Chapter 19

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The week away was amazing! Rosie and Draco were now spending their last day at the beach again.

Draco had his arm wrapped around Rosie's small figure. Rosie didn't mind, she felt safe in Draco's arms. Plus it was a cold but sunny day.

Rosie was smiling at some muggle kids who were running around and playing on the beach.

"This week has been fun." She smiles.

"Yeah, I'm sad we have to go back later." Draco says hugging Rosie tighter.

Rosie giggles and kisses his cheek.

"I'm happy you were chosen to be my husband." Rosie smiles.

"I'm happy you were chosen to be my wife. Even if at first the rule was bad. I'm happy now that once I got to know you and spent time with you. I've come to learn that I love you Rosie Mae Malfoy." Draco says.

Rosie gasps and turns around in Draco's arms.

"You really mean that? It's not just because of the law right?" She says.

Draco shakes his head and smiles.

"No Rosie, I really do love you. I want to start a family with you. Properly. Not because of the law." Draco states.

"Aw I love you too Draco! I wanna start a family too! Maybe when we leave hogwarts we can-,"

Draco cuts Rosie off with a kiss.

She smiles and kisses him back.

"I love you Rosie Malfoy." He says, brushing some hair out her face.

"I love you too Draco Malfoy." She smiles and leans into his chest.


10 years later..

(The year is 2008)

"Jacob! Wake up, breakfast is ready." Rosie says, pushing some hair out of the nine year old boy's face.

Jacob groans and opens his eyes slowly.

"Where is Scorpius?" He asks. Rosie smiles.

"He's downstairs with your father. Your dad is feeding him." She smiles.

Jacob leaps out of bed and rushes downstairs. Rosie laughs and heads downstairs.

"Good morning." Draco smiles as Rosie comes into the room. Draco plants a kiss on her cheek after he feeds their two year old son Scorpius some food.

"Good morning daddy!" Jacob says, sitting down and digging into the plate of pancakes that was waiting for him.

Draco laughs and wipes Scorpius's mouth with some cloth and hands him over to Rosie.

Rosie smiles at her son before smiling at her other son.

She was so happy her life was like this.

After Rosie and Draco came back from their honeymoon. They wasted no time in trying for a baby.

This was because of the law and because they wanted a family.

Even if they were almost done with school.

Rosie laughs silently at that memory and looks up at her husband.

"I love you Draco." She smiles.

"I love you too Rosie."

Arranged by Law (A Draco Malfoy story)Where stories live. Discover now