cuddles- j.hossler

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So, Jaden loves to cuddle.
Sometimes you’re the little spoon, sometimes he is, depending on who needs it most.
He absolutely loves holding you close, and normally the two of you will be a tangled mess of limbs and clothes.
Anywhere and everywhere, Jaden is down to cuddle.
Sad cuddles usually involve quiet music and soft kisses.After one of you has a bad day, or a nightmare.
It doesn’t take much to know, and Jaden will always hold his arms wide open if he sees you sad. 
If you’re at home, it usually leads to the bathroom.
He’ll run a nice hot bath and hold you tight, both of you just enjoying the other’s presence until the water goes cold.
After sex cuddles are the best.
You’re both lying at opposite sides of the bed, sweaty and panting.Your legs are tangled with his and your fingers are linked.
He loves running his fingers over your skin during after sex cuddles.
Because your body is still so reactive, it’s his favourite activity.
And it usually leads to a round two.
Sleepy cuddles are incredibly soft.
Your hands clutching at his shirt.
His fingers running slowly along your arms.
You’ll usually fall asleep together like that, waking up in a mess in the morning.
While he’s in the studio, he likes to rest his head in your lap.
He’ll have you read him his lyrics and hum tunes.
When he gets stressed, you put the paper down and run your fingers through his hair. 
He absolutely loves it when you play with his hair.
And you love it when he plays with yours.
So sometimes you’ll lie together and play with each others hair.
Trying to see who falls asleep first.
Overall, Jaden is a great cuddler and always up for it.
No matter who you’re in front of or what you’re doing.

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