Chapter 18

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Y'all before I begin this, I have something to say.

First of all, I want to thank Florelyn Calunsag Ruben (did I spell it right?) from The9 International FB group for promoting my fanfiction. I really appreciate it. Thank you so much. 💕💕

Second of all, I would like to thank all my readers. I actually posted this fiction without really hoping for so many readers. But you guys kept on reading it, and motivating me to write more and more.

Without further ado, here is Chapter 18!


Yu Yan and Diamond visited the orphanage everyday for four months. Everyday, Yu Yan and Diamond would try to bond with Chengxuan. They would take her on walks and trips to amusement parks. They even accompanied her to her therapist. But today, things were different.

"Are you excited?" Diamond asked her wife who couldn't stop bouncing in her seat.

"That's a stupid question to ask," Yu Yan said as she leaned forward. "Are we there yet?"

"Easy, lion. We are only two blocks away."

Yu Yan kept bouncing in her seat. Diamond chuckled at her wife's antics.

"If I didn't know who you were, I wouldn't believe that you are actually the Major General of the Marines."

"But you know me better than anyone else so you don't think that way."

Yu Yan couldn't contain her excitement when the orphanage came into view.

"Do you remember the plan?" Yu Yan asked Diamond.

"I don't know baby. Maybe I forgot," Diamond joked, earning a playful smack from her wife.

"I hope Chengxuan likes this, though."

"She will, don't worry."

Diamond and Yu Yan got out of the car. Mrs. Li rushed over and greeted them.

"I am so happy to see you guys," Mrs. Li hugged the two."I have great news!"

"Really?" Yu Yan said as she pulled away from the hug. "What happened?"

"I heard Chengxuan singing!"

Diamond and Yu Yan looked at each other and at Mrs. Li with wide eyes.

"No way!"

"Yes way! I was about to tuck the babies in when I saw Chengxuan carrying one and singing to him. She has such a sweet voice!! It matches her very well!! I guess the therapy is working!"

The women stood outside the front door of the building and fangirled over the fact that Chengxuan was starting to become verbal.

"Did you tell her we're here?" Diamond asked. "And did you do it according to the plan?"

"I did. I told her to draw while waiting in my office."

"Good. Good."

Diamond and Yu Yan followed Mrs. Li inside. Many kids were running around and playing. Some were reading in a corner. Some were in the kitchen helping out the cooks.

"Here," Mrs. Li opened the door to her office. "Chengxuan! Yu Yan and Diamond are here!"

Chengxuan looked up from drawing with those big innocent eyes. When she saw Yu Yan and Diamond, she smiled brightly like the sun and waved.

"Hey, Chengxuan!" Diamond walked over and sat beside her. "What are you drawing?"

Chengxuan held up the drawing for Diamond to see.

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