birthday- k.cyr

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"Did you order the cake?" Addison asked you, leaning against the doorframe.
"Yes. I'm picking it up later."
"Okay, good. Bryce and Jaden are getting the decorations and meeting us at sway at 5 so we can set up. Charli and Dixie are picking up our other guests at the airport, and Anthony and Noah are keeping Kio busy until the party starts."
"Good. I'm so nervous. I hope this works out like we planed." Planning a surprise party for Kio was stressing you out.
"It'll be fine. I gotta get going but I'll see you later, okay?" Addisom smiled at you and waved, ber shoes squeaking as she went down the hallway. You jumped on your bed and sighed. You were so worried that something would go wrong. You really wanted this to be a success. Kio was your best friend, and he was also the love of your life, though he didn't know it. You were so worried about ruining the friendship you had, on top of the fact that everyone knew he had a thing for Riley since breakimg up with Olivia. And Riley loved him, of course. But not the way he wanted her to. Your circle of friends was just a big mess.You were broken from your thought by the boy himself as he entered your room stopping in front of you leaving you to wounder how he got in your apartment without you knowing.
"What's up, Cyr?"
He grinned, shoving his hands in his pockets and shrugged.
"Nothing. Want to talk with me?"
"Sure." You pushed off and fell into step next to him.
"What are you doing later? Anthony is trying to drag me off with Noah to do something for my birthday, but I want you to come too."
Your faced heated up. He was so sweet to invite you.
"Thanks, but I have plans with Addison. I think she's taking me shopping." You scrunched your nose and he laughed. "But we will do something tomorrow on your birthday, okay?"He nodded.
"Promise? We should go out for burgers and fries."
"Yes! Sounds like a plan." You flashed him a smile and headed to your room,Anthony called. "Everything good?" He asked you lowly incase Kio was near.You hummed. "I don't think he suspects anything."
The rest of the day was a blur. Your stomach was in knots, you didn't know why you needed everything to be perfect but you just really wanted Kio to have a good time. Addison was trying to calm you as you headed towards your car.
"You know he'd be happy with a pizza and just you and the boys. Don't stress yourself out!"
"I know, you're right." You climbed into your car, Addison getting in the passenger side. "It's just that, after all the crap with the Olivia, and then Riley, I just want us all to relax before the next disaster strikes, you know?"
Addison nodded. "I get it." Her phone beeped and she looked down as you pulled out of the parking lot.
"Mads and Jaden are on their way to the store to get the food. She wants to know what kind of fries to get."
"This is Kio we're talking about here. What do you think?" Addison grinned at you. "Curly fries it is." You picked up the cake and met up with Mads, Jaden, Noah and Anthony at Sway the rest of the boys yet to arrive."
Dixie just text me, they're on their way." Addison informed you as you all herded into the elevator.
"Relax, Y/N. Everything is perfect." Noah said, patting your shoulder.
"So far." You sighed.
"Well, aren't you just the picture of optimism?" Josh asked, rolling his eyes.
"I'm sorry guys, I'm just a firm believer in Murphy's law." Bryce snorted.
"What could possibly go wrong?" Addison smacked his shoulder.
"Please shut up."
Blake was waiting with the back door open when you exited the elevator.
"So, we have a slight problem."
You turned to glare at Bryce.
"You were saying?"
"Nothing major. Just forgot to get propane for the grill. Griffin just went out to get some." Blaks frowned at you.
"Are you alright? You don't look so good."
Addison came forward and pressed her hand to your forehead.
"You feel a little warm."
"I'm fine. Can we just get started? They'll be here in an hour."
"Okay. If you're sure." She clapped her hands together, taking charge. "Alright! Bryce, Josh, lets get started with the streamers and the balloons."
30 minutes later and the loft was decorated, the punch was made, Blake and Griffin were in the garden cooking cheeseburgers.
"Are you sure you're alright, Y/N?" Mads asked.
You were starting to feel clammy, but you nodded anyway.
"Fine. I think I just need some water."She grabbed a glass and filled it with water from the sink and handed it to you.
"Come on." She grabbed your arm and led you out of the kitchen. Addison was reorganizing the gift table, Noah was messing with the stereo. Blake and Griffin came inside with a platter full of food.
"Everything is done, Y/N. Just waiting for our guests to arrive." Addison smiled at you.
You took a sip of your water and nodded. "Thank you, everyone, for helping me pull this off. I couldn't have done it without your help, honestly."
The door opened and Charli and Dixie entered, with Riley and Madi in tow. You pulled them in for a big hug, glad to see that they'd made the trip.
"I missed you guys so much." You murmured.
They pulled away and smiled at you. "Missed you too. We're back now, though. For awhile. I promise."
"Good. Is Chris coming?"
"Yes. He's on his way with Ryland and Nick."
You retreated to the couch and sat, taking a deep breath. You head felt heavy, you were most likely getting sick, but you wanted to see this party through to the end. You checked your phone and smiled when you saw a text from Kio.
"We're heading up to Sway, Are you coming?"
"I'll meet you there."
You glanced at the time. You placed your glass on the coffee table, wobbling slightly as you stood up. Ryland, Nick and Chris had finally arrived.
"Five minute warning, everyone!"
"Alright, let's get into position! Noah, kill the music and the lights!" Addison instructed. She grabbed your hand and tugged you with her. "You need to be front and center, this was all your idea to begin with."You phone buzzed and you glanced down. It was Ondreas telling you they were there.
"They just pulled in." Addison called, glancing over your shoulder.
The house was eerily dark and quiet, everyone was crouched down and holding their breath. The door opened and Kio stumbled in the door. Blake hit the lights and you all jumped up and yelled "Surprise!" Kio screamed like a little girl until he realized what was happening. He cleared his throat.
"I mean. Wow! Thank you, guys!"
Everyone laughed and Kio looked embarrassed but he was laughing too.
You made to walk forwards but the world slid out of focus and you lost your balance, falling to the floor.
"Y/N!" You heard Kio call, but your eyes slid shut and all you saw was blackness.You woke up a little bit later in Kio's bedroom. Kio was sitting beside you holding your hand.
"What are you doing? Go enjoy your party."He jumped when he realized you were awake.
"No way! You're more important. Are you alright?"You tried to sit up but he pushed your shoulder back down to the bed.
"I'm fine, Kio."
"No, you're not. Griffin says you have a fever. You need to rest."You huffed but obliged, turning on your side to look at him. "I ruined your party."
"Are you crazy? This is the greatest thing anyone has ever done for me. You got most of the houses together in one room for me, even the ones who hate each other with little to no explanation. That took a lot of work."
"Well, I tried."
"And there's curly fries."
You laughed. "Yeah, there is."
"Best birthday ever, hands down."You smiled, glad you were able to give him the party that you felt he deserved.
"Did you open your presents yet?"
"Yes, Bryce made me. I opened all of them except for yours. I wanted to do that with you." He picked up a box from the floor, wrapped in blue paper with a silver ribbon. "What is it?"
"Open it, silly." Kio ripped into the paper, pulling out his gift. "A fluffy hat with the ears that move when you press the hands." He stared at it for a straight minute, and you were starting to worry that he didn't like it because you chose something simple based on a joke you guys had. Before you could say something, he turned and leaned over, kissing you on the mouth. As much as you wanted this, god did you want this, you pushed him back slightly.
"Kio, you're going to get sick."
"Don't care." His lips descended on yours again. The kiss was sweet, but you could feel all the emotion behind it. Your hands went to the nape of his neck, pulling him closer. He crawled onto the bed fully and laid down beside you, pulling away slightly and pushing a strand of hair behind your ear.
"Wow." You mumbled. "Kio?"
"Does that mean you liked it?"
"I'd say yes."
"Okay, good."
"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have jumped you like that. I just couldn't hold it in anymore. I'm crazy about you, Y/N. I have been for a long time."
You were still trying to process what had just happened. "But, what about Riley?"
"What about her? She's my friend."
"But you've liked Riley for ages now." You frowned.
"I stopped feeling that way awhile ago."
"Yes, really. Please say something. Tell me Josh wasn't lying when he told me you liked me."
"Josh told you? He's a dead man." You growled.
"So it's true?" You nodded.
"It's true. I'm crazy about you, Kio. In all your annoying, fidgety, geeky glory."
"Well, that settles that." He kissed your nose and stood up. "I'm taking you home and getting you to bed." He held out his hand and helped you up, tucking his present on his head and throwing the wrapping in the trash can. "I'd say you should stay here but I don't want the boys getting all annoying and load when they get the whiteclaws out."You chuckled as he led you out of the room and down the stairs. The party was still going some had left. Addison ran over to fuss over you but you assured her you were fine. Mads offered to drive your car home for you since she lived close by your house anyway, and you thanked her as Kio practically dragged you out the door. When he got you settled in the passenger seat of his tesla he kissed your forehead. "Change of plans. I'm staying at your house, I'm making you chicken soup, and we're watching a movie."
"That sounds perfect."
Later on you were curled up under the covers with Kio on your bed, some random anime was playing in the background but you weren't paying attention. He had made you chicken soup and given you tylenol and a pair of his sweatpants he had left at your apartment from the many movie nights, so you were feeling much better, but you were exhausted. You glanced over at the clock and saw that it was after midnight.
"Happy birthday, Kio."
"Thanks, Y/N. This has been the best birthday, and it's all thanks to you." He kissed your hair and pulled you closer, his attention drifting back to the TV.
"You're welcome." You snuggled into his side and drifted off to sleep, glad you'd managed to make his birthday special.

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