My Darling Sailor Boy

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This song is what I imagine the nest singing ((:

This is bullshit. Jaren thought to himself. How did he find himself in this situation? Again? He hated the ocean and somehow he kept finding himself on these damned trips. His crewmates were doing just fine; sailing like any other day, but Jaren was leaning over the edge of the ship, ready to throw up. His head was spinning and his stomach was turning. This happened every. single. time.

John lurked in the waters near the rest of his nest. He watched as the ship sailed steadily into their zone. John counted roughly eight onboard. They'd be eating good tonight. John slowly swam towards the ship, propping himself up against a rock. John opened his mouth and the most beautiful sounds escaped his lips. He sang elegantly to lure the men toward him. John noticed a brunette man leaning over the edge of a ship, unbothered by his voice. John moved in closer, thinking the proximity to the man was the reason his singing didn't put him into a trance. He began to sing again as he approached the man.

"You and your voice are very pretty," Jaren spoke as he noticed the man in the water beneath him. He was so dizzy and nauseous. John was shocked.

"I- Uh- Thank you?" John spoke, shocked that his song had no effect.

"Very pretty," He continued in what sounded like a drunken mumble. John's face still flushed. Despite being a siren, he's never been complimented before. His appeal was only ever acknowledged by those who were in his trance.

"Me or the song?" He inquired.

"Both," Jaren tried his best to smile at the man. "You and your voice... very, very pretty." The siren smiled at the sailor boy, cheeks dusted with a light blush.

"Thank you," He spoke sweetly. John watched as the man swayed slightly. He looked pale. Possibly ill. "Are you okay?"

"Uh, no. Not really," Jaren chuckled. "I feel awful."

"What's wrong?" The siren asked.

"Sea sick," He spoke, resting his head on the railing.


"The movement mixed with the fact that I am terrified of the ocean. It's so deep and dark and you never know what's in it and-" Jaren was cut off by the ship crashing abruptly against a patch of nearby rocks. John had forgotten that his family was still out for a meal. They probably lured the others toward the rocks so it would be an easy meal. They don't put up much of a fight when they hit the water. "Fuck!" Jaren flipped off the side of the ship and into the water.

John was a bit shocked. He didn't know what to do. Does he leave him for his family or does he go down after him? John's body moved without thinking, diving deep into the murky waters. The brunette sunk down, losing breath and losing consciousness. The siren wrapped his arms around the smaller, pulling him toward his chest before pulling him up to the surface. John scanned the area and saw a small island not too far from his nest, but not inside his nest either. John quickly dragged the boy over to the island, laying him down on dry land. John watched over him until the sailor boy regained consciousness.

"Oh, good! You didn't die!" John beamed and Jaren coughed, spitting out a small bit of water.

"I didn't?" Jaren seemed confused and a bit stressed.

"You didn't, I made sure to bring you to land," John smiled at him. Jaren looked up to the boy in front of him.

"Thank you," His voice was soft and genuine. John's heart fluttered. Jaren looked down and everything clicked in his brain. "Oh, you're a siren."

"Oh, yes!" John laughed and Jaren joined.

"I don't know how I didn't realise that before. Did I think you were just some man in the ocean?" He laughed at himself.

"You were pretty ill, so it is understandable," John reassured his human companion.

"Thank you, truly. You saved my life," Jaren's eyes were shining and filled with sincerity. Something John did not see often in his people. "How can I repay you?" John reached behind his neck and untied the knot of his necklace, tying it back around the smaller's neck.

"Keep this," He spoke and leaned closer to him. The sailor boy looked up and his eyes met the sirens. John leaned in and pressed a gentle kiss to his lips. "And promise you'll come see me again." Jaren nodded.

"I promise." John slipped back into the water and waved a quick goodbye before disappearing into the ocean before him. Jaren noticed a rescue ship heading his direction and flagged it down. He was picked up and brought back home.

Jaren ended up taking a lot more sailing jobs after that day, and something interesting he noticed was that whenever he wore the necklace John had given him, he didn't feel sea sick.

Sorry this one is a bit short, I am hungry and super tired,,, I hope you still enjoy it!!

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