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After Sol said the last word, I sprinted to my car and drove away. I was in a rush that I forgot to tell the boys where I was going and I realized it only when I was in the middle of the highway. " Koruji, you came. "

" What happened, Sol? How did you know about Minhyuk? "

" He came here early this morning and kept coming back until afternoon. "

" Was he looking for a gun? "

" Yes but it was defective and I think he didn't notice. "

" Wait, how did you know that he knows me? "

" He described his preference and I couldn't believe that it was a coincidence that it matched with the gun your parents left for you, minus the color. "

" He could be after me or the boys. What am I gonna do? "

" Oh god, I think you need to get back to your place quick. I think he's after your friends. " there was yet another rush of adrenaline as I sped back to the dorms. I picked up Doyoung's call while my eyes are focused on the road and my heart pumped aggressively. He told me that Taeyong was being held hostage in my place by Minhyuk using a gun and threatened them to stay away before he shoots a bullet. I hit the gas with anger and reached my destination in no time.

I parked the car far away from the dorms so no one hears me coming. Peeping from a window, Taeyong was struggling to stay calm with a gun pointed right at him and Minhyuk was just a little different. Beads of sweat trickled down his neck and hesitation was clear in his way of holding the gun, hus hands were shaking but I doubt that Taeyong could pay attention to that.

Don't worry, I'm here, but try to stay quiet about it to be inauspicious.

I sent a text to Johnny and sneaked into my place through the open window in the kitchen, far enough for a clear shot. When he shoved the barrel agains the head of the hostage in irritation, fury alight in me and I started aiming. He was threatening the scared male for information when I pulled the trigger and a bullet ricocheted through his head, body falling limp on the floor. I came out from hiding and dragged Taeyong out after wiping the splatters of blood on his face. " Calm him down and never leave him, understood? "

" Thank yo- "

" Later, Mark, I have things to take care of. " I left them to clean the bloodied mess back in my place, spilling bleach all over the floor and wearing gloves. I placed the corpse in a body bag and in my car's trunk to burn it somewhere. Cold air slapped my cheeks as I finish the job on top of the same cliff where I found the bulky laptop weeks ago.

" With this, I fulfill my creed. " ashes were carried away by the wind and the look on Taeyong's face flashed in my mind. I couldn't imagine how much he was suffering because of me and the game that Liang involved us in, it was starting to take a toll on the people around me. Dashing past cars, I returned to the dorms and the lights were already out.

How long did I spend back there?

Are they alright?

There was nothing better to do but to dip myself into hot water to wash away the remaining traces of violence. Although Minhyuk and I were a little close, there was no sympathy in me that's left for him, maybe because of the newly found fact that he was the son of my enemy. As I was drying my hair, my phone rang and Doyoung's name displayed on the screen. " Koruji? "

" What do you need? "

" Sorry to disturb you but a-actually, Taeyong had been asking for you since you left. I think you need to talk to him. "

" I'll be there. " I wore my flip flops and ran to their place without second thoughts. Taeyong was in the middle of a fight with Taeil and Yuta when I barged in the room. Their voices dropped and eyes turned my way as I walked straight to Taeyong and embraced him tightly. " You guys need to rest, a lot has happened today. Come on Taeyong, let's go to your room. " I intertwined our fingers and went upstairs before the others dispersed to their rooms. He was silent as I take out his towel and clothes, pushing him inside the bathroom. " Take a shower then we'll talk. " he had no choice but to do so.

After several minutes, he was dressed and his hair was damp. His expression was unreadable as I made him sit and blow dry his hair on his bed. " Why are you doing this? " I turned it off when I heard him speak.

" I'm very sorry, Tae, my decisions were rash and now look at you. You shouldn't have suffered. " his eyes teared up and I could hear my heart crack when it started falling. Not even seconds that passed, I gently engulfed him with my arms and he leaned his head towards my shoulder. His sorrow drowned my shirt, muffled voice. " I s-should be the one to a-apologise for being not b-brave enough for my m-members. "

" No no no, don't say that. Brave is an understatement for risking your life for them. "

" But w-why do I feel like a c-coward, Koruji? "

" You are not, okay? If you were a coward, you could've let the others become held hostage instead but you did not. You're strong and brave, Taeyong. " there was a long moment of silence before his hiccup died down and told me he was tired. I laid him down his bed while I stayed seated on the edge, looking over to see if he was asleep, when I noticed more tears cascaded. Not sure of what to do, I hugged him, now we were both lying down. Softly caressing his hair, his head was on my upper chest as I lull him to sleep by singing.

I've been watching you for some time
Can't stop staring at those ocean eyes
Burning cities and napalm skies
Fifteen flares inside those ocean eyes
Your ocean eyes

No fair
You really know how to make me cry
When you give me those ocean eyes
I'm scared
I've never fallen from quite this high
Falling into your ocean eyes
Those ocean eyes

I thought he was already sound asleep but he muttered a low "goodnight" then I kissed the crown of his head as response. " Sleep tight, Tae. I love you. " then his breaths became stable.

I can't believe how soft I have become.

I did fall, fuck.

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