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Dianna's POV

I remember when Tony called me to see what I knew about Spider-Man. Obviously, he didn't want to hurt him, he was just looking to recruit to fly to Germany and help him fight Steve.


Tony came over to treat me to dinner. It became a little tradition to help me deal with my dad going off the grid. We still don't know where he is, but we're working on it.

"So, what do you know about the Spider...ling...? Spiderboy?"

"This doesn't have to do with any of the Sokovia Accords does it?"

"I just want to talk some sense into Steve."

"And I don't want you to put Spider-Man in the middle of it."

"So you do know him."

"Sort of."

"D, you gotta work with me here."

"If I tell you, you have to promise me he isn't going to come back here with any bruises or broken bones." I looked at him.

He hesitated for a minute. I don't know why I made him promise this if I knew that things were going to get violent between he and Steve.

"You know I can't make that promise. If anything, I'm sure you can use your healing abilities to fix him up and make him brand new again."

"Okay well can you at least make sure he doesn't die?"

"That I can try to avoid."


"I'm kidding. Steve and everyone who's on his side still have morals. Whoever this person is will make it back here alive."

"I'll call him when we get home."

"I can't believe you know who this kid is and you never told me."

"Well, you never asked. Plus, you're not really one to recruit people. Seems more like Nick Fury's field of expertise."

"Let's just eat so we can get home and then you can introduce me to your Spider friend." he rolled his eyes.

"Yeah yeah."

"I also wanted to let you know that I'm working on a suit for you."

"You don't have to."

"The suit that I made you all those years ago is outdated. You need something new. Something fresh."

"A new suit huh? I guess I don't mind."

"Don't kid yourself. You know you've been dying for a new suit."

"I don't go out enough to need a suit, let alone want one."

"With enough training and newfound confidence you will. Trust me."

After eating and having casual conversations that didn't involve the Avengers or superhero stuff, we went back to my house.

"Where's your mom?" Tony asked.

"Work trip." I called Peter and within 20 minutes, he knocked on the door. "Play nice." I glared at Tony.

"Hey, D." I opened the door, "you're... you... hi." he held his hand out.

"Peter, this is Tony Stark. Tony, this is Peter Parker."

"So you're my niece's boyfriend."

"'Niece'?" Peter turned to me.

"Not biologically. We're just really close."

"Treating her right?"

"I wouldn't dare treat her wrong, sir."

"That's what I like to hear. I've come here with a proposal for you." Tony sat at the dining table. "You're Spider-Man. You go around swinging building to building. Right?"

"Yeah. How'd you–"

I walked over and sat in the chair next to him as Peter sat in the seat across from me.

"I'm Tony Stark."

"Sounds little egotistical." I joked.

Tony went on to tell him what was happening and how he was going to take care of it while Peter sat there, partially listening and partially fangirling inside that he's talking to Tony Stark.

"Do you have a suit?"

"Sort of..."

"What's that mean?" Tony looked at me.

"Wha–why're you looking at me?"

"He's not giving very direct answers and you know more about him than I do."

"To answer your question, he does have a suit."

"I'm assuming you're in dire need of a suit upgrade."

"Yes." I said very quickly.

He turned to me, "I'm surprised you haven't tried to sneak into the Avengers compound to make him one."

"I would've. But between trying to find out where my dad is and schoolwork, I haven't really had the time to. However, I will admit that Peter does need a new suit and I have ideas as to what should and shouldn't go into it."

"Which one of you came up with the web fluid?"


"The tech genius slash element bender and a science, hero nerd. Cute. I'll send Happy to come get you. So get packing."

"I can't just drop out of school and go to Germany. I got... homework."

"Gonna pretend you didn't say that." Tony and I said simultaneously.

"Why isn't Dianna coming?"

"I've opted out of it. I don't want to be put in the middle of this. I'd rather spend my time working on finding my dad. I need him back. Watching Steve and Tony fight? I've seen it multiple times. Gets boring after a while. Sometimes they're like an old married couple who can't compromise on things."

"You can blame Steve for that one."

present day

"You okay?" Peter asked.

I nodded, "yeah. Just thinking about Tony."

"I miss him, too. I remember how intimidated I was when I first met him."

"You almost pooped your pants."

"Can you really blame me though? I was talking to Iron Man." he laughed, "going to Germany was quite the experience."

"Because you went to fight against six other heroes."

"The good ol' days. Everything's so complicated now."

"To say the least." I said, very sadly.

"Anything new with Skylar?" he changed the topic.

"I'm checking all the logs. When we were talking about her plan and how to execute it, she was telling me that she was hacking into other places to see if they had any files on everyone. As far as I'm aware, the only person that has files on you and was keeping tabs on you was Tony. Of course I didn't tell her that, but she was also hacking into electricity facilities as well. Which I don't get so I'm trying to figure out what she was looking at. She wants to take you down first before taking down the rest of us heroes. She thinks you're the weakest link since you're the newest Avenger."


"Her words, not mine."

"If she ends up trying to fight, it's you and me versus her. We're a team remember?"

"While she was trying to get into other files that this world has, she put me in charge of going through Tony's files. To which I was actually working on storing them in different folders while changing the encryption keys and locks on every single folder he had."

"See? With you and your galaxy brain, we're going to continuously be multiple steps ahead of her, not the other way around."

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