Chapter 17

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The buzzing of my phone beside wakes me from my peaceful sleep.

I groan and mumble under my breath, not knowing who it is, and frankly not caring. I blindly reach out for my phone and bring it to my ear while answering, eyes still firmly shut against the light of day.

"What." I grumble groggily.

"Lukey, where are you?" I hear Cal say, making me furrow my eyebrows and open my eyes.

"Huh, what do you mean." I ask, only just starting to wake up.

I hear a light sigh and Cal say, "remember, we are going to see Ash and Mikey and staying the night."

My eyes go wide, and I look over to the digital clock sat on my bedside table and see the time is 9:52.

"Shit." I say now jumping out of bed.

I hear Calum laugh and I mentally glare at him.

"Just be quick and meet me outside." Cal says before hanging up.

I sigh tiredly and head to the bathroom to get ready. I quickly jump into the shower, washing my hair and making sure to wash the cuts littering my arm.


I run out the door, a granola bar in one hand and a bag in the other with my guitar slung over my shoulder. Thankfully, I had packed last night so I had everything I needed.

I check my phone, seeing it's 10:20 already and a lot of messages on the group chat.

I jump into the all too familiar car and see Cal giving me a look, making me smile innocently at him.

"You took your sweet time." Calum says, as we begin to drive away.

"Sorry, I forgot to set an alarm, and no one else is around to wake me." I say, wincing mentally at the end, knowing how it makes Calum feel.

I can hear his sigh as he replies, "I hate that they're never around Lukey, you know it's not right. They have no right to leave you alone for so long, just because your brothers aren't around. I'm sorry Luke, I know you hate talking about it, but they've pissed me off so much for doing that to you."

I feel tears rise in my eyes and I quickly blink them away while shaking my head.

"It's not your fault Cal." I mumble.

It's my fault.

"And anyway, I have you. And now Ash and Mikey." I say trying to lighten the mood slightly.

I can see his smile grew very large as we come to stop in on the side of the road. He turns to me, tears in his eyes.

"Really?" He asks, his voice cracking slightly.

I smile widely at him and nod replying, "As long as you want me that is."

His smile falters slightly at my words and he gives me a sad look.

"Lukey, how long until you get that I will always love you, you're my best friend, like the brother that I never had. No matter what I will always be here for you and always love you okay. Of course, I want to be a part of your family, cause I know for sure you're already a part of mine." Calum says, his tone holding only honestly.

"Thank you." I say, feeling slight guilt eat away at me for the future.

He smiles and begins driving once again.

"Do you think Ash and Mikey are angry at us?" I question mindlessly, having yet to open the messages.

Cal laughs a little and says, "not we. You. And no, I told them what happened when they started to bombarded the group chat and you weren't replying."

I frown and look down, now feeling bad.

"I didn't mean to; I was just tired, and I forgot to set an alarm." I whisper while looking out the window at all the passing houses.

"Lukey, it's okay, they aren't angry. They just got concerned." Calum reassures me.

I stay silent but nod, nonetheless.


It's now 10:43 when we pull up to, I'm presuming, Michaels house.

We both climb out and grab our belongings before walking to the door. Calum walks in front and knocks on the door before falling back to my side.

A few seconds pass before Michael is stood at the door, smiling at the both of us.

"Ah, finally you two. Me and Ash thought you two had bailed." Mikey says, opening the door more and gesturing us to come in.

Cal and I walk in as Cal says, "Sorry Mikey, Luke was tired."

"Sorry Mikey." I say, feeling actually awful for it.

He shakes his head and says, "It's all good Lukey, you're forgiven."

I smile brightly at him; thankful he wasn't angry.

We follow Mikey down a hall and he opens a door, and when we step in my eyes go wide. The room had a huge TV on the wall, with a huge sofa and beanbags all over the floor. My eyes trailed over to Ashton who was sat on the sofa on his phone. But when he heard us his head snapped up, and when his eyes landed on me, they seemed to glow.

"Welcome to my game room." Mikey says, gesturing around the room with a grin on his face.

"Lukey, Cal, you guys are here." Ash cheers, standing up from where he was sat and bounding up to us like a happy puppy.

I was about to reply when I'm pulled a tight hug. This one is warm and comforting and makes me feel loved and safe. I wrap my arms around his stomach and bury my head in chest.

"Hey Ash." I mumble against his chest.

"Hey Luke." he whispers back.

We both pull away, and I can feel the warmth flood me. For some reason when I'm with Ashton I don't feel the self-hatred within me, or the sadness that is always there. It's all replaced with love and warmth, and it makes me so happy. It makes me want to live.

I look up and see Mikey and Cal giving each other a look. Before I can question it, they both look away.

Mikey clears his throat, "Well, let's go, I'll show you were we'll sleep tonight so you can dump your bags." His informs us.

We all nod and follow him down a hall with our bags.

He opens up a door, revealing two double beds.

"I hope you guys don't mind sharing with someone." Mikey says looking at us.

We all shake our heads and I pipe up saying, "So who's with who?"

Michael shrugs and says, "well, I'm going to sleep here." He says, pointing to the bed closest to the door.

"I'll tell you what, everyone stand around me once my eyes are shut. I'll spin around a bit and point to someone, and that person will share with me, while the other two share that bed." Mikey suggests.

I shrug, thinking that's a fair thing to do. Everyone agrees and we all watch as Mikey shuts his eyes, making us all move around to stand around him.

He begins to spin a little, his arm out. After a few spins he stops, his arm pointing to Cal.

He opens his eyes and Ash says, "Well, looks like it's you and Cal and Me and Lukey."

It might've been my imagination, but I could've sworn I heard excitement in his voice. I shrug it off, but in all honesty, I also feel a little excited at sharing a bed with Ash, not in like a weird way but you know.

We all place our stuff down on our designated beds and Mikey says, "Let's go make some music."

I pick up my guitar, feeling happy for the first time in a long time. And content with everything that was around me. 

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