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Aqua-star's POV

I was training with Arcee while the kids watched when we get an emergency call from Agent Fowler. Apparently Decepticons shoot him out of the sky again. "They tried a smash-and-grab for the DNGS" he tells us. "Dynamic nuclear generation system, AKA, DNGS.It's a prototype energy source I'm porting to the coast for testing" he explains.

"That's absurb" Ratchet states.

"What he means is, why would Star-scream want primitive technology? NO offense" I clarfiy.

"I'm guessing to make a big fat primitive weapon of mass destruction.If this baby were to melt down, it would irradiate this state and the four next door" Fowler explains.

"Uh Did agent Fowler say what state he was currently in?" Miko asks worried.

"I'm a sitting duck here, prime.I need you to spin up your bridge and send the DNGS to its destination before the 'cons come back for it" Fowler tells him.

"I'm afraid that sending such a volatile device through a ground bridge is out of the question" Optimus tells him.

"If there were to be an accident during its transmission, the radiation of which you speak could propagate through the ground bridge vortex and harm all 50 states. And beyond" I explain.

"You got any better ideas?" Fowler asks us. So it was decided we autobots would escort the DNGS to a train in vehicle mode. Bee and Bulkhead would ride outside with Optimus. While Arcee and I were in the trailer with the DNGS. Ratchet was left to watch the kids at base.

"So we're back up?" I ask Arcee as I lean against the wall.

"Yes, if needed we'll take action in vehicle mode" she tells me. "Stay close to me and follow the plan" she adds. I nod my head as I feel us roll out.

"We are locked on to your coordinates, Optimus.Barring any complications, you should reach the drop-off point by sundown" Ratchet says over the coms.

"Move it, Gramps!" I hear Fowler shout as he toots Optimus' horn. I roll my optics as I check my blasters. Soon I hear a copter and look at Arcee, here we go. "Well I'll be dipped!" Fowler exclaims.

"Our assailants are not Decepticons -- They are human" Optimus announces. "Autobots, maintain your cover and apply minimal force.Disarmament only" he orders. Arcee and I turn into motorcycles activating our holo-riders.

Soon the door is opened. We zoom out and hit the two cars behind the trailer. Making them lose control and crush. We turn around and speed after Optimus. Bulkhead close behind us. "Optimus, prepare to initiate phase 2. Five miles ahead, to the South, you will reach the rendezvous point" Ratchet tells us over the com as we drive along the train track on the dirt road. A tunnel comes into view.

"There's our destination point.Autobots, keep a tight formation" Optimus tells us. Arcee and I hop back into the trailer as Bulkhead closes the tunnel behind us. The walls come down as the door to the cart opens beside us. Arcee and I pass the DNGS to Bulkhead. Who passes it to Bee, who puts it into the cart.

The door shuts and we return to our vehicle modes as the walls go back up. We exit the tunnel and the copter follows us. Leaving the train be, so far the plan is working. Until the cons show up and fire on us. Blowing up the trailer.

We had to break cover to fight the decepticons. I notice the copter leave. I would of followed had it not been the two cons attacking. There are six vechicons. One for Bee and one for Arcee. Two each for Bulkhead and I. While Optimus was knocked out.

We manage to defeat them though with minor damage. "Where's Optimus?" I ask confused not seeing him.

"He had a train to catch" Fowler tells us.

"Optimus, orders?" Arcee asks over the com.

"The DNGS is secure, but it will need a new form of transport" he tells us. "Redevour at my coordinates" he adds. We do so to see him with Jack and Miko. Fowler gets a report from his soldiers as an armed truck appears.

"I think we'll be fine from here Optimus" Fowler tells him.

"Very well, Autobots lets return to base" Optimus tells us. "Ratchet we need a ground bridge" he adds. One appears and we go through it. Ratchet checks each of us and gives us a clean bill of health. I then call it an early night.

Aqua-star: Transformers PrimeWhere stories live. Discover now