Chapter 19

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"Best bass?" Cal suggests, making all of us shake our head.

"That one's a new low for you Cal Pal." I laugh.

Calum pouts sadly, making us all laugh. We have been sat here for a long time, trying to come up with a good name and we are yet to get one.

"Hmmm, what about The Ace?" Michael asks, looking at us.

"That one is alright, but I don't think it's us." Ashton says from beside me.

I hum in agreement then say, "Okay I have one. What about, 5 seconds of summer?"

I was about to take it back when everyone looked at me with a huge smile.

"Yes Lukey, that one is good." Cal says.

Everyone nodded in agreement and I said, "Are you guys sure, I mean we could make it better?"

"It's the best we've had so far I think." Michael says looking at me with a smile.

I smile, happy that I was able to come up with it. Honestly, I just thought of it, of like how I feel. It's like not 5 seconds of summer, but 5 seconds of happiness. And using that would be a little sad you know, but what makes nearly everyone happy. Summer. But 5 seconds of summer is like having 5 seconds of happiness. But yeah, I don't know, I also just like the ring of it.

"What if like it's shorted down to 5sos, but not S.O.S like save our souls, instead it sounds like 5 sauce?" Ash suggests.

We all nod in agreement and Mikey whispers, "5 seconds of summer."

"Should we make a YouTube channel?" Michael asks looking at us all.

I frown slightly and say, "Why? What for?"

"To film covers and things Lukey." Ash says, ruffling my hair in the process and making me glare at him.

I can feel my heart sink and the thoughts surround me, this time I'm unable to tame them.

'They just want to embarrass you.'

'Everyone will hate you online.'

'You aren't good enough for this band.'

'No one wants you about, you should just die already.'

I feel arms wrap around me and Calum whispering, "it'll be alright Lukey, you just have to breath okay. It's okay."

I wrap my arms around him, thankful it's Cal and not Ash, as I don't want Ash to know what's really going on inside my head.

"I can't Cal, people will make fun of me and judge me." I whisper, so only he can hear me.

His arms tighten around me and he whispers back "No buddy, they won't. And if they do, it's because they're jealous, believe me when I say Lukey, you are so talented. Please, just give it a try, if not for yourself then me, Ash and Mikey."

I can hear the plead in his voice and know it would be selfish of me to not do it, but I know people will be mean to me and hate me. I guess as long as I'm the only one who gets the hate, it'll be okay. The others don't deserve it, but I do.

I keep my head against his chest and mumble back, "Okay Cal Pal."

We pull away and I can see both Ash and Mikey looking at me in worry and concern, I look down a little embarrassed and mumble an apology.

Calum begins to talk to Michael about something and I watch as Ashton walks cautiously towards me.

"Are you okay Lukey?" Ash asks as he stands in front of me.

I nod and say, "yeah. I'm sorry, it's just, I'm not used to singing or playing guitar in front of anyone and now we will be posting it online. But I know now that I'm in a band, I can't let you all down."

Ash frowns deeply when he hears what I say.

"Please don't ever think that Luke. You can never let any of us down, we're a band now which means no matter what we will always be here for you. And it's okay if you don't want to post it online, but everyone will be missing out on the amazing talent of Luke Hemmings." Ashton says while looking into my eyes.

I feel tears rise in my eyes at what he said, Cal is the only person who ever says something like that to me, and I thought he was just saying it because he is my best friend, but Ash also said something like it as well, so maybe it's true.

"Thank you Ashy, really." I say, a watery smile on my face.

He wipes away a tear that falls from one of my eyes, his touch warm and comforting to me.

"Let's join the others." He says, putting his arm over my shoulder and leading us over to Cal and Mikey who are sat on one of the sofas.

"You guys wanna play some FIFA?" Mikey asks, picking up a controller.

"I'm known as the king of FIFA, lets do this." Cal says, smirking at his name.

I roll my eyes playfully and say, "No one calls you that."

Calum pouts at me and says, "Don't call me out like that Lukey."

I smile innocently and Ash says, "Let's go, I'm going to ruin you all."

I look at Ash with a sad look and Ash quickly says, "Not you Luke, of course. I would never do something like that to you."

I smile brightly and reply, "thanks Ash."

I watch as Michael gives Ashton the same look and Ash look at Mikey nonchalantly.

"It's not going to work Mikey." Ash laughs.

Mikey pouts and says, "What, why not. It worked with Lukey?"

Ash gives him a look and says, "It just doesn't have the same affect I guess."

I see Michael give Ashton some kind of look, making Ash blush deeply and look away. I frown a little, wondering what it meant.


After many rounds of FIFA, and Calum shockingly winning, with Mikey in second, me third and Ash in last, who claims he was having an off day we ordered some pizza.

Honestly, I love eating pizza, so I didn't mind having it for a second day in a row.

After pizza we went back to the game room and put a film on, the maze runner because Mikey and Ash had never seen it.


"Should we go to bed, it's pretty late and tomorrow we have a song to rock." Cal says, making us all agree.

I walk alongside Michael, talking about random things such as favourite songs and films.

Once we all get ready, I say goodnight to Mikey and Cal who are crawling into bed, the opposite side of mine and Ash's.

Ashton is already laying in bed under the cover, so I crawl in and lay silently beside him. I can feel the heat radiating from his, even with my hoodie on.

"Goodnight Lukey." Ash whispers, and I see his head turn to look at me.

"Goodnight Ashy." I mumble, moving a little closer to him as I enjoy the heat.

The lights are off now, and I can feel as Ash pulls me a little closer to him, with his hand around my waist.

"Ash, what you doing?" I ask half-heartedly, not wanting to pull away.

"Cuddles?" He asks, opening his eyes to look at me.

I blush, thankful that he can't see me and nod.

"Sure." I whisper, moving even closer.

I rest my head comfortably on the side of his chest as his arms snake around me. I feel his lips against my forehead and smile at how soft they are.

"Night night Ashy." I mumble sleepily, already feeling the tug of sleep weigh me down.

"Night Lukey." Ash whispers back, keeping a firm grip on me.

I can hear Ash's heartbeat from beneath me, and it lulls me to sleep, me being happy and content exactly where I am. 

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