Chapter 6

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Yu Shuxin had been doing some deep thinking lately.

Zhao Xiaotang wowed her socks off with that zoo-aquarium date. Okay, it's a lie. Shuxin wasn't wearing any socks that day. But still, it doesn't change the fact that she had the best day ever, watching the pandas and clapping at the dolphin show. Xiaotang even bought her ice cream! None of the people she had dated before bought her ice cream on the first date. This made Shuxin more determined to make this date wonderful for Xiaotang.

Where am I supposed to take her??

Running out of ideas, Yu Shuxin decided to call Kong Xueer. Surely, Xueer would be able to give her some advice. She was married to Liu Yuxin after all, and Liu Yuxin was a well-known romantic sap.

Kong Xueer picked up after three rings.

"Hey, Shuxin!" she greeted.

"Hey, Xueer. I need your help."

"Sure, what's up?"

"I don't know where to take Xiaotang to for our second date. I've been wrecking my mind all morning and I still haven't thought of anything!"

"Okay, chill. Now, how many times have you guys gone out on a date again?"

"This is the second time."

"Oh! It's the second date..." Kong Xueer's voice trailed off. "Well, Yuxin took me to the movies for our second date. We watched a rom-com with barely anyone else in the cinema. It was very romantic and intimate."

"Romantic and intimate?" Yu Shuxin's head gears turned. "I'm thinking cafés but I don't wanna take her to one, though. Café dates are overrated."

"Tell you what? According to Yuxin, Xiaotang likes books. You can take her book shopping in Wangfujing or something."

Yu Shuxin broke into a big grin. "Oh my god, Kong Xueer! You are so smart! Thank so much!!"

"Anytime, baobei. Anytime."


"Where are we going?" Zhao Xiaotang asked Yu Shuxin.

The couple was currently squished inside a crowded subway train. Yu Shuxin had put on masks and shades to conceal her identity. Coincidentally, her cosmetic ad was also playing on the train.

"You'll see," Shuxin smiled.

"Are you using my words against me, Ms. Yu Shuxin?" Xiaotang joked.

"Am I?"

The two giggled quietly as the next stop was announced.

"Next stop, Wangfujing Station."

Zhao Xiaotang's eyes widened as everything finally clicked.

"No, you didn't!" Xiaotang whisper-yelled.

"Yes, I did," Yu Shuxin smiled sheepishly. "You like?"

"I do! Very much!"

The couple happily got off the train, hand in hand. They climbed out of Exit B and walked out onto the platform. Zhao Xiaotang was like a little kid, flouncing and skipping all the way. Yu Shuxin smiled at her antics.

"I didn't know bringing you here would make you that happy," she mused.

Zhao Xiaotang only giggled. Yu Shuxin couldn't help but melt at the sound. The CEO's eyes sparkled with joy when their actual destination came into view: the Wangfujing Bookstore.

 The CEO's eyes sparkled with joy when their actual destination came into view: the Wangfujing Bookstore

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