Chapter 4

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It's 6 a.m.

Yu Shuxin darted out of bed before her alarm rang. (Congratulations. Would you like a prize?) She whisked herself away into the bathroom, humming a tune. She sang a song on top of her lungs as she showered. She danced as she put on some makeup. She pranced as she slipped into a pretty little dress. She whistled as she made herself French toast.

Why was Yu Shuxin in such a good mood?

It's Sunday. (Got it? Yes? No?)

Zhao Xiaotang will be picking her up in a minute or two for their first "date." Now, no one said it was a date. Zhao Xiaotang didn't call it a date, so Yu Shuxin also didn't call it a date.

(Okay. Maybe she did. Just a little bit. All inside her head.)

"Why do I look so good?" she muttered to herself as she fixed her hair in the mirror.

Zhao Xiaotang should be here any second now. Yu Shuxin's heart fluttered at the thought of that. Her heart fluttered even more when she thought about how handsome Zhao Xiaotang looked in a suit.

Would she be wearing a suit?

Shuxin shook that thought away. This was a casual "hangout," not a formal business meeting. Xiaotang would surely dress comfortably. But she's never seen Xiaotang wear those type of clothes before. No media outlet has ever uploaded pictures of Xiaotang in casual clothes, not even pictures of her hanging out with her squad. Her squad is quite well-known. A squad consisting of CEO of Zhao Cooperations, the Chairman of XJQ Media, the CEO of XIN Entertainment, the Major General of the Marines, and the best lawyer in China is a force to be reckoned with.

Now that I think of it, I think I saw her at Kong Xueer and Liu Yuxin's wedding. How come we never talked?

Before she could spiral down to the end of that thought, her phone rang, startling her.

Zhao Xiaotang is calling.

"Hello?" Yu Shuxin picked up the call.

"Hey," came the oh-so-attractive voice from the other end. "I'm right outside the gates."

"Ah, okay. I'll come out."

Smoothing out the creases in her dress, Shuxin took one last look of herself in the mirror. Slipping her phone in her purse, the actress turned the lights off and headed outside. When she saw the butler watering the garden, Shuxin instructed him to not open the door for anyone. She then exited the front gate.

Be confident, Shuxin! You know you're gorgeous!

Be confident, Shuxin! You know you're gorgeous!

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(This is what Yu Shuxin is wearing.)

Right before her eyes was Zhao Xiaotang, leaning back against her Qiantu K50 and tapping away at her phone. She was dressed quite casually, snug in a black zip-up coat. She donned a little black beanie on top of her head. Her face looked soft, void of makeup.

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