Chapter 17

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"I already told you! We are nothing but colleagues!" Shuxin screamed.

"Do colleagues get too close while sitting like that?! Tell me, Yu Shuxin," Xiaotang accusingly pointed at the newspaper article.

Shuxin and Xiaotang had been fighting all evening since they came back to the CEO's house. It all began when Xiaotang saw a picture of Shuxin and her male co-star being too close in the greenroom of a movie premiere in the newspaper. It was obvious that the paparazzi had tried very hard to capture this blurry image for the paper since the greenroom was off-limits to reporters. As soon as she saw the picture, the CEO saw red.

 As soon as she saw the picture, the CEO saw red

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(Xiaotang when she saw the picture in the paper...)

"Zhao Xiaotang! I cannot believe you!!" Shuxin huffed, frustrated. "Why are you so unreasonably jealous like that?!"

"Oh, so now I'm being unreasonable??" Xiaotang scoffed. "Being jealous because your girlfriend is too close with another man is being unreasonable?"

"I'm an actress, Xiaotang. It's only for fanservice!"

"Fanservice what? You guys are clearly sitting so closely in an area where no fans or paparazzi are allowed inside! Do you expect me to believe that?"

"Zhao Xiaotang, I swear to God!!" Shuxin angrily shoved her. "You're being unreasonable. We are nothing but friends!!"

"Yeah, right!" Xiaotang slammed the newspaper on the coffee table with a loud bang. "Fucking just friends!"

"Stop being so childish, Xiaotang! I cannot deal with you when you're like this! I need space. Come talk to me when you're mature enough!"

The CEO stopped dead in her tracks. She shot a cold glare towards her girlfriend.

"When I'm mature enough? Okay, Yu Shuxin. You got so jealous that you didn't talk to me for two days when I posed beside Liu Lingzi at a fashion show for the paps. For the fucking paps!!! And you say that I'm being unreasonable because I expressed my disapproval of my girlfriend sitting beside a male co-star in the greenroom where no paps are allowed?! Geez."

With that, Xiaotang lifted her hand to reach over to the basker behind Shuxin where she kept her car keys. Shuxin flinched when Xiaotang lifted her hand, bracing for an impact. Xiaotang, of course, noticed this.

"So now you think I'd hit you?" Xiaotang scoffed as she dangled the keys from one hand. "It's super clear that you don't even trust me when I gave you my whole damn world."

"No, I don't-"

The CEO trudged out of the living room. Shuxin followed her girlfriend's figure with her eyes.

"Xiaotang! Where are you going?"

"You said you needed space. I am giving you space."

Xiaotang closed the apartment door with a slam. Shuxin jumped at the sound. She glanced at the picture on the newspaper and sighed. Xiaotang was right. She had called Xiaotang's jealousy "unreasonable" and "immature" when it fact it was her who was unreasonable and immature. She was being too close with the actor and disregarded her girlfriend's feelings while she got mad at her for posing with a model at a respectful distance for the paparazzi.

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