road trip- t.holder final part

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I stood next to the jeep, shivering a bit as Tayler was attempting to find out what was wrong with the jeep. I looked around me, getting more nervous as I held the light on the engine so Tayler can see, wishing that a miracle would happen. Tayler glanced at me, noticing the worried look on my face and the shivering.
“Hey, you alright?” He asked, getting off the jeep, standing in front of me. I nodded my head, looking up at him, giving him a tight lipped smile.
“You don’t have to lie to me,” Tayler frowned and I sighed.
“I’m just a little on edge, I guess. I-You know I don’t like places like this, especially at night,” I muttered and he nodded, bringing me into a tight hug.
“I know, I’m sorry. I’m trying to figure it out, so we can get out of here,” Tayler muttered, looking around the area before going into the trunk of the jeep, pulling out his champion hoodie.
“Here, put this on.” I grabbed the hoodie from his hands, softly smiling as I pulled the sweatshirt over my head.Tayler began searching for the problem again as I held the flashlight, smelling his scent on his hoodie. I smiled to myself, playing with the ends of the sleeve as I watched Tayler find out what the problem is.
“Shit. The battery is totally fried and the alternator belt must’ve snapped,” He frowned and so did I, knowing that we’re going to have to stay out here for the night. Tayler closed the hood of his jeep, going back towards his trunk as he pulled out a few pillows and a throw blanket.
“I’ll call a mechanic in the morning but for now, there’s nothing else I can do,” He mentioned, placing the stuff in his back seat.“Okay…” I muttered, pulling off his hoodie, placing it in the front seat before crawling into the back, getting under the small blanket. Tayler crawled in after me, trying not to kick me as I watched him, giggling a bit as he tried to get his lanky legs over the seat. He playfully glared at me as he finally got over the seat, laying on his side, facing me.
“That’s funny to you, huh?” Tayler asked and I nodded my head, a grin on my lips and he scoffed, shaking his head.
“You’re so cute,” He muttered and my breath hitched in my throat, hoping he didn’t catch it as my heartbeat started pounding against my chest. He thinks I’m cute? I smiled, shaking my head as I turned around, closing my eyes as I try to let sleep take over, but it doesn’t work. My body began shivering again, silently cursing at myself for bringing such a light blanket. I sighed loudly, turning back around to face Tayler, his eyes shut and I bite my lip, contemplating on wrapping my arms around him.
“Tay?” I questioned and his eyes opened slightly, letting out a ‘hm.’
“I-I’m cold…” I muttered, feeling a little embarrassed as he smiled at me.
“Well… cuddling helps keep the body warm, if you’re up for that?” He asked me and my heart fluttered, nodding my head slightly. I scooted closer to him, laying my head on his chest as his arms wrapped around my waist, holding me close to him. I laid a hand on his chest, resting my eyes as I listened to his heartbeat.
“Better?” Tayler asked and I nodded my head, smiling widely, finally being able to get closer to him. His hand gently rubbed my back as tiredness had overcome my body, falling asleep against his chest. Tayler heard my heavy breathing, knowing that I had fallen asleep when his slender fingers had combed through my hair.
“I wish I could tell you how I feel…” The sun shined brightly in my eyes, waking me up as I squinted, looking around, not finding Tayler next to me. I sit up, rubbing the tiredness out of my eyes as I noticed Tayler standing next to another guy as they shook hands before the stranger got back into his truck, driving off. I climbed into the front seat, checking my phone as I had a few notifications from Instagram. Tayler's door opened as he hopped inside, smiling down at me, taking my hand into his.
“Morning, Y/N,” He grinned and I scooted closer to him, sitting in the middle seat.
“Morning, Tayler. Everything fixed?” I asked and he nodded his head, starting the jeep. I leaned my head against his shoulder as Tayler began to drive down the road again, only ten hours away from Seattle and I couldn’t be anymore excited.
“Did you sleep alright?” He asked, glancing down at me and I nodded my head, sitting up straight.
“I slept pretty good after we started cuddling,” I blushed tucking a piece of hair behind my ear.
“Your body gives off a lot of heat,” I chuckled and he blushed a bit, scratching the back of his neck.
“Well, I’m glad that you were comfortable,” Tayler muttered, checking behind him as he changed lanes, seeing the sign that we had entered Oregon. One of Tayler’s hand left the wheel, grazing my hand as he slightly intertwined our fingers, glancing at me, making sure it was okay with me. I smiled at him, intertwining our fingers more as my stomach filled with butterflies.
“I’m always comfortable with you, Tayler…” I mentioned, rubbing the back of his hand with my thumb. During the drive to Seattle, Tayler and I became a little more touchy with each other, his hand resting on my thigh throughout the entire drive in Oregon. I would play with the tips of his fingers as I looked out the windshield, seeing all different types of scenery. I could feel Tayler looking over at me every once in awhile and I just pretended not to acknowledge it, smiling to myself. I hope I’m not misreading these signals. We’ve been cooped up in the car for long hours when we finally hit Seattle, the smile on my face spreading as I looked all over the place, taking everything in.
“I can’t believe we’re here, Tayler!” I squealed and he laughed, parking the car at the hotel we were staying at. We checked in, grabbing our bags and bringing them to the room before we went out to sightsee. As we were walking down the street as I felt Tayler's hand brush against mine before intertwining our fingers. I glanced at him as his cheeks flushed, scratching the back of his neck.
“Just so we don’t lose each other in the crowd,” Tayler muttered embarrassingly and I smiled, resting my other hand on his arm as I leaned my forehead against his shoulder for a second.
“It’s fine, Tayler. If you wanted to hold my hand, all you needed to do was ask.” I grinned and he nodded his head, smiling down at me.
“Now, c’mon! I want to go see the space needle,” I excitingly told him, leading him towards the tall, slim building. We got to the top of the space needle, looking at the city in front of me in awe, taking out my phone as I snap a few pictures. I notice an older lady a few feet from me and I tap on her shoulder.
“Hi. I was wondering if you could take a few pictures of us?” I asked her once she turned around and smiled, nodding her head. I gave her my phone, explaining to her how to take a picture before I stood next to Tayler, wrapping an arm around his waist.
“Smile,” The old lady told us and we did as she snapped a picture. I was about to go grab my phone when Tayler stopped me.
“Can we take one more?” Tayler asked and I nodded, standing next to him again and just as she was about to take the picture, Tayler turned my head towards his, pressing his lips against mine softly. I let out a surprised gasp, eye wide as I heard the old lady chuckle lightly. My eyes flutter shut as I begin to move my lips against his, my heart skipping a beat and butterflies flow throughout my body. Tayler pulled away from me, our lips parted as we stared at each other for a few seconds. I blushed deeply, looking towards the old woman as she gave us a charming smile, handing me my phone and I silently thank her. I opened the photos app, seeing the last picture we took of us kissing, smiling at it. It’s perfect. We were walking towards another location, the kiss still playing through my memory as I wondered why he hadn’t talked about it yet. I bit my bottom lip, playing with the end of my jacket, debating whether or not I should bring it up. We visited three different locations, but my mind was somewhere else, so I didn’t really pay attention. Tayler must’ve noticed the distant look in my eyes as he stopped me before we left the main doors.
“You okay?” Tayler asked me and I looked up at him, nodding my head, not trusting my voice. He gave me a knowing look and I sighed.
“Alright, well, I'm just… why haven't you said anything about the kiss?” I asked him and his lips parted in surprise, moving them as if he’s trying to say something, but no noise comes out.
“Did you regret it?” I asked again, frowning a bit.
“No, no, god no. Absolutely not. I’ve been wanting to kiss you for years,” Tayler confesses, grabbing my hands in his.
“Y-You have?” My eyes widened, stepping closer to him as he nodded his head repeatedly.
“I’ve been wanting to be something with you for so long, Tayler.” I chuckled lightly, laying a hand on his chest.
“Oh thank god.” Tayler let out a breath of relief, wrapping one of his arms around my waist as the other one rested on my cheek. He leaned down, closing the gap between us as we moved our lips against each other’s, wrapping my arms around his neck. God, his lips are so soft. Tayler pulled away from me, brushing our lips together a few more times before resting his forehead against mine.
“God, I’m never gonna get enough of you,” Tayler whispered, rubbing my lower back as I smiled, running my fingers through the back of his hair.

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