Chapter 24

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"There's no way we're giving Lexi those files back," Marie says, her mouth in an uncompromising line.

I drum my fingers against the table where I sit with Marie, Nic, Sun, and Harriet.

"They only need to think we're giving them back," Nic muses.

"Before all else, be armed," Sun says in his quote voice.

"That one from The Art of War?" Harriet asks, naming the famous book written by the original of Sun's clone type.

Nic rolls his eyes. "No, that quote is from Machiavelli. Don't go too deeply down that rabbit hole, my friend. It leads nowhere good."

"There must be a way to copy the files without tagging them as compromised," I argue.

"If it's possible, it's beyond even me. Or Dennis," Marie says.

"If the answer isn't technical, then it's personal," Harriet muses. "What's the name of that Einstein clone who's your contact at Strand?"

"Al," Marie says, wincing. "Cloned from Albert Einstein, and he prefers to go by his clone name, instead of his real one. That's how brainwashed he is."

"But he's single, right?" Harriet prods.

Marie narrows her eyes. "Yes."

"And he likes you," I add.



"He's ancient! Like, forty years old!" Marie says, indignant.

Leo makes a noise from the back of the room, where he taps on a tablet.

"Sorry, Leo."

"You don't have to fuck him," Nic says. "Flirt with him. Distract him."

"She needs him to lie for her. They need to have an emotional connection," Harriet says.

"He needs an incentive," I interject, an idea blooming in my mind. "He's got a heart, and whether he likes Marie because she's brilliant and beautiful or because he considers her a protégé, he cares for her. So if her safety was in jeopardy, he might cover for her."

"Where's Justus?" Harriet asks. "He's good with these kinds of people-puzzles."

Nic shifts in his chair, uncomfortable. "He's taking a break, spinning records somewhere in the Lab, I think."

"We all need a break," I say. "Let's eat and revisit this. Marie, send a message to Lady Cleo. If we send you in to work on Al, she should suit you up in the right outfit and makeup."

Marie's answering scowl is ferocious.

I skip out of the Bunker before she throws something at me. Harriet is right about getting Justus to weigh in on how to convince Al to lie for Marie, and I have a good idea of where he is.

My feet fly as I race down the cool tunnels toward the biggest room in the Lab, where Throwback parties pop up every now and then. It will be good to see him, alone.

I'm nearly there when a steady beat rumbles the ground under my feet, making me smile. The first time I saw him spinning, he looked so good with his tight shirt and those warm, assessing eyes. When we danced, the world shrank to just the two of us. I need that feeling again.

I round the corner, and my whole body goes cold. Justus is not alone. Kat stands next to him, monitoring the music on his scratched tablet. Their heads bob in sync. The warmth in my gut steals away as Justus reaches across her to tweak one of the settings on the tablet.

Does he bring all the girls he likes here for a music lesson?

Fury and jealously churn in my chest, no matter how loudly my mind shouts that I have no right to be so upset.

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