Chapter II- Meeting The Others

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There was a light knock on my door, so I paused my music, pulled my headphones down to around my neck, checked I looked okay and answered the door. I didn't open it very wide, as my room was a tip, and I didn't want my first impression on this person to be 'messy, dirty pig'.

When I opened the door, I saw a man, just a little taller than me, wearing a blue shirt bearing a small white heart with glasses with a cardigan tied around his shoulders.

The person on the other side of my door looked extremely happy and excited. He was just staring at me, so I took a step forwards, out of my room and closed the door behind me. The other had also stepped away from my door, to give me some space.

'Hello?' I asked.

'Hi!  My name is Patton Heart, but if you want, you can call me dad.' They responded.

So this was Patton, I thought to myself.

'Did you need anything?' I asked him.

'Oh, I just came to say hello, welcome and that I made pancakes for breakfast if you were hungry.' Patton replied, smiling down on me through the black-framed glasses he wore.

'Uh, I'm not really that hungry right now... thank you for offering though.' I told him.

'That's okay, just let me know if you need anything.' He said, kindly.

'Will do,' I assured him.

'I'm going to go downstairs to the kitchen, and eat with the others, are you sure you don't want to come?' he offered once again.

I nodded silently.

'Alright, then....' Patton skipped away down the corridor, waving at me as he went.

I turned back into my room and practically threw myself at my bed, ensuring the door was closed behind me. I wonder if he's telling them anything about me, I wondered. I closed my eyes, and turned myself invisible. This was something I'd been able to do for a while. I got up, walked over to the middle of my room and stood with my eyes closed. When I'd opened them again, I was in the kitchen with the others, or at least who I thought was the others. I glanced down, making sure that I was still invisible, which I was, before turning to the door, through which Patton had just entered the room.

'So, how were they?' asked a figure, stood next to the fridge, dressed in a black shirt bearing a small white brain with glasses, and a blue tie. He was also wearing the same glasses as Patton. I'll call him Specs, for now, I thought.

'Oh, he was nice,' Patton said whilst making his way to the table, where another man was sat down.

'Will he be joining us?' questioned the man at the table. This guy was dressed rather extravagantly as a Prince. He can be Princey, I told myself.

'No, he said he wasn't hungry,' Patton told them.


I was back in my room , and fully visible. I decided I couldn't stay in the safety of my room forever, so I reluctantly left my dormitory. I hadn't left my room since I'd spoken to Patton earlier. So, naturally, I didn't know where to go. Just as I'd began making my way towards the stairs, a sky blue door opened- it was Patton.

'Hey Kiddo,' he began, 'How are you doing?'

'I'm okay, Patton, thanks for asking,' I replied, sounding as monotone as possible.

'What are you doing now? I was about to start making some lunch, if you would like to join me. You must be hungry, you didn't eat breakfast.' He said, a slightly worried tone in his voice creeping in towards the end.

'Yeah, I am getting a little hungry...' I responded.

'I'll introduce you to the others as well,' he grabbed my wrist and began running down the stairs, dragging me behind him. I was kind of scared that he'd pick up on how bony and thin i am... after all, I haven't eaten in days. I am actually quite glad to get away from my mother, she'd beat me daily and wouldn't let me eat. I was literally a live-in slave to her.

My dad loved me, at least, but a few years after My brother and I were born(we're twins), they'd got a divorce and my mom got full custody of me, and Dad got my bro.

Patton was my first real friend, I'd never been able to talk to anyone else, in case I let out stories of the abuse she'd given me through the years. She wasn't scared of me telling the other kids, but she was scared of their moms finding out and calling the cops on her. Thanks to her, I have really bad anxiety. I often have panic attacks, and I don't really know how to cope with them. Before I knew it, she was beating me. She would beat the anxiety out of me.... until next time.

She's the reason I barely have any emotions, yet I have trained myself to fight. Now that I've turned 19, I've finally been sent to a camp.*

We'd reached the kitchen when Patton finally let go of my arm. The other two were already here. I don't  know these people, so I started panicking. Before it had the chance to get worse, Specs spoke.

'Salutations, my name is Logan Berry.' He said, showing no signs of any emotion.

Before I had the chance to reply, Princey spoke up.

'And I am Roman Royal.'

I understand the get-up now, I thought.

'Hello, just call me Anxiety,' I told them. They looked confused, but that kind of comforted me.

They looked me up and down, which made me feel incredibly uncomfortable.

'Actually, on second thought I'm not hungry,' I lied, before exiting the room and turning a corner. Making sure they couldn't see me, I teleported back to my room, as I really did not want any of them to catch me on the stairs.

When I got back to my room, I grabbed my phone, unplugged my headphones and dialled a number.

I put the device to my ear and waited for the person on the other end to pick up.

Finally they did.

'Hey, dad,' I said into the phone,'Can I come over?'

* When a Child turned 19, they were separated into camps. You would have to stay at that camp for the summer. You could choose how long you stayed. Some camps only keep you within their grounds for the summer, and let you live there, kind of like an apartment, but for free. And you'd never know who you were getting put with. If you were in one of those camps, it would look like an apartment building on the outside, but on the inside would only be one apartment. There would be four bedrooms, each personalised, with a private bathroom, a library, a common room, a kitchen and almost any other room you'd ever need in a house. These buildings would let you roam free, get a job, live a normal life, but when summer came around, especially for the first few years, the building would lock, and you wouldn't be able to get out.

However, strangely, if another person pays you a visit, they would be able to get out again. Just anyone living there would be stuck. I guess it's sort of a way to bring people closer. 

When one person moves out, and their spot is open, anybody else has the chance to be put there. Once you have moved out, you can NEVER be let back in( to live there, you can still visit friends that live there).

A Prinxiety Story...Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя