new family members- b.hall

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“Bryce!” I yelled, dropping the clothes basket on the ground when I saw our son playing with two little black puppies. Bryce ran in from the other room, wincing when he saw my reaction to the scene in front of us.
 “What did you do?”
“Well, Josh's dog had puppies and they couldn’t find anyone to have them-”
 “I know because when they asked I said no.” “
Oh, come on (Y/N). You can’t be mad at that!” He walks forward with a smile on his face and wraps his arm around my waist. I look over to see our son Caleb laughing and playing with the dogs. They start crawling on his lap and licking his face as he giggles with happiness.
“They are cute.... but we just can’t afford the damage they cause from peeing and pooing everywhere.” 
“I can train them! I mean look at them. Can’t you imagine them growing older together, tiring one another out before bed time so we can have a little time to ourselves.” Bryce whispers looking at me. I giggle and give him a playful slap on the chest. 
“Plus I’ve already named them.” He quickly mumbles out. 
“What?” I pull away. 
“I swear if its something like White and Claw...”
“No! Don’t be silly! Its Sway and-”
“I’m kidding! I was waiting for you to name them.” We laugh and look back over at Caleb who is squealing with delight. I walk over to Caleb and kneel next to him, patting the puppies that are jumping everywhere. I giggle as one jumps on my chest, trying to push me over. 
“What do you think Caleb? What should we name them?”
 “Sway!” I raised my brows at his response, turning my head to see a smirking Bryce. 
“What can I say; we raised him right.” I laugh at his response and throw a pillow from the couch at him. It hits him in the face and his jaw drops in surprise. He lets out a couple laughs before slowly reaching for the pillow. “Oh, you’re in trouble now.” I quickly jump up and start running away, laughing the whole time. Bryce follows me and the dogs him. Suddenly, I trip over my feet and land face flat on the floor rug which softened my blow. Bryce follows suit and trips over me, landing next to me. We’re both laughing and wincing at the same time. The dogs begin licking our faces and I screw my face up in response.
“They’re about as good a kiss as you Bryce.” I laugh out. 
“Hey, hey, hey. You know I’m the best you’ve ever had.”
“You’re all I’ve ever had so you have to be the best, don’t you.” I laugh. We pull ourselves from the ground and settle on the couch.
 “Alright,” I take a few breaths, regaining myself. 
“So chewwy and what else?” 
“Hmmm.... what about Janus. Like the Greek god for new beginnings? And then his nickname can be Jay” Bryce suggests. 
“Yeah, I like the sound of that!” I pick up the dogs and put them on our laps.
 “Welcome to the Hall family you two!” Caleb crawls over and I lift him next to me so he can pet the puppies easily. I smile down at him and look back at Bryce who is looking at me smiling. 
“I love you (Y/N).” 
“I love you too, Bryce.” I lean in and kiss him on the lips. When we pull away I put my head on his shoulder, watching the new family members slowly drift off to sleep.

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