Chapter 25

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Everything fell back into place after Xiaotang and Shuxin came back from their little vacation. Every day, Xiaotang would go to work and Shuxin would go to wherever she was needed to film movies, commercials, and interviews. In the evenings, the couple would either go back to Xiaotang's place or Shuxin's place and spend the night there.

Xiaotang wouldn't change anything. Not one bit.

But one morning, she woke up feeling extra light. The CEO didn't feel the ache of last night's lovemaking in her muscles. She didn't need her usual cup of coffee to kick start her day.

"No coffee?" Shuxin was surprised. "Are you really my Xiaotang?"

"Yes, I'm pretty sure I'm still the same me," Xiaotang kissed her girlfriend on the cheek. "Besides, you're the only coffee I need."

"We both know that it isn't true, Zhao Xiaotang," Shuxin playfully smacked her girlfriend's arms. "Now go before you're late."

"Since when did you start worrying about me being late to work?" Xiaotang said as she walked out. "I'm the boss, baobei. I definitely won't get fired."


Everyone at Zhao Cooperations turned heads when Xiaotang walked in the door.

"Oh my god!"

"Did you see that?"

"Is she... smiling?"

That's right. The one and only Zhao Xiaotang, the CEO of Zhao Cooperations and Madame No-bullshit, was smiling. Xiaotang actually don't know what got into her as well, but she decided that she should smile, just for today. When she walked into her office, Duan Xiaowei looked at her with eyes so wide that Xiaotang was worried they would fall out.

"CEO Zhao! Y-y-you..." Xiaowei stuttered.

"Yes, m-m-me," Xiaotang joked.

Xiaowei paled. She slowly backed away from Xiaotang, hand reaching into her back pocket. She then produced a little spray bottle and sprayed clear liquid all over Xiaotang's face.

"Begone, evil monster! Give me my boss back!!"

Xiaotang sputtered.

"What the fuck is this liquid?" she boomed, narrowing her eyes.

"CEO Zhao!!! You're back! There was an evil monster possessing you and making you smile, so I sprayed holy water all over you and it went away!"

"CEO Zhao!!! You're back! There was an evil monster possessing you and making you smile, so I sprayed holy water all over you and it went away!"

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(My child, are you okay?)

Xiaotang just trudged to her seat, muttering underneath her breath.

"When I don't smile, I'm a demon. When I do smile, I'm still a demon," she huffed.

Just when she was about to get to work, her phone vibrated.

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