Chapter 7

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In the morning, Rosie woke up first. They both now shared a bed and when they woke up, they got up and went off with their day like nothing happened.

Rosie got out of bed and got ready, then she met Marilyn and told her what happened.

"So your getting married in two months?" Marilyn says, reaching for some toast. The girls were sat at the Ravenclaw table having breakfast.

"Yeah, we both agreed that the sooner we get married, the less the ministry will interfere with our lives. Plus I've always wanted an April wedding." She smiles at her friend.

"Well because I'm your best friend, I want to be the maid of honour!" Marilyn smiles.

"Of course!" Rosie laughs.


Rosie headed back to her shared room with Draco to find him with a lot of parchment on the coffee table and him writing a lot of things down.

"What are you doing?" Rosie asks him.

He looks up at her and smiles slightly.

"I'm preparing our wedding." He sighs and goes back to writing a letter.

"Oh nice." She says, sitting down next to Draco.

"I was thinking we could have the wedding on April 19th and maybe go away in the Easter holidays so it doesn't feel like we are being pressured into this and to get away from everything." He says.

Rosie nods.

"I guess a holiday wouldn't be bad." She smiles.

Soon enough there was another announcement from the ministry and all the students that were involved with the marriage law had to go to the great hall.

"Now as you all know that you have your own time to get married within a year." Headmistress McGonagall says.

Rosie sighs and looks around the room. No one was smiling.

"The ministry has made up another rule or law about the marriage law."

Rosie gulps and looks at Marilyn who also looks as nervous as she was.

"All couples will receive a marriage certificate to confirm that they are married. All girls must take their parters last name unless you would like both your names to be your surnames." [if you get what I mean thank you very much]

Rosie felt relieved! She thought it was going to be something worse.

"However all couples must be with child after you all graduate and you may have a proper wedding if you wish." The headmistress smiles and steps down from the podium and goes to speak to a professor.

Rosie and Marilyn both stand up and sigh before making their way to their own rooms.

Rosie opens the door to her and Draco's shared living space. She sees it is empty and sits downs on the sofa.

She puts her head in her hands and sighs. She didn't know what was gonna happen. All she knew that her surname wouldn't be Reid anymore but Malfoy.

Rosie Malfoy.

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