Con Job

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Aqua-star's POV

"I won't ask again, where is the Autobot base?" Starscream demands.

"I thought you said you wouldn't ask again" I say smartly smiling innocently and he backhands me.

"Talk femme bot or I'll ripe out your spark" he growls.

"Like you'd have the strength to do that.  Megatron would, but you are weak compared to him" I state. "I can't believe he made you his second in command" I add.

"I am not weak, I am Lord Starscream leader of the Decepticons" he declares.

"Yet you can't even interrogate correctly, Megatron would of gotten me to talk a little by now. Though I still wouldn't give up my base location to him. So do your worst Starscream,  I dare you" I tell him.

Just then Soundwave enters the cell. "Soundwave, this had better be important" Starscream tells him. Soundwave then plays a recording of an autobot transmission.

"Wheeljack?! What are you doing all the way out here?" I hear Bulkhead say. An image of Wheel-jack appears on Soundwave's face screen.

"Bulkhead, that you?" Wheel-jack asks. "What's with all the security?" he asks.

"The rock we're on is crawling with cons" Bulkhead tells him.

"A war hero, hmm? We haven't much time. Makeshift!" Starscream calls. A black decepticon enters the room and Soundwave touches it with his tentacle. Makeshift changes form and becomes Wheel-jack.

"See you soon, buddy. I'll make sure you get a proper welcome" Bulkhead tells Wheel-jack after he said he'd arrive sometime tomorrow.

"I, too, know how to prepare a proper welcome" Starscream says smirking. "Soon you shell have company my dear" he tells me.

"From what Bulkhead has told me about Wheel-jack, there's no way you can capture him" I say confidently.

"We shall see about that, send the vechicons to the landing zone. Make sure they bring him in before the autobots arrive and put Makeshift in his place" he tells Soundwave. Who nods  his head as they leave with Makeshift, Starscream telling him his mission.

"Well this isn't good" I grumble. But Wheel-jack does have more experience escaping enemy ships. He could get me out of here, but that's if they catch him and put him in this cell with me. Both big ifs, only an idoit would place two prisoners in the same cell. But this is Starscream we're talking about.

(Next day)

They managed to catch Wheel-jack and put him in my cell. Hanging him next to me. "So you're the Wheel-jack Bulkhead won't shut up about? I'm Aqua-star,  but most bots call me Star. I've been here a few days, think you can get us both out?" I ask him.

"Shouldn't be a problem, how were you captured?" Wheel-jack asks me.

"I was dumb enough to take on Soundwave alone, I'm new to the feild" I tell him and he chuckles.

"You should stick to vechicons until you have more experience in the field kiddo" he tells me.

"I'll remember for the future reference" I tell him. Just then we hear two sets of footsteps heading our way. We also hear Starscream talking.

"Our inside man is already inside" he states as he enters the cell with Soundwave.

"Tell Megatron he's fragged in the head if he thinks Bulkhead won't sniff out an imposter" Wheel-jack tells him.

"Haven't you heard? I lead the Decepticons now" Starscream says looking at me.

"We were introducing ourselves, first time we've meet" I sau shrugging as Wheel-jack laughs.

"You?!" Wheel-jack asks amused as I smirk.

"I know right, a vechicon would be a better leader" I say with a giggle. Starscream backhands me.

"Hold your tongue femme bot" he tells me. I spit at him, getting him in the face and he goes to blast me. But Soundwave  stops him. "Yes, theu may yet be of use" he agrees reluctantly.

"Makeshift is very good at keeping up appearances. He need only fool your friends long enough to open their ground bridge from within so that I may finally learn the location of the autobot base and send in my strike team to stain its floor with the spilled energon of Optimus prime" he tells us. He and Soundwave leave.

"So what's the plan?" I ask Wheel-jack.

"I'll get us out of these restraints, you lead the way to the exit. Scrap as many cons as we can along the way" he states.

"Good plan" I say nodding my head. We went quietly trying to conserve energy. Soon a vechicon enters the room and tries to beat some information out of Wheel-jack ro avail.

The vechicon goes to leave and Wheel-jack wraps his legs around it's neck. It tries to shot its way free and shots the control panel. Wheel-jack snaps it's neck as we're released. We both land in a crouched position.

"Nice work, this way" I tell him as we exit the cell heading left. We come across no one, no doubt they are preparing to attack the base. We make it outside discover we're in the air. "What now?" I ask Wheel-jack.

"We are not moving, they are waiting for a ground bridge most likely. We hold them off until one appears and gp through" he tells me. He then starts to climb the side of the ship to the landing platform and I follow him.

We reach it to see Starscream, Soundwave and a squad of vechicons. "Maybe they gave your boy such a hero's welcome, he got the warm and fuzzies and decided to switch sides" Wheel-jack states. We both draw our weapons.

"Do you not see that you are vastly outnumbered?" Starscream asks us.

"I see fellas who might vastly enjoy watching me pound some dents into you" Wheel-jack tells him. "What about  you Star?" he asks me.

"I see an opportunity to wipe out many cons" I tell him and he smirks.

"Destroy them!" Starscream orders. The vechicons attack, while Starscream and Soundwave hang back. Wheel-jack and I attack them head on slicing & dicing them up.

"You have good form kiddo" Wheel-jack tells me.

"Thanks, but this is draining my energy reserves" I tell him. Just then a ground bridge opens. "Lets go" I tell him and jump through. I duck and Wheel-jack rams into Makeshift's back making him drop Miko. But Bulkhead catches her and Ratchet closes the ground bridge.

"Sit this oine out Star, I got this " he tells me. I shrug sheathing my swords and go stand by Arcee as he starts to fight Makeshift. Both using two swords.

Wheel-jack disarms Makeshift and pushes him to the ground. "Hit the switch Ratchet, time to take out the trash" I tell him.

"Agreed, all yours buddy" Wheel-jack tells Bulkhead. Who steps forward and picks up Makeshift. Then lobs him through the open ground bridge and Ratchet closes it behind him.

We all then party after Ratchet gives Wheel-jack and I a once over. He gave me an energon cube and I chill with Arcee. After giving Optimus my report. "No more solo missions, until you have more experience in the feild" she tells me.

"Sure thing sis" I tell her. Wheel-jack stays until his ship is repaired. Even taught me a few new moves. Miko got a photo of Bulkhead, Wheel-jack and I before he left.


Picture above of Wheel-jack.

Aqua-star: Transformers PrimeWhere stories live. Discover now