E i g h t

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Before misha could open her mouth to speak, J went into her room and locked her door putting in her AirPods to drown out any noise. She did that for the rest of the night until she fell asleep at 6 and woke back up at 7. She got ready for school and left earlier than usual, she didn't feel like putting up with misha or her aunt these days. She wasn't feeling well now a days either. It seemed like she was getting less and less sleep and the bags under her eyes were becoming more visible as the days went by.

The day went by kind of slow, J just wanted it to end. Lunch finally rolled around and the gang sat with them again today, they all laughed and teased each other while everyone else in the cafeteria just stared but none of them noticed, they were too wrapped up in their own worlds laughing. Wonwoo looked a little annoyed today. He was sitting across J and she noticed every time she laughed he looked like it was the worst sound he'd ever heard. It made her want to beat the shit out of him.

J noticed minghao staring at her bracelet which caught nabz attention since she was always looking at minghao.

"Where'd you get that bracelet J? I don't think I've ever seen you take it off." Nabz questioned.

J laughed looking down at her bracelet. "I never take it off. It was a gift."

"From who?" Jeonghan and Joshua asked at the same time.

"Why are you so curious? J eyed them both.

They shrugged and looked away. The real curious one was minghao. Why did she never take it off? He wondered.

The next day, Jeonghan had a plan. As soon as he saw J come in to first period he walked up to her making sure she had the bracelet on. He felt like playing a game now. Messing with her a little. As he eyed the bracelet he waited for J to turn to chan before he made his move. He grabbed J's arm and unclasped the bracelet. J felt her heart drop when the bracelet left her wrist. She quickly stood up to see jeonghan smirking and waving it in front of her. She reached for it but had no luck.

"Jeonghan give it back, seriously." J said with a serious look on her face.

Jeonghan continued to wave it around before saying. "First tell me who gave it to you."

"Why does that matter so much?" "It's special to me okay." "And it's not funny so just give it back." They both now had the attention of the whole class.

"If it's so special then let me wear it for today and I'll see just how special it really is." "I'll give it back by the end of the day, really." Jeonghan let out innocently.

"NO." J half yelled. "I'll tell you who gave it to me just give it back."

"Actually, I think I'll just wear it, maybe it is special." Jeonghan kept up his smirk when talking.

"Just give it back to her Hyung." Wonwoo called out from behind him. "It's tacky and looks cheap anyway."

J let out a laugh because she knew the real price and it was nothing close to cheap. Before she could try and reach for her bracelet again their teacher came in and J sat down. She couldn't focus on anything. She just wanted her bracelet back so she texted Jeonghan in class.

                                          Fatty: Jeonghan give it back. Right now.

Giraffe🦒: texting in class now are we?

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