Chapter 21

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Shout-out to goddessbitchh for promoting my story on FB and Twitter!!! Love you lots!!! 😘😘

Also we're actually approaching the end of this book. We have only a few chapters left to go. I might also post some bonus chapters, but we're going to have a sequel (if I don't become lazy).

So without further ado, here is Chapter 22.


Chengxuan has been making a lot of progress.

Diamond and Yu Yan had been taking her to the therapist almost every single day. The therapist helped Chengxuan with her nightmares and speech. Chengxuan also actively cooperated with her therapist.

Two weeks after their first session, progress became evident. Chengxuan no longer got nightmares as frequently as she used to. Two months into the therapy and Chengxuan was starting to speak in short, choppy sentences. The therapist even suggested Yu Yan and Diamond to try putting the girl in school with all the kids her age.

Of course Yu Yan and Diamond were happy about their daughter's progress. If they could, Yu Yan and Diamond would spend every minute possible with their daughter and watch her grow. But the amount of effort that they had to put into work and raising a child left them no time to themselves.

Yu Yan's been noticing that Diamond's eyebags made frequent appearances lately. The lawyer had been working on a large criminal case. She had to labor long hours at work and work late in the night at home as well. On top of that, she still manages to make time for her daughter's therapy sessions. Yu Yan decided that she had to do something for her wife in return.

A day or two later, Yu Yan presented Diamond with two plane tickets to the beach and the trip itinerary.

"I thought I needed to do something for you," Yu Yan shyly admitted when Diamond asked her what those were for. "You've been stressed lately because of work and you also managed to be a terrific mom on top of all of that, so I figured that you needed this getaway."

"Wow!" Diamond exclaimed as she skimmed through the itinerary. "We're staying at a resort??"

"Yeah," Yu Yan scratched the back of her neck. "I figured we needed some alone time too, you know. We haven't done it much at all lately."

Diamond pulled her wife into a hug. Yu Yan melted into the touch like a block of butter. She was strong and tough in front of others, but basically putty in Diamond's hands.

"If you wanted to do it, why didn't you say so?" Diamond husked into Yu Yan's ear.

"You've been really busy with that case and also, I didn't want Chengxuan to walk in on us-" Yu Yan's voice became one octave higher toward the end as Diamond began nibbling her ear.

"We can do it now if you want to," Diamond seductively pushed Yu Yan onto the edge of her desk.

Yu Yan hummed as Diamond began trailing kisses down her neck. She eyed the clock on the wall. They only have eight minutes until Chengxuan comes in for her scheduled story time. On the other hand, Diamond took her sweet, sweet time unbuttoning Yu Yan's blouse.

"Daimeng! Hurry!" Yu Yan whined. "Chengxuan's going to be back in any minute now-"


As soon as she heard her daughter's voice, Yu Yan pushed her wife away so hard that poor Diamond landed on her butt with a loud thud.

"Fuck!" Diamond cussed underneath her breath as she rubbed her sore bum.

"Ma said a bad word!" Chengxuan gasped and then she looked at Yu Yan's unbuttoned blouse. "Mama? Is it hot in here?"

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