nerf war- j.richards

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Josh had been so stressed lately. You and him didn't get a lot of alone time considering that every time you woke up there was a new post on ttr involving one of you. That is why you choose to surprise him when there seemed to be a break in the drama.
You had went to walmart and bought five packs of nerf gun ammo. You then went and bought ice cream, candy, and popcorn, you even bought a cake. You stopped by your house and borrowed all of your brothers nerf guns, you also took time to decorate the cake. You let yourself into the apartment and set everything up. You called the pizza place and ordered pizzas to be there in 40 minutes. In his room, you got the tv ready with the first Star Wars movie. You made a pillow and blanket fort and laid out the snacks. You then hid some of the nerf guns around the house. You dumped ammo in random spots. You had about ten minutes until Josh would be home from visiting sway. You put the finishing touches on the nerf war zone. You placed a nerf gun on the front porch and a note that says 'Here is your weapon. I have one too. Loser cooks dinner tomorrow. XO." You then ran inside and hid. Waiting to here the door open. It was about three minutes later when you heard him come in the door.
"So Y/n, what are you going to cook for dinner tomorrow?" he asked with a laugh as he came in with the nerf gun ready for action.He walked around for a while, looking for you and trying to come up with a strategy. When he came into the living room you had your chance. If you missed your cover was blown, but at this point you didn't care. You shot at him and hit him in the back of the head. As he turned towards you, you ran into the kitchen grabbed another gun off of the counter are started unloading in his general direction. You were running out of ammo, you turned around and thought about where the nearest gun was. When you went to get up you were startled by Josh who now had you cornered.
"I surrender" you said standing up with your arms in the air. Josh put down his gun and took a step towards you.
"You are an amazing girlfriend you know that" he said kissing you.
"I know" you replied. You heard the door open. Jaden was home. You both picked up your guns. Josh signaled.
"On my count" he whispered.
"One, two, three" he said. You both rushed to the front door and ambushed Jaden. Jaden burst out into laughter. You told him that you had ordered pizza that would be here any minute. Josh and you picked up the nerf bullets and guns while you waited. When the doorbell rang you went and paid for the pizza. You handed Jaden his and took yours and Josh's to his room. When you opened his door he was dumb struck. He loved the fort. And the christmas lights. And the candy. And STAR WARS. He couldn't believe you did all of this for him. You guys started the first movie and ate pizza. After you were done eating you sat watching Josh watch Star Wars. He knew it so well he would reenact every line. But at the same time his eyes widened at certain scenes the same way they did the first time he watched it. He amazed you. When the first movie was over, he got up and went to put the second one in.
"Hey Josh, I have another surprise for you if your up for it." you said.
"It'is downstairs." You grabbed the pizza box in one hand and his hand in the other. You put the leftover pizza in the fridge. You then made Josh close his eyes. You pulled out the cake and Ice cream. When he opened them he was surprised. He knew that you had decorated the cake based on how specific it was. It read,
"Yoda Obi-wan for me, Happy Josh day!" You cut the cake while he scooped the ice cream. You guys sat and ate while talking about tiktok and the future of sway. You threw the trash away, put the ice cream in the freezer, and the cake in the fridge.
You and Josh went back upstairs and laid down watching the second movie. He was so happy. It had been so long since you had seen him like this. You rest your head on his shoulder and he pulled you closer. You laid like that until the second movie was over. "You know you're a pretty amazing girlfriend" he whispered into the top of your head.
"I can't believe you did all of this for me" he said still amazed.
"Jaden, I'd do anything for you." you answered.
"I think I am the luckiest guy in the world."he replied. You went to get up to put the third movie and he hugged you tighter. "Wait a minute" he said before turning to completely face you.
"I know that with all of the drama that goes on because of me. It can be hard sometimes. And I don't say it enough, but you are my world. I am so thankful that I found you. Everything has been different since I fell in love with you, and I wouldn't change any of it for the world." You wanted to say something back but you couldn't find the words. So instead you kissed Josh.
"I love you too" you said. You got up and put in the next movie. You laid down curled up to Josh. Tonight had been a success.

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