Chapter XVII- Patton and Emily

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We got to the coffee shop before Emily, which means we weren't late, as that would be an awful impression to leave. She arrived not long after.

'Virgil, you're here!' She wrapped me in a tight hug which came pretty suddenly, as she had literally thrown herself at me from like, a metre away. 

'Yeah, were here. Emily, this is my friend and roommate that I wanted you to meet. Patton, this is Emily. Wow, I just realised exactly how similar you look. I thought I saw it before, but now.... wow.' I started the conversation.

'Hi, I'm Patton Heart.' He extended his hand in greeting.

'Hi I'm Emily, wait did you say Patton Heart?' She cut off her introduction, taking his hand.

'Yes, why?' Patton seemed skeptical.

'Oh my God! Patton!' She hugged him.

'Uh, is everything okay?' Patton asked.

I was just watching, it was like some tv soap or drama thing..... what next? She's his sister that he hasn't seen since they were like 16?

'I haven't seen you since they put us in separate camps, like 5 years ago.' She said.

Close enough, I thought.

'E-Emily? M- My sister Emily? Emily Heart?' He was still skeptical and disbelieving, but he seemed more excited now.

'Yes!' She yelled happily.

Called it.

'Wait, what was the name of the cat we got when we were 7?' He asked, probably just making sure she was telling the truth.

'Lilo, like from Lilo and Stitch, she said sounding confident.

'Oh my gosh, it is you!' He screamed, crying what I hoped were tears of joy.

I was only joking before when I thought they would be siblings. I can't believe I was right, even though I didn't really mean it.

'I'm going to go and visit the theatre,' I said, not that they noticed, they were catching up, which is expected after 5 years apart.

I walked away. See you at home, Patt.' I called, making my way to the theatre. As there was another coffee shop near the theatre, I stopped off and got Ro his favourite coffee (caramel iced latte with whipped cream on the top- made with almond milk and extra ice) and a triple-chocolate chip muffin. I got myself an americano and a couple of brownies. When I arrived at the theatre, it was just time for Roman to finish, so I waited outside, sat on a wall. I was only waiting for a few minutes before I was pleasantly surprised by a kiss on my head and an arm around my shoulder. It was Princey.

'Hey, Baby,' he said kissing me again.

'Hey, I brought you your favourite coffee and muffin- Caramel iced latte with whipped cream, made with almond milk with extra ice and a triple-chocolate muffin.' I smiled handing him the order.

'Aw, thanks Virge, I love you.' He told me.

'I love you too, my beautiful, perfect Prince.' I rested my head on his shoulder.

Roman's face was growing redder. 'You're so sweet, my adorable emo,' he kissed me again.

Now I could feel myself burning up. Or maybe I was just blushing. 

'So I have news,' I said.

'Go on?' He asked.

'My new friend, Emily, I work with her, turned out to be Patton's sister who he hasn't seen or heard from in 5 years, since they were split up at age 19,' I explained. 'They're at the coffee shop by the craft store. We were meant to be hanging out all together, but in an unpredictable turn of events, they were too busy catching up, and I just felt weird being kind of like a third wheel. That's when I remembered that you're shift ended in a few minutes, so I got coffee and came to meet you.'

'Okay, well, shall we go home?' He offered.

'Yeah, sure,' I started, 'down this alley,'

We grabbed the food, and hid down an alleyway, so we could teleport home.

When we got in, we walked to my room and we cuddled on my bed. We ate our food and talked for a while. 

I sneezed.


"What? I just sneezed Ro- relax" 

'You are so cute,' he lifted my chin, so that my gaze met his, our faces only inches apart, and we kissed.

We were just hanging out for a bit, waiting for the others to come home.

A Prinxiety Story...Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang