hate- c.hudson

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Hate comments make a person stronger but there’s times where they can make a person weak. Being famous, having a famous boyfriend and trying to set a good message out to people was tough especially when your young. It was finally time to go on one of the worlds best show, Ellen. Excitement was coursing through ur veins at the thought of sitting down on a white sofa and talking about anything and everything. standing just behind the curtain out of everyone’s view you shift foots out of both nerves and excitement as you wait for Ellen to say you name and the stage crew to give you a nod to go out. What was she going to ask you? Will she be rude? Will it be awkward? The thoughts were interrupted by your name being called and the sceams and claps of the audience as you walk out after being given the signal to go and you give a smile to the audience and a wave and sit down after hugging and kissing ellen on the cheek.
“So, y/n it’s your first time on the show how are you feeling?” Ellen asks as you nod lightly.
“Yes this is my first time and i’m feeling a whole range of emotions really” You say, “Excited, nervous like i may look confident but honestly i’m shitting myself” You say which makes Ellen and the audience laugh. “Well there’s nothing to be afraid of, also congratulations on the album release! I love every song on it and honestly it’s a range of emotions” She says as a picture of your album shows up on the screen behind you guys.
“Yeah” You laugh,
“Thank you but i wanted it to be like that i wanted it to be something we could all relate to at some point in our lives and sadly it’s just what love is” You say.
“But along side all the positive comments on your album there’s also negative. i’ve read a few and honestly they don’t make sense” She says and you nod.
“Yeah people say i’m just a pretty girl. i’m not i’m much more than a ‘pretty face’ i swear, i joke and there’s days when i’m broke and days when i’m rich” You say with a shrug.
“I’m just like everyone i have my problems, i have my songs to back me up on that”Hearing the audience clap at what you said makes you smile at them again. “Obviously you’re a gorgeous girl but you’re really talented too and just a great person so i wouldn’t listen to them” Ellen comments which makes you smile and say thank you to her.
“Now, you’re dating tiktok star Chase Hudson” she starts and already the audience is cheering and a photo of you and Chase is planted on the screen behind you,
“Yeah we are, the best year of my life” You comment which makes ellen and the audience awe.
“Are there any songs in the album that’s aimed at him or your relationship?” She asks which makes you nod, 
“There’s obviously it’s you which features him in the music video and mystery of love which is also about him” You say and the audience cheers. After a few more questions and games you’re finally in the back room and see Chase sitting there,
“I'm so proud of everything you said out there about the hate you’re getting” He says and kisses you and hugs you,
“I love you baby”
“I love you Chase”

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