Chapter 3

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Thank you for the support that I have been getting on this story so far! <3


"That's a bit harsh." Marilyn says gasping. Rosie shrugs.

"It's reality Mar, what have you got first?" Rosie asks.

"Double Potions, you?"

"Me too!" Rosie exclaims.

"Alright! Let's get going, I want to get decent seats at the back of the classroom!" Marilyn says. Rosie nods and puts her bag over her shoulder.

When Rosie and Marilyn got there, some seats were already taken, that being some Slytherins at the back of the room.

"Aw, I wanted to get some decent seats at the back." Marilyn pouts.

"Don't worry, I see some seats over there at the back." Rosie says and drags her friend to the empty seats.

Rosie and Marilyn both sit down and wait for the class to begin. Rosie looks to see whose next to her and guess's Malfoy!

"Oh um hello Draco." Rosie says awkwardly.

"Hello Rosie." He says, looking at her before turning around to talk to his friends. Marilyn smiles and you two have a light conversation before Slughorn enters the room.

"Hello class! Today we are going to be making the Potion for Dreamless Sleep! This is a very advanced potion but the affects aren't that bad. You will be working with the partners I have chose for you. You will be working with them throughout the year." Slughorn smiles.

"So, Marilyn Robinson and Daniel Turner." Slughorn announces. Marilyn sighs and gets up to join the shy Slytherin at the front of the room.

"Draco Malfoy and Rosie Reid!"

You also sigh and look at Draco. He looks surprised. After all the partners had been announced, you take out your potions book at find the right page.

"Okay, so I'll get the ingredients and you set up the cauldron." Rosie says before going to look for the required ingredients. Draco smirks and nods and starts to set up the cauldron.

When Rosie found all the ingredients, she put them down and started to read the instructions from the text book. After a couple of minutes of preparing the ingredients with Draco, she put all the ingredients in the cauldron and started to mix the potion.

After a couple of minutes, Rosie felt someone behind her, it was Draco. Then Draco put his hands over her hands and helped her stir the potion. She tensed up.

"Don't worry Rosie, I'm only helping you don't worry." He says. Rosie relaxes a bit. After a couple of minutes of stirring the potions together, the colour changed to purple.

"Well done Draco and Rosie! You may pack up your things and head to your next lesson." Slughorn says. Rosie smiles and she uses her wand to clean up the potions station before grabbing her bag and heading out the classroom.

"Rosie!" Someone says. Rosie turns around to see Draco walking towards her.

"Are you gonna be at our room tonight?" He asks.

"Yeah, why?" You say, confused.

"Oh um I need to talk to you about something tonight." He says. Rosie nods and heads off to her next class.

She wonders, what does he want to talk about?

Arranged by Law (A Draco Malfoy story)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang