guitar- j.hossler

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After releasing his first album , Jaden was preparing himself to go on a small tour with the new album. He refused to leave you, his most precious treasure, behind when going on tour. He begged you to come with him, as if you could ever turn that request down.
Couple of months before the tour Jaden’s favorite guitar ended up broken. It was just another night spent in the studio with you and Anthony. Jaden got a bit too excited (and a little tipsy) as he danced his precious bum off, he tripped and landed right on top of his guitar neck, snapping it in two. Watching his facial expression change from a blissful one to a mournful one, you stood up from your place to walk over to him and wrap your arm around his waist. You took a look at the body of the guitar  on the floor, separated from the neck, that Jaden was holding at the moment. He held it with disappointment written all over his face.
“It was a really good one, you know?” Jaden stated, turning it look at you.
“I know, baby. I’m so sorry.” You pressed your body to his side and pulled him closer to you by his waist.
“It’s okay. It happens sometimes.” Although, he tried to brush it off, you knew he was very upset. He wrote many songs on that guitar and was planning on taking it along on tour.
His birthday was just around the corner, so you knew exactly what you were going to get him as a present. The next day you called Anthony and asked him about the guitar Jaden broke and where you could get the identical one. Anthony provided you with the address of the guitar shop, that Jaden mostly gets his guitars from, and the name of the model.
You snuck out of the bed early in the morning, gently pushing Jaden’s arm off of your body. Leaving the bed, you made sure to pull the blanket over Jaden’s back, so that he doesnt get cold. You were turning to walk up to the closet to change your clothes, but you couldn’t keep yourself from turning back in your feet and bending over the bed to land a kiss on your beloved’s temple. “Nghh, where y’goin’?” Jaden surprised you by mumbling to you and tugging on your (his) T-shirt.
“Stay. Please.” How could you leave now? Guess the guitar will have to wait for a day.
“Y/N, don’t go please. We haven’t cuddled in two days. I miss you. Come on, princess. Come here, baby.” Jaden whispered in your ear as you guys stood in the kitchen cooking dinner two days after you were supposed to go to the guitar shop.
“Baby, stay with me. It’s so early and you look so fucking hot in that T-shirt of mine.” Jaden pressed his crotch against your thigh on the third day after you was supposed to go to the guitar shop.
“But we had to watch so many movies, sunshine. I even made us some popcorn.” Jaden grinned at you, walking towards you with a bowl, while you were sitting on the couch.
As you may have already guessed - it was the forth day after you were supposed to go to the guitar shop. On the fifth day, you told Jaden that you have to do a lot of work that accumulated within those five days.
He grudgingly let you go, but made sure to make you promise to spoon him when you come back.Parking your car by the guitar store, you were relieved to see that the store was open on a Sunday.
You walked into the store and up to a shop assistant, who was wearing a Pink Floyd T-shirt. “Adds to the atmosphere.” You thought.
After telling him the name of the exact model you need, Eric, as his badge suggested, guided you to the guitars hanging on the wall. He pointed at one, that looked just like the one Jaden cracked in two. You walked out of the store with a guitar in a case and a happy smile on your face. A fucking poet you are.
Not wanting to leave the guitar plain crème, you also dropped by an art supplies shop to get some paints to decorate the guitar.
Next week you would sneakily decorate the guitar whenever Jaden left the house to go to the store or the studio. Soon enough the guitar was decorated with flowers. Chamomiles, roses and sunflowers graced the surface of the guitar, making it look like a portal to a flower field. Perfect.
On his birthday, Jaden was woken up earlier than usual by your kisses and the shouting of the sway boys. What greeted Jaden was the undivided attention of his favorite person and a breakfast in bed made by said person.
At about seven in the evening you both were ready for the party being held at the sway and arranged by bryce.Whilst waiting for people to arrive Jaden kept asking you about the mysterious present that you promised to gift him after the party.
“Is it something edible?”  He asked, being visibly restless.
“No. Actually, who knows? I guess everything is edible. I think you could try to eat it but I doubt you’d like it much.” Your answer just confused the poor guy even more. He turned his head to look out the window and squinted his eyes. In a few moments, he turned his head back to you, sitting on the sofa.
“Is it small enough for me to carry it around?” Jaden tried his best to guess what exactly you were getting him. He’d been like this since the early morning when you wouldn’t tell him what you’ve gotten for him.
“It’s not small, but you can carry it around.” It was the first question, for which your answer wasn’t exactly a “no”, so Jaden smiled, thinking he’s finally onto something.A majority of the party would take place in the garden. There weren’t meant to be many guests. Just the closest friends.
“Knowing Bryce, it’s probably hundreds of people.” You thought.
At 8:46 Josh came up to you and Quinton and interrupted your heated discussion about wheather or not cucumber is a fruit.
“Y/N.” Josh whispered to you.
“Jaden's going on and on about a present. He’s driving me insane.” Josh started and leaned closer to you.
You know exactly what’s going on.
“What did you get him? I’m honestly intrigued myself.”
As if you didn’t know that Jaden was the one who sent him over to you.
“Look, Josh, I know Jaden sent you over. I’m not telling you anything.” You turned to Jaden, who was standing two tables away from you and was, apparently, engaged in a conversation with Blake. You walked up to him and tapped him on his shoulder. He excused himself, slowly turned around and tried to hide a smile, knowing that you’ve probably figured his plan out.
“Hi, baby.” You moved your mouth up to his ear, which made him lean into it automatically.
“If you want to know what I got you, you should be patient like a good boy you are, okay?” Your voice was stern and you could feel him stiffen up next to you. As you moved away from him, you put on an innocent smile and kissed him on the lips. He froze in his place and couldn’t even move his lips against yours. Separating your lips from his, you turned to back to walk over to Quinton to continue your talk.
When you came up to Quinton and Josh, he informed you that the cake is about to be brought out for him to blow the candles.When the cake was brought out, the wishes ended up forgotten, as Jaden had his face covered in sweet frosting. You laughed while dragging your pouty boyfriend to the restroom to clean him off.
On the way to the restroom, your fingers had already been covered in the frosting from Jaden’s face, as you were getting a better taste of it.
You walked into the restroom and got napkins to clean Jaden's face off.
“Is it something we can both use?” There we go again.
“No, bubs. Unfortunately, it’s not. I mean it could become that but not at the moment, no.” You answered him while wiping the frosting off of the tip of his nose.
“Why is it so complicated?” He asked with frustration written all over his face.
“It’s actually quite simple, baby. We’ll be home soon and you’ll know what it is.” You smiled at Jaden and brought your hands to cup his cheeks and kiss the tip of his nose. “You’re so loving.” He lets you push his head into the crook of your neck.
“Of course I am. How can I not be loving to you? You’re my everything.” You cooed into his ear while drawing circles on his back.
“No. No one has ever cared for me as much as you have. You make it look so easy to love me, and I know for sure - I’m not easy to love. I’m all over the place. I’m clingy and sometimes even annoying, but you never make me feel like it bothers you.” He whispered truthfully into your ear as he relaxed in your arms.
You couldn’t bring yourself to push him away to look into his eyes. You hugged him tighter and kissed his temple.
“Because it doesn’t. I don’t make it look easy to love you. It is easy to love you.  I love when you’re being clingy. Makes me feel wanted and loved. I adore everything about you, my precious. You’re so sweet, kind and attentive, sunny. I love you more than anything, do you know that?” You could feel him ready to start a debate on how annoying he is, but before he has a chance to say anything, you pull him away from your neck and look into his eyes, still holding his hands in yours.
“It’s a guitar.” You blurt.
“What?” Jaden asked you confusingly.
“The present. It’s a guitar. The same as the one that you landed on. I also painted it but I want you to see it in person first.” You explained shyly. Jaden looked at you with wide eyes and seemed a bit too shocked for your liking.
“Why do you look so shocked? Am I that bad that you didn’t expect me to do anything nice for you?” You jokingly asked. Jaden's face softened and the corners of his mouth flew up. He kept looking at you with his loving blue eyes and you could see tears building up in their inner corners.
“Jaden, are you crying?” You asked and tried to pull him closer to yourself but he brushed your arms away. Instead, he grabbed your cheeks in his hands and smashed his lips into yours.As his lips separated from yours, he kept holding your face in his hands and looked straight into your eyes.
“I spent my whole life thinking that I will never be able to find real love. I kept blaming myself for the fact that every relationship I’ve been in before you would fall apart because of me. When you walked into my life, I was so scared to mess everything up again, but you made it seem as if I wasn’t the one at fault. You made me feel normal for once. You make all the pain subside. My heart and soul belong to you. Only you.“
As Jaden finished his speech, Bryce bursted into the restroom.
“Guys, stop making out, we’ve been waiting for you to cut the cake. Addison said she wanted yo take a picture of Jaden cutting the cake.” Bryce walked further into the room and stood behind Jaden pushing him towards the door.
“Y/N, come on. He won’t go unless you come with him. He’s like a lost puppy without you.” Bryce teased Jaden, causing him to frown.
“He’s my lost puppy.” You joked and walked behind the guys. You couldn’t see Jaden’s face properly, but you were most certain that a grin on his face was impossible to miss.
Here you were now, watching Jaden and the band during a sound check while biting on the takeaway food that Jaden ordered for the whole team.
“Y/N!” You heard your boyfriend calling for you from the stage. When you looked up from your feast, you took some time to chew on your food and answer.
“Jae!” You mocked your blondie, watching him smile at you.
“Look what Anthony just taught me.” Jaden announced and positioned his hands over the strings and the fingerboard of his flower-field guitar.As you walked closer to your excited boyfriend, you could hear him starting to play the only tune Anthony knew how to play. The more he played, the wider your smile grew.
The crew carried on setting everything up for the concert, while Jaden kept showing off his newly-learnt guitaring. Jaden kept telling you that the guitar made him play even better and was probably certain that it is exactly the case.
Knowing that it can’t be possible, as the guitars were identical, you put the blame on the fact, that he was strongly besotted with you.

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