Chapter Three: Bad Moon Rising

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   I glanced over to the clock, my eyes half open. It was only nine thirty. With a sigh, I decided to get ready for the day. I wanted to stay in bed all day and relax. Sadly, my plan couldn't wait like I wanted it to. Today, Bonnie was going to make me a daylight ring, and it was important that I received it, to put my future plans in motion.

I sat in the living room, curtains closed, trying to figure out a way to go home. I was in Caroline's body, and I was a newly turned vampire. With both of these things I wasn't sure I could still do magic. I wasn't in my body, and so far all of my attempts were in vain.

I looked towards the sofa once again. Putting my hand out, I focused on lifting it up off the ground. Still nothing. Maybe if I did something smaller? I turned to the lamp on the table. I tried clearing my mind, getting angry, nothing worked. I was powerless.

That was something I didn't want to come to terms with. I had thousands of ideas as to what it could be. Maybe I couldn't do telekinesis. What if I tried one of my other powers? Maybe then it would work, and I would find the perfect spell to get myself out of this fictional world and back to the one I belong in.

Note the sarcasm.

My magic was gone, and I still had unanswered questions besides 'where had my magic gone.' Where was my body? Laying on the floor in my bedroom back home? What happened when I switched bodies? Where was the real Caroline? Just going through all the questions made my head hurt.

There was a knock on my front door, and I was brought out of my horror show that I call a thought process. Listening, I heard Bonnie speak. "You know how I feel about her, Stefan." I took a deep breath, walking into the hallway only to stop as the light from the glass on the front door shined inside. I sighed in frustration. Being in-superior to the sun was becoming irritating.

"Come in." I spoke loud enough for Bonnie to hear me. Her heart was practically beating out of her chest. Stefan opened the door, walking in first. Bonnie hesitantly came in behind him. She was using Stefan as a shield, but was trying to act tough, and unafraid. I chuckled, looking down.

"I'm not going to eat you, Bonnie." I joked. She kept a stern expression, obviously not in a joking mood. I turned around walking into my bedroom, both of them following behind me. Stefan stood in the doorway, while Bonnie stood at the end of my bed.

She took out a ring, placing it on the soft blanket that was folded at the end of my bed. I walked over to my nightstand glancing at the clock. I should have enough time to get some things done.

"Now is the part where I explain the rules." Bonnie explained with a cocky grin. I glanced up to her with an eyebrow raised. She wanted to prove that she had some type of hold over me just because I was having her make me a daylight ring? This won't due.

"Before you become bitchy, let me spell something out for you." I began, coping her confidence. I could see Stefan visibly tense out of the corner of my eye. He probably thought Bonnie wasn't going to give me a daylight ring by the end of my speech. He may be right, but I could easily find a witch to make me some daylight jewelry.

"If you want to be mad at me for killing someone, fine. I except that because I'm the person that has to live with it." She opened her mouth to speak, but I continued. "But don't think for a second, you can treat me like shit because I'm a vampire. I didn't ask for this, I was left in the dark about Katherine, and the supernatural."

She crossed her arms, offended. Stefan sighed, turning away from the both of us. "You're not yourself, Caroline. What happened to the person I grew up with? Because she would have never killed someone." I stood up off of the bed taking a step closer. Stefan sped between us, trying to defuse the situation.

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