do you know that. You have no talent; we all just want to embarrass you. I know you think we care, but we don't. I certainly don't. I couldn't care less if you kill yourself, in fact. Why don't I help you." He states, while pushing me harshly to the floor.

Pain erupts throughout my entire body as kicks are littered all around me. I cry out for help, but nothing happens as their taunts and kicks grow with every second.


I wake up with a start, worry coursing through my body as I look around the room. My eyes land on a sleeping Ashton beside me, and I can't help but smile at the sight. He is so adorable.

'Not that he would even like you.'

I take a steadying breath, and wipe the tears that continue to fall, the nightmare constantly replaying in my head.

Slowly, I remove Ashtons grip on me and crawl out of bed, already missing his warmth and comfort he brings me.

My feet softly pad across the room and I smile when I see Mikey and Cal cuddling together, honestly, I ship those two.

I open the door as quietly as I can and make my way to the kitchen to try to clear my mind and calm down and get a glass of water.

Michaels parents are both really kind, part of me is jealous that they care that much for him, but I'm still happy for him. And they seemed happy we were all there, I hope that they weren't putting on an act. But Mikey had explained that he normally only has Ash over, as he is his only real friend and his parents like having people over.

I enter the kitchen and flip the light on, squinting slightly at the harshness of it in my eyes.

I grab a glass and fill it with water before sitting down on a chair, with my head in my hands.

I wonder if the nightmare held some truth, like maybe they don't actually like me or want me around.

-Ash's P.O.V-

As I begin to fall asleep, I pull Luke a little closer, liking having him close.

"Ash, what you doing?" Luke whispers.

I open my eyes and look down at him, and whisper back, "Cuddles?"

"Sure." He whispers back after a few seconds.

He moves closer to me and rests his head on my chest, I wrap my arms around his waist and he wraps his arms around my stomach.

I kiss his forehead lightly before I can stop myself, and feel butterflies race around my stomach.

"Night night Ashy." He mumbles already half asleep.

I smile fondly at the name, Mikey sometimes calls me that and it annoys me, but when Luke says it, it makes my insides feel all warm and fuzzy.

"Night Luke." I whisper back, feeling myself start to fall asleep with the warmth and comfort of Luke beside me.

I could get used to this.


I wake up feeling cold and alone, which makes me frown, seeing as it's still dark out and I was cuddling with Luke.

I begin to worry and decide to go see if I can find him.

Walking quietly past Mikey and Cal, I smile seeing them cuddling together. I can tell they both have a thing for each other, I just don't think they quiet know it yet.

Opening the door I begin to walk towards the kitchen where a light is on.

Once I walk in, I frown in worry when I see Luke sat at the table with his head in his hands. He seems upset about something and it breaks my heart.

"Lukey." I say walking towards him.

His head snaps up and I see the sadness and redness of his eyes, indicating he has been crying.

"Ash?" He whispers back, like he is unsure it's really me.

"Yeah, it's me. What's wrong?" I ask, now sitting beside him.

He wipes at his eyes and says, "I'm okay, I just had a nightmare."

I give him a sympathetic look and reply, "Do you want to talk about it?"

He quickly shakes his head and let's out a little yawn, making my heart melt at the sight.

"Do you want to go back to bed?" I question him.

He nods slightly reluctantly and stands up. As he does, so do I and I pull him into a reassuring hug.

"Don't worry Lukey, Ashy bear will keep you safe." I whisper into his ear.

He chuckles slightly, and it sounds like music to my ears as he wraps his arms around me as well.

"Thanks Ashy Bear." He says, his voice holding amusement.

I smile brightly and lead him back into the room and into bed. He lays down again against my chest and wraps his arms around me as I wrap mine around his waist.

"I ship Malum." He whispers, and I can see him looking at where Cal and Mikey lay.

I stifle a laugh and say, "so do I."

I also ship us.

I kiss his head again and say, "Go to sleep Lukey, it'll be okay."

He nods against my chest and mumbles a goodnight, as do I.

I make sure to stay awake to make sure he sleeps peacefully before I allow myself to fall asleep as well. 

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