Chapter 43

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I stare in shock at what he said. No fucking way is this real.

"Are you serious?" Ash asks, breaking the silence, with his arms still around me.

Michael nods and says, "Yeah, he said he works for Diamond records and that some people have seen our shows, and they want to sign us. He said I can call back once I've spoken to you guys then we would have a meeting."

"Oh my God." I breath out, feeling shocked.

"I'm so down." Calum says, looking at us all with smiles. He looks at me, knowing I'll probably hesitate and says, "Lukey, remember we were talking about this Monday. We could get so far, and we would all be together."

I nod knowing he is right, and it's always been my dream.

"It's just- wouldn't you all be better without me." I whisper, feeling like my parents were right, and that I bring the group down.

Ash's arms tighten around me and he pulls me closer to him, "Don't ever, ever say that Penguin. You are a part of this band just as much as I or the other two are okay. Why would you think we would be better without you."

I look to Cal who is sat looking at me with a sad look along with Mikey, and Calum seems to understand what was wrong.

"Is it because of what your parents had said?" He asks, his tone of voice sounding angry.

I nod and look down in shame, annoyed at myself for always letting words cut into me and make me feel so bad.

"What did they do?" Ashton asks, looking at Cal instead of me.

Calum looks to me and I nod, letting him know it's okay to tell the others.

Calum sighs before starting, "On Monday before I picked him up, his parents found out about being in a band. And they said how he brings them down and we would be better off without him. Which is definitely not true."

Ashton pulls me closer to him and shakes his head quickly.

"I've never met your parents, but I really don't like them Lukey. And never listen to what they say, because it's not true one bit okay." Ash relies me.

"Yeah Penguin, you're my best friend, you all are. Except you Calum, you're my mans and best friend, but that's not the point. The point is, we're a band now, not 3 out of 4 of us. It's all of us that make this band, not one, or 2 or 3. All four of us make it." Mikey says, looking at me seriously.

I nod and whisper, "Thanks guys. And I'm in."

Everyone smiles brightly and Ash says, "Then I definitely am."

Michael nods and he says, "should I call them back?"

Everyone nods and I grab Ash's hand, feeling a little anxious.

"I'll put it on speaker." He says, while he presses the buttons and puts the phone on the table in front of this.

"Hello, this is Diamond records, how may I help?" A voice says through the phone.

"Hi, I'm Michael Clifford, in the band 5 seconds of summer." Mikey says, looking at us with a smile and a shrug.

"Oh of course, I'll patch you through to Milo Evans, he is the one wanting to sign you." The man says.


"Hi Michael, it's good to hear from you again." A man's voice- Milo's- echoes through the phone.

"Hello, I spoke to the others. And we're all down." He says, while looking at us all with a smile on his face.


After talking to them for a while we all decided to have a meeting with him after our performance on Saturday. He had told us that we could already go on tour, doing covers, but also our own songs as we explained we already have quite a few. But we were told we would have to record an album still, but we could do it quiet quick as we already have songs and everything written, which we agreed to.


A month went by, and the tour had already been arranged for the next month. We're already more than halfway through recording an album and I still can't believe it.

Our influence on social media has grown even more and now we are spotted quite a lot. We now have around 4 million subscribers and a heck of a lot of views.

I was so excited to go on tour. It wasn't a world tour or anything, we would just be going around Australia but still.

We had told our 'fans' on YouTube and we had a lot of people saying they're going to buy or album and some going to come see us on tour. We we're all so excited and happy that this was happening. Luckily as well we are allowed to drop out of school here, and Ash and Mikey don't have to worry about it because they didn't have to go to university at all.


Next week we would be starting tour, and I still hadn't told my parents. I had explained the situation to Milo, and he had said as long as they agree- no matter how late- it would be okay, as Ash was seen as an adult and so was Mikey as his birthday had come so he was now also 19. I also spoke to Joey- my boss at the music store- and he said he was proud of me, and that if I ever needed work or anything like that to go back as he was happy to always have me back.

"I can't believe this is the end." Cal says with tears in his eyes.

You see, today was a Friday, and this was the last time we would all be at Mikey's for the weekend.

"I know. But guys. We are going on tour. Together." Ash says from beside me, while holding me close to him.

"Do you think people will like the album?" I ask looking at them all.

"People will love the album, there are some good songs there." Michael says with a proud smile.

"That's true. Also it's strange not being at school, Lukey how did you parents take it?" Calum asks, as I had never explained what happened.

When I told them I wanted to drop out of school, lets just say they insulted me a lot, but agreed, nonetheless.

"It was fine." I mumble, not wanting to tell them all the horrible things I was told.

They all nod, but I see Ash and Calum look at each other.

"When's the album going to be released again?" Ash questions.

"Like two days. And the tickets for the tour went up a week or two ago, from what I've been told I think all of them are sold out." Michael replies.

"Woah." I whisper in shock.

Ash smiles and kisses my cheek affectionately, "I'm proud of you Lukey. So fucking proud."

"Thanks Ashy." I whisper while kissing him on the lips.

I gasp and pull back, "Guys, Pengy is coming on tour." I announce.

Everyone laughs but they all nod, "Pengy is part of the band. Of course he is coming." Michael says sounding proud.

Over time everyone agreed that Pengy is part of the band and will forever be a part of it.

"Do you think they'll have hell's kitchen on the bus or something." Calum says with a longing look.

Everyone laughs and Ash replies with, "Probably, if not I will cry, because it's become a 5sos specialty."

Everyone agrees and I can't help a genuine smile on my face. Maybe this might be the end of spending weekends at Mikey's, but it's the start of a whole new chapter.

At this moment, I felt happier than ever, and as far as I'm concerned, nothing could go wrong.

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