Chapter 5

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A/N: I apologize in advance to people who have been to the Beijing Zoo and the Aquarium. I haven't. I watched hour-long vlogs on the places and wrote about it. If there are inaccuracies (there probably will be) please let me know.


"Oh my god! Zhao Xiaotang, you're the best!"

As soon as those words tumbled out of Yu Shuxin's mouth, Zhao Xiaotang knew that she had scored a point in the other girl's heart. Yu Shuxin was very happy. Ecstatic. It's been ages since she's been to the zoo or the aquarium.

That's right. Zhao Xiaotang brought her to the Beijing Zoo. What's even better is that there is an aquarium in the zoo. Yu Shuxin's inner kid couldn't be any happier.

 Yu Shuxin's inner kid couldn't be any happier

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(Beijing Zoo)

(Beijing Aquarium)

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(Beijing Aquarium)

"You know, my grandpa used to bring me to the zoo all the time," Shuxin excited tapped on Xiaotang's arm as they waited in line to get the tickets. "It's been... Oh, I don't even remember how long it's been since I've been to the zoo!"

Zhao Xiaotang smirked to herself, basking in victory as Yu Shuxin leaned into her arm and chatted away. She's got a sweet, sweet girl on her arm and they'll be walking through the zoo and the aquarium on a romantic date. Yu Shuxin was not one of those girls who's fame got to their head. She was a perfect angel, totally Xiaotang's ideal type. Yu Yan was obviously wrong about Yu Shuxin.


"I'm bringing her to the zoo."

Yu Yan's slience from the other line started to eat Zhao Xiaotang up slowly on the inside.

"Why bring her to the zoo?" Yu Yan couldn't help but ask.

"Yeah, why go to the zoo when you can bring her to us?" she heard Diamond butt in from the other line. "We're about as good as a zoo here."

"Oh, shush," Yu Yan scolded her wife. "Go on, Xiaotang. Where were we before my idiot wife rudely interrupted us?"

"Hey, I didn't go to law school just for you to call me stupid!"

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