|| Chapter 23: Incident ||

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Jungkook's POV

One week after...

"Congratulations to this year's champion, KOREA!!!"

"WOOOOHHHHHH!!" The crowd noised as we won the game! We made it!

"Broooo!!! We made it!! WE WOOONNN!!" Me and Jimin hugged at each other as we couldn't believe we really won the game!!

"That was a very close game! I'm really peoud of you!!" Our proud coach hugged us. I sighed in relief and in happiness.

I will see Cale now!!!

I hurried and went to the bench to grab and pack my things up. I moved my head as I was finding Jimin, but I saw him kissing with a girl in the 3rd bench.

Aishhh.. I looked away from them and I just continued packing up. I grabbed my towel and wiped up my sweats.

I'm sure if Cale is here, she would already go crazy over my sweats.. Hahaha!! I really can't wait to see her again! For one week! I didn't see her for one week!

I went to Jimin as I tapped his shoulder. "WHAT?" Wow.. Did I really interruptes both of them?" "What WHAT? We are going now!!" I saw the girl whom Jimin was kissing earlier made a sad face.

"Why so early baby??" I heard the girl muttered as she placed her arms on Jimin's arms. Duhhh..

Jimin cupped her face and replied her. "I'm so sorry baby.. we need to leave now.." And then Jimin kissed her again.

I looked away in disgust.

"Oh, what about you Jungkook? Did you find a woman? I'm too lucky to have Natasha.. Right Natasha Baby??" Jimin kissed her again. Ughhh, I'm so done with this man!

"Come on Jimin.. We need to leave early!!" I said as I pulled him away from the girl. Aishhh we really need to go now!!

I have to see Cale now! I'm sure she is waiting for me now, and she will be really happy when she knew we won the game!!

"Aishhhh!! Okay, okay!!" Jimin said as we both went to our room so that we can pack our clothes and go.

I already informed my Mom and Dad that I'll arrive right now, but I still didn't tell Cale.. I'll surprise her!!!

___ ___ ___

Man Won's POV

"Dear.. J-Jungkook is coming..." Ae Ra grabbed my hand tightly as I told her that Jungkook is coming.

We still can't believe what happened to Cale and her father. It's been a week since that incident happened, but we still didn't know how to tell this to our son.

"M-Man Won.. How a-are we going to tell t-this to J-Jungkook??" I looked at Ae Ra who is now teary. Even we are all happy because our son will be coming, we are still so sure that Jungkook will be also so sad when he knew what happened.

"H-How are we g-going to t-tell our s-son that C-Cale..." I tapped my wife's shoulder and comforted her. "Shhh.. Don't worry Ae Ra.. I'm s-sure Jungkook will understand it.." I said out of nowhere.

I'm not really sure if Jungkook will understand it. All of us must be happy for his arrival, but the thing that when he arrives, there's a bad news is awaiting to him. I felt so bad for Naeun. She lost both her husband, and her daughter. We convinced her to have an autopsy of their bodies but Naeun refused. I don't know why but, she just refused. As what we know, it was already confirmed that the man's body found on the car was really Cale's father. It was recognized because of his wallet which is in his pocket. But we are still not sure if the girl is really Cale. We also informed Naeun to test the girl and the man in a DNA Test so that we can confirm if the girl is really Cale, but again, Naeun still refused. She said that it was really Cale. And she is sure that it was Cale.

"M-Man Won, what if t-the girl they found w-was not Cale?? W-What if they j-just change the b-bodies? Naeun s-should've test the bodies!!" My wife is still sobbing from the incident, but I still continued to comfort her even though it also hurts for me.

Cale is like a daughter to me. Really. And I really want her to be my son's woman.

"But it was N-Naeun who confirmed that t-the girl was C-Cale.." I hugged Ae Ra as I convinced her not to cry because we don't want Jungkook arrive here, just to see his parents crying. "L-Let's just hope for the best A-Ae Ra, okay??"

"W-What about J-Jungkook??" I calmed my wife. "Let's just hope he will accept and understand it.. H-He will.." My wife burst her tears and tightly hugged me again.

Back when we knew that Cale and her father's car fell into the cliff, all of us really stiffled in our places as we didn't believe first. We thought Naeun was just joking and surprise us for something, but she was not joking. Starting that day when we knew about the incident, we still tried our best not to be affected by the incident. Of course we didn't told Jungkook because it will also affect him especially in his game. We still don't know what really happened and why they fell in the cliff, but as what I said, we'll just hope for the best. We tried to be always positive, but it turns out all the possibilities are proven true. The girl's body was still being checked by Naeun since last yesterday, but we still don't have any updates. The last thing Naeun told us is that the girl was Cale.

All of us turned our head to our door. Our door opened as we saw two people standing behind the door. A police officer and Cale's Mom, Naeun. Naeun is wearing all black right now, and we can still see her swollen eyes. I really felt bad for her.

"A-Ae Ra, Man W-Won.." Naeun went to us, and we hugged her. We couldn't stop her when she started sobbing.

Even though we have a bad feeling in this woman especially she is just Cale's stepmother, but we still need to comfort because she lost the most importsnt persons in her life. And now she'll handle all the problems and business in their family since Cale and her dad is now dead.

Poor Cale.. She didn't even do anything, and she doesn't deserve it.

Will Jungkook accept it? I hope my son will understand it...

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