Chapter 15

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Back at the Bunker, I send Nic into the clinic and ask Flo to put him in the incubus to be healed. I start to follow him, but Justus tugs my elbow. For the first time, I notice the grim faces of everyone in the Bunker. Harriet, Justus, Sun, Kat, and Elizabeth are clustered around Marie, whose fingers move on her tablet so rapidly that I can't follow what she's doing.

"Who died?" I ask.

"There's no evidence anyone was killed," Justus quickly reassures me. "But the townhome that was the other target Marie found this morning was one of my dad's safe houses for Throwbacks who need to hide from Strand or the government."

"Lexi was supposed to send a team to that site to evacuate anyone living there," I say. "Did anyone come?"

"She sent three Deans," Harriet says. "The place was on fire by the time they arrived, and they didn't try to enter."

"Was anyone inside?"

Elizabeth's forehead is wrinkled with worry. "Kat and I arrived shortly after the Deans. I haven't seen a blaze like that outside of the history books. There was no way to get in and check for survivors."

"The new digital security team for the Evolved police is sloppy, so it wasn't hard to get inside their firewall. The police report shows that no evidence human tissue was found inside the home," Marie says.

"If anyone was inside, they escaped," Justus adds. "But my dad won't tell me who he was keeping there. It's like he doesn't trust me anymore."

"Because you're working with us."

Justus's downcast eyes tell me I'm right.

"Whoever it was, they must be high profile if Crew was tracking them," Harriet muses.

"That's not all," Kat says, holding up her phone. "Strand has released news of our partnership, starring you, Joan."

I grab the phone from her hand and watch with mounting fury as footage from my "rehearsal" with Blake on Strand's set plays for the world to watch. He's spliced in footage of Lexi talking as well, so it looks like we're having a conversation, not being taped on two separate occasions.

"Joan, we at Strand thank you for stepping up to help bring down the Throwbacks who terrorize Seattle's innocent citizens. You are a reminder that most Throwbacks, like yourself, gratefully and gladly serve their place in this world."

"I'm proud to help Strand in their noble mission to bring these terrorists to justice. I want to show the world that some Throwbacks not only know our place, but cherish it," My voice is bored, like I was when I read off of Lexi's script for Blake's fake sound check.

"Barf," Harriet says.

"Exactly my reaction, but surprisingly, Blake chose to cut that part out."

"It's obvious Joan doesn't believe what she's saying," Harriet argues. "This isn't that bad."

"Keep watching," Elizabeth says.

"Understandably, the Evolved citizens of Seattle want to know that you are truly on our side. What do you say to them?" Lexi asks.

This time, my response is sincere, and fierce. "We both want to catch the evil bastard who is murdering people, and I will share everything we know about his whereabouts and plans."

Kat shakes her head. "That makes the entire interview look legitimate, even if the beginning sounded forced."

"Thank you, Joan," Lexi continues. "Together, Throwbacks and Evolved will unite to make Seattle safe again. Strand is committed to providing whatever resources it takes to reestablish order quickly and permanently."

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