Chapter 8

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"And cut!"

As soon as she heard those words, Yu Shuxin pulled away from the male lead. She did it so quickly, too. To others, it almost looked like she jumped out of his arms in fear.

"That's a wrap, folks!" the director cheerfully announced as he got up from his seat. "Great job, everyone!"

The actors and the crew members of the movie set cheered. It's been quite a long day. They've been at the set since five in the morning to film the final scenes of the drama. Finally at seven p.m., it was over. All scenes have been filmed and are ready for editing. In a few months time, the drama would be aired on national TV.

"Great job, everyone!"

"Goodbye, guys!"

After bidding her co-stars goodbye, Yu Shuxin found herself back in the van with her team. She was tired and hungry after a long day. Also, she was missing the embrace of a certain someone really badly.

"You were so awesome today!" her manager said. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were dating him in real life as well to have that much chemistry!"

Yu Shuxin smiled tightly at the comment.

"Jiejie, you know it's nothing like that," Shuxin protested.

"Yeah, I know. You're really into the CEO, aren't you? You're quite lucky your dating ban has been lifted."

"I think I'm quite lucky, too."

Shuxin took out her phone and began checking her Weibo. Barely seconds after she checked all her social media accounts, a notification popped up.

Xiaotang Baobei has sent you a message.

Yu Shuxin squealed in happiness. She hurriedly exited Weibo to see what the text was all about.

Xiaotang Baobei 🍬
Do u wanna go grab some dinner together?

Yu Egg 🐣

Xiaotang Baobei 🍬
Koufuju hotpot
Want me to pick u up?

Yu Egg 🐣
It's okay
I'm actually still on my way back home.
I'll tell the driver to drop me off at the place

Xiaotang Baobei 🍬
My poor Yu egg
Long day?

Yu Egg 🐣

Xiaotang Baobei 🍬
My poor baobei

Yu Egg 🐣

Xiaotang Baobei 🍬
Don't worry
I know hot pot can relieve your stress

Yu Shuxin giggled and put her phone down. Her manager shot her a look.

"It's that CEO, isn't it?"

Shuxin only smiled and then leaned closer to the driver's seat.

"Can you drive me to Koufuju Hotpot instead of dropping me off at home?"


Xiaotang was already waiting for her when Yu Shuxin arrived to the restaurant. The CEO was flipping through the menu, deciding which side dishes to order.

"I'm sorry I'm late," Shuxin sat down with a huff. "The traffic was terrible out there."

"It's okay," Xiaotang said as she handed the girl a menu. "I was floating in a sea of cars too before I got here."

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